365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2617: The mind he can't hide (10)

  Jiang Nan stared at the uneaten food on the plate and looked at Shan Tingye with a confused expression.


  Shan Tingye couldn't get up and down in one breath, glared at him fiercely, and asked, "Do you know how the pig died?"




"same as you."

   "..."! ! !

  Jiang Nan was sluggish for a few seconds, and finally recovered, covering his mouth in disbelief, pointing to Shan Tingye’s serious face, “Brother, you curse!”

   "I'm sure I don't just want to curse, but I also want to hit someone. Would you like to try it again?" Shan Tingye stared at his finger, his voice was very soft, but very scary.

  Jiang Nan suddenly shrank his fingers, and stepped back hurriedly, hiding behind Xiao Meimei, "This place is too dangerous, Jiang Nan will take you away."

  "Don't be afraid of Brother Jiang Nan, Brother Tingye is joking with you, he won't really hit you." Xiao Meimei smiled and put down the ointment, stood up from the ground, smiled and comforted Jiang Nan.

   "He even beats me when he is small, so what is it to hit me?" Jiang Nan answered without thinking.

  The words fell, Xiao Meimei was startled, "You mean youyou?"

  "Yes, yes, but I can’t blame my brother, it’s the little one who is too awkward to beat him up. He keeps looking for someone to compete, and then he cries if he loses..."

Jiang Nan hadn’t finished speaking, and suddenly felt a chill in his back. Before he came over, what happened, saw Xiao Meimei violently tugging at the corner of his clothes, and whispered, "Brother Jiang Nan, don’t say anything. ."

   "..." Jiang Nan's nerves froze, and suddenly he had a bad feeling.

  Just as he was about to turn around, he heard a roar from behind.

   "Jiang Nan, who did you say is crying?" Youyou carried her small whip and walked in angrily from the door, hitting the floor by Jiang Nan's feet with a whip.

   "Which one of your eyes saw me crying, if you don't make it clear today, I will kill you!"

   "Jiang what Nan? I'm your brother, you dare to call my name, it's not polite at all." Jiang Nan roared back, and the next second, he stopped again, and walked out.

   "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do today, so I don't care about you as usual, I'm leaving now..."

  "Want to run?" Youyou's beautiful Zitong squinted and flicked the whip. The tail of the whip was wrapped around Jiang Nan's ankle and pulled him.

  Jiang Nan was pulled by her, the whole person almost rushed forward, finally stood firm, and immediately exploded.

   "Youyou Adolf, I saw you as a young girl and a girl, so I let you, if I really do it with you, I can beat you down in two minutes at most than my brother!"

   Jiang Nan stretched out **** and compared them in front of Youyou.

  One action immediately made Youyou's delicate face become angry, "Let's see who gets down first today!"


  Youyou retracted the whip, and in the blink of an eye, he threw it straight towards Jiang Nan, acting swiftly and without mercy.

  She was really angry when she heard Jiang Nan mention the last time she was defeated by Shan Tingye!

   "Small, are you crazy? You really want to do it with me!" Jiang Nan grabbed her whip with a look of error.

  On his handsome face, the banter disappeared in an instant, the narrow peach eyes were slightly narrowed, the hand holding the whip, his finger bones were white.

  Firmly clasped her whip, not letting her do it again.

   "Let it go!" Youyou tugged a few times, but couldn't pull the whip back, and frowned.

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