"Little Meimei..."

  Shan Tingye paused, and then quickly rushed forward, seeing the person in front of him clearly, suddenly loosened his clenched fist, stretched out his hand, and hugged her into his arms.

   He made a deep voice, "Who let you run here alone? Do you know how dangerous it is, do you think you are amazing when you know how to do three-legged cat kung fu?!"

  Obviously worried words turn into reprimands when they reach the lips.

   found her petite body slightly stiff, and annoyed that she wanted to punch herself twice.

  Which tendon is he wrong? She was scared enough to be lost alone. Instead of comforting her, he scolded someone.

   "I'm sorry, there are too many people inside. I just wanted to be quiet, so I went out and walked. I didn't expect to walk inside for a few minutes. I found that I was lost and couldn't find the exit."

  Xiao Meimei allowed him to hold him in her arms. She didn't cry after being scolded, but smiled sweetly, "Brother Tingye, how did you find me?"


  Shan Tingye was startled, let go of her, turned his head and glanced at the side, only to find that Da Bai didn't know where to hide.

  I think that Xiao Meimei is still as timid as she was when she was a child, and she was worried that she would be scared.

   "There is a surveillance camera in the manor. I saw you entering the woods. This is the manor’s shelterbelt. There are agencies inside. If you break in casually, of course you will not find your way."

  Shan Tingye faintly explained a few words, holding her hand, and then pulling her out.

  The sky was very dark, and the woods were very quiet, so quiet, in addition to the footsteps of two people, the breathing of two people could be heard.

  Walking to a slightly open place, Xiao Meimei suddenly screamed.

"what's happenin?"

   "Brother Tingye, look, it's so beautiful!" Xiao Meimei excitedly pointed to the night sky above her head, looking at the sky full of stars, her delicate face, full of unexpected surprises.

   "No wonder people say that good fortune lies in misfortune, and misfortune lies in the middle of good fortune. Is this a crooked beating and seeing the most beautiful night scene in this manor?"

   "You can make excuses for yourself. If you are too stupid to get lost, you can be considered crooked and right?" Shan Tingye raised his lips, jokingly.

  Xiao Meimei pursed her lips, and walked forward in no hurry. She sat down on the grass and stared at the night sky above her head.

   "Anyway, I'm stupid. It's wise to have you smart. Let's sit for a while and go out slowly."


  Shan Tingye lowered his eyes, looked at her quiet face, was silent for a few seconds, and sat down with her cross-legged.

  She looked at the stars in the sky, and he looked at her.

After a few minutes, Shan Ting’s eyes flickered, put the phone to his side, and sent a message to Yao from an invisible angle, then pulled out the phone card and broke it twice at random. , Then reinstalled it back.

   "It's late, let's go back, lest Brother Jiang Nan can't find us in a hurry." Xiao Meimei lay down for a while, yawning sleepy, and got up from the grass.

   patted her little **** and was ready to move forward.

   "Brother Tingye, what's wrong?" Xiao Meimei looked at Shan Tingye who was sitting motionless on the grass, and asked suspiciously.

  Shan Tingye narrowed his black eyes and opened his lips lightly, "I seem to have forgotten the way back."


  Xiao Meimei was taken aback, and immediately asked, "What about the phone? We can call Brother Jiang Nan and ask him to bring someone in to pick us up."

   "The phone seems to be unable to receive the signal."

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