365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2640: Bai Zheng came back in person (2)


  Xiao Meimei's face turned pale, she put the saucer in her hand on the table, and looked nervously at Shan Tingye.

  The thing she was afraid of finally came. She thought that her father would only let people come and take her back, but she did not expect that he would come in person.

"Don't be afraid, I am here. According to what I taught you before, Uncle Bai doesn't necessarily have to take you away." Shan Tingye walked up to her, hugged her petite body into his arms, and found that she was lightly Trembled, frowning.

  She really cares about Bai Zheng, otherwise she wouldn't be so nervous just to hear that Bai Zheng is back.

  If Bai Zheng must take her away, Xiao Meimei will definitely not disobey him. Then, what will he use to keep her?

   "Dad doesn't like me to study medicine. If he knows that I have been secretly in contact with Uncle Fifth, and he is carrying his promise to take over the laboratory of Uncle Fifth, he will definitely be angry with me."

  Xiao Meimei lowered her head, like a kid who did something wrong.

  The thing at the last press conference was the most daring thing she did. She originally wanted to cut it first and play it later. When everyone knew that she was the heir of the genius medical laboratory, maybe her father would not object.

  Who knows, she was dragged away by Shan Tingye as soon as she appeared at the press conference. Afterwards, all her photos were bought by the Bai Group at a high price.

  Even if she doesn’t ask, knowing that Dad must be very angry, so he will come back to catch her personally this time.

  "It’s not your fault. You don’t have to blame yourself. Listen to me. Obey your heart. Uncle Bai loves you very much. If he knows your true thoughts, he will definitely not force you."

  Shan Tingye pulled her, pressed her onto the chair, and served a bowl of noodles.

   "Eat something first. After eating, we will figure out a way together and see how to sing the play tomorrow, and let Uncle Bai promise you to stay."

   "Is it possible?" Xiao Meimei raised her head and looked at him anxiously.

   "As long as you believe me, everything is possible." Shan Tingye shook her hand and tightened it slightly.

   "And me, I won't let Uncle Bai take you away!"

   Jiang Nan walked back to the dining table, sat next to Xiao Meimei, and grabbed her other hand.


  Knowing that Bai was coming back, Xiao Meimei did not return to the apartment in the community, but stayed in the private villa to discuss countermeasures.

  All three of them didn't sleep all night, and no one could sleep when thinking that Xiao Meimei might leave again.

  At dawn, Yao hurried back to report the news.

  "Master, it has been confirmed that Mr. Bai’s plane has arrived at the international airport, and his subordinates have sent someone to pick it up. They should arrive at the private villa soon."

   "I see. I don't know what Uncle Bai means. Don't leak the news on the fifth uncle for the time being."

  In case two people are here today, the situation is not easy to deal with.

   Shan Ting’s wild eyes flashed, "Are you ready for everything you need to prepare?"

"Yes, Miss Meimei's enrollment in the business school at GW has been disclosed to Mr. Bai in advance, and Mr. Bai also knows that Miss Meimei has stayed in school for serious study during this period of time when she came back, and did not come into contact with the psychiatrist laboratory. Any business."

  Yao respectfully answer.

   "Brother, to be on the safe side, do you want to call Grandpa Ye? If Uncle Bai insists on taking Xiao Meimei away, the only person who can keep Xiao Meimei is Grandpa."

   Jiang Nan pondered for a while, then spoke suddenly.

   Shan Ting's wild eyes flashed, and he looked out the window, "It's too late, people have already arrived."

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