365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2639: Bai Zheng came back in person (1)

   stepped forward and tore open Jiang Nan's shirt.

  His chest is really red. Fortunately, the soup has been dried. It is not too hot, but it is slightly red.

  Xiao Meimei sighed slightly, “Brother Jiang Nan, quickly change your clothes and wash your body with cold water. After drying it, I will wipe some scalded plasters for you.”

"it is good……"

  Jiang Nan stared at her small face in a daze. Before she could see enough, she felt a chill on her back, quickly gathered her shirt and rushed into the bathroom.

  Wait until everything is cleaned up and return to the restaurant, the food is already cold.

  Jiang Nan was splashed with the soup again, was frightened again, and passed the cold water... The whole person was like an eggplant beaten by frost, leaning on the chair lingeringly.

   "The subordinate will let the kitchen re-prepare." The butler glanced at the dishes on the table, leaned over respectfully, and was about to retreat.

  "Wait a minute, don't bother, it's so late, let me cook spaghetti for them." After Xiao Meimei finished, she looked at Jiang Nan who was listless.

   Hearing that Xiao Meimei was going to cook noodles for him herself, his eyes lit up.

  Xiao Meimei immediately looked at Shan Tingye again, only to see that his eyes lit up, then he thought of something, and his face sank a little bit.

  "Brother Tingye, don't you like noodles?"

   "Like." As long as she does it, he likes it. He just doesn't like someone to enjoy this benefit with him.

   "Then I will do it, you guys wait first, I'll be fast." Xiao Meimei got up from the chair and quickly entered the kitchen.

  In the dining room, only Shan Tingye and Jiang Nan were left, and Xiao Meimei could not be seen. Jiang Nan stopped for a second and continued to lean on the chair to play dead.

Shan Tingye sat opposite him with an unfathomable expression, his long fingers tapped the tabletop intentionally or unintentionally, making a "ta-ta" tapping sound, like a countdown to death, in a quiet restaurant, inexplicably infiltrating people .

  Recalling everything that had happened just now, Jiang Nan suddenly felt a cold air rushing toward him and shrank his neck abruptly.

   "Brother, did I take my breath away, are you unhappy?"

Jiang Nan thought for a long time, and finally thought of a reasonable explanation for all these weird things tonight.


  Shan Tingye's deep black eyes flickered, slowly raised his head, and glanced at him.

   did not speak.

  His silence was instantly interpreted as a default, Jiang Nan quickly explained.

"Brother, I admit that I started with Youyou, but you also know that she is the fifth uncle's daughter. I can't really beat her. I just practiced with her all night. She left, it really doesn't matter to me. Thing."

   "What are you two talking about?"

  Xiao Meimei walked out of the kitchen with two plates of pasta and asked curiously.

  The three of them, but she can only serve two dishes at a time, and one is in the kitchen.

  Jiang Nan stood up from the chair immediately, "I'll help."

  He thinks it is safer for him to hide in the kitchen to eat, lest he doesn’t eat the noodles for a while and he will be unlucky again.

   Jiang Nan hadn’t even reached the door of the kitchen, she saw Yao hurriedly walked into the dining room, walked to Shan Tingye, and replied respectfully.

  "Master, I just received the news that Mr. Bai is coming back."


  Xiao Meimei just walked to the table and almost ran into the table when she heard him.

   widened his eyes in surprise, "Uncle Yao, what did you just say?"

  Is there another Mr. Bai she knows?

   "Your father has scheduled a plane back tomorrow. He should arrive early in the morning."

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