"If you have the ability to pull it back by yourself, it runs by itself. I don't have to let go and don't have to lose money." Jiang Nan not only didn't let go, but grabbed it tighter and made a face at Youyou.

   "You..." Youyou blushed with anger, and was stopped by Xiao Meimei just as she was about to step forward.

   "Sister, don't be angry, Jiang Nan's brother is just joking with you, he didn't deliberately provoke you." Xiao Meimei held Xiaoyouyou's hand and winked at Jiang Nan anxiously.

  Jiang Nan shrugged, "This sentence is wrong. I didn't provoke her at all. She was the one who provoke me. The girl is so violent. Be careful not to marry later."

   "Bah! You can't get married!" Youyou drew back her whip and puffed up her cheeks.

   "Of course I can't get married, I will only marry a daughter-in-law." Jiang Nan flicked his finger and glanced at her, "But you are like this, I can't flatter you."

   "You don't put gold on your face, men all over the world are dead, and I won't marry you!" Youyou roared back, rolled up his whip, and sat on the sofa.

   With her cheeks in her hands, she stared at Jiang Nan fiercely.


  Xiao Meimei stood between the two people, watching them stare at each other, completely ignoring her harmonizer, and couldn't help but look at Shan Tingye.

   "I haven't slept all night, if I'm tired, go to my room to sleep for a while." Shan Tingye wanted to get up from the sofa, and as soon as he moved, his calf was paralyzed.

  "Brother Tingye, don’t move, your knees have poor blood circulation. Now you can’t use them well, so don’t move them. I’m not tired, I’m just afraid that they will... fight."

  The last few words, Xiao Meimei is a lip language.

  After finishing speaking, he took a careful look at Jiang Nan and Xiaoyouyou.

   "I'm afraid of what I do, I don't bother to care about him." Youyou pouted, and stared at Jiang Nan as soon as he finished speaking.

   "I don't know anything like a woman." Jiang Nan walked forward casually with his hands in his pockets, and looked at Xiao Meimei tenderly, "If you are tired, I will accompany you back to the room to rest."

   Jiang Nan's words fell, not only Youyou wanted to beat him, but Shan Tingye couldn't help clenching his fists.

  "I’m really not tired, and I’m worried about Tingye’s knees. I’ve been kneeling for so long. If I don’t take care of it well, I will easily suffer from leg problems in the future. My uncle is too severe."

  Xiao Meimei bit her lip, the distress in her eyes is obvious.

  As long as she thinks that Tingye's brother was punished because of her, she feels guilty and speechless.

  "Don’t speak ill of my male god!" Xiao Youyou sat upright on the sofa, looking at Shan Tingye’s knees with a serious face, "Uncle Jie will punish him because he is disobedient."

  Dan Hanjie is her male god, and everything is right.

  In particular, Shan Hanjie was punishing her enemy, which was tantamount to venting her anger, and Youyou almost didn't confess Shan Hanjie.

   "The uncle is a little harsher, but he is really strong, otherwise my dad would not foster me in a private villa since I was young." Jiang Nan couldn't help but speak to Shan Hanjie.

  Can make Shan Hanjie "lessons", but many people can't wait for it, and even recognize it after being beaten.

  Only Shan Tingye did not speak from beginning to end, but quietly looked at Xiao Meimei, who was embracing him, with an imperceptible pampering expression in his eyes.

  It took a long time before he spoke.

   "Come back this time, are you still leaving?"


  Xiao Meimei was startled, her eyes dimmed instantly, she walked to Xiao Youyou, squeezed onto the sofa with her, curled up, hugged her knees, and put her chin on her knees.

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