365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2666: I'm not afraid of you (1)

  Shan Tingye took out his mobile phone and handed it to Xiao Meimei. He watched her and tried several times, and found that he really couldn't make a call, and his face collapsed.

   "Then what shall we do now?"

  He slowly took the phone from Xiao Meimei's hand, and threw it aside, and his slender body lay on the grass with his hands behind his head.

  "You didn't praise the beauty of this place just now. Why don't you just take an outing and watch the stars here for a night. When it dawns tomorrow, maybe someone will find us."

  He has already sent a text message to Yao, and no one will come in until dawn tomorrow. They can enjoy their time as much as possible.

  Shan Tingye constricted his eyes, and a glimmer of light passed through the obsidian pupil.

  Quietly waited for Xiao Meimei to walk back to him, and noticed that someone was sitting next to him. He opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Meimei.

   "Stay here with me, are you afraid?"

  If she is afraid, he will send her back.

   "Brother Tingye is here, I'm not afraid." Xiao Meiyi lay him down on the grass, blinked, and looked at the stars in the sky, as if the whole person was quiet.


   Hearing this, Shan Ting's ambition moved slightly, as if a warm current flowed through his heart.

  He stretched out his arm, let her put her under his head, and took her to his side, "Lean against me, so it won’t be cold."

  Xiao Meimei obediently listened to him, her petite body leaned against him, like a little rabbit, lying in his arms.

  She struggled with her assistant for a day. When she was lost just now, she kept spinning around in the same place. She was already sleepy.

   Leaning on Shan Tingye’s shoulder, he quickly yawned, sniffing the relief of his body, and slowly closing his eyes.

  "Brother Tingye..."

  Xiao Meimei was muttering something, her little hand was still holding his shirt uncomfortably, her little body rubbed against him again, and she hugged his waist in fear.

  She seems to be back when she just stepped into the grove...

At that time, she had been thinking about what the people at the banquet said, but she couldn't figure out where she was so charming. Those people always said that she seduce Tingye brother, thinking too much, and only found herself when she recovered. be lost.

  She used to travel with her father. It was not the first time to get lost in the woods, so her first reaction was not to panic, but to find her mobile phone.

   realized that he didn’t bring a mobile phone at all, so he carved a mark on the tree that passed by, and then groped around in the moonlight, and found that he was still spinning in place, knowing that there must be a trap in this small forest.

  She didn't dare to walk around, fearing that if it was too dark, she would fall into the trap if she couldn't see clearly, so she stayed quietly.

  She knew that when Tingye's brother found out that she was missing, he would definitely come to her.

  Although she doesn't know how long she has to wait, she just knows that he will find her.

The thought of    seemed to be engraved in the blood, leaving her alone in the dimly lit woods without panicking and crying.

  "Brother Tingye, I know you will come..."

  Xiao Meimei grumbled again, her big beautiful eyes were closed tightly, and her small face rubbed against his chest like a kitten.

  At the moment she saw him, she was obviously scared, but she laughed.

  She was wronged when she heard him scolding her, but she couldn't help but smile when she heard his worry.

  She knew that brother Tingye would definitely find her.

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