365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2676: If I was deceived again, would I die of anger (4)

  He was not as relieved as he might have seen on the surface, otherwise he would not let people secretly monitor Xiao Meimei’s work in the planning department.

  It’s just that, I can’t let Jiang Nan know about it, lest he miss it and let Xiao Meimei know about it, which would be a bad thing.

"Brother, you know what I didn’t mean. I thought you let Xiao Meimei join the Shan Group because you are in charge of the Shan Group now. With you, at least no one dares to show Xiao Meimei’s face. Who knows you? Don't care at all."

Jiang Nan took a deep breath and looked at him unacceptably.

   "I don't care, it is the best protection for her." Shan Tingye's eyes tightened and he fixedly looked at Jiang Nan.

  Newcomers just need a process of being accepted by everyone, but once everyone knows that Xiao Meimei is a privileged person, her rejection will always exist.

  At that time, she really can't stay.


  Jiang Nan was startled, his narrow peach eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking about his words.

  For a long time, he was still unwilling to lie on his table, "Brother, you let me take a look, just take a sneak peek, if Xiao Meimei is fine, I will leave immediately."


   "If I don't believe it, you don't worry at all. Would you like to go with me in the name of the inspection department?" Jiang Nan's eyes lit up.

  "Do you really want to go?" Shan Ting's eyes flashed, and a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes.

   "Of course, I can't wait to go right away!" Jiang Nan responded in a hurry.

  "Don't regret it?" Shan Tingye asked again, his expression very calm.

   "You don't want to go back, you promised to let me see, and you won't let the bodyguards stop me." Jiang Nan turned his head and looked angrily at the row of bodyguards guarding the door.

   "Well, since you want to go so much, and you have been thinking about brotherhood for many years, I won't stop you." Shan Tingye glanced at Yao and raised his chin slightly.

   "In the name of the inspection, take Young Master Jiang Nan to the planning department for a walk, don't be too in a hurry, let him watch it slowly."

"Brother, you really are my real brother, I love you so much!" Jiang Nan excitedly rushed forward, and Xiong hugged Shan Tingye before turning around and ran out the door, moving so fast that he was afraid of Shan Tingye. Will regret it.

  As soon as the smoke slipped, his figure disappeared.

  In the office, there was a moment of silence.

  After a while, I saw a charming figure appearing by the door, carefully poking his head into the president's office, "Brother Tingye, are you looking for me?"


  Shan Tingye was startled, and then turned around and saw Xiao Meimei standing by the door in a proper manner. She immediately stepped forward and pulled her in.

  He didn't say anything, just looked at her up and down.

   Seeing that she was not injured, her expression was normal, and there was nothing wrong, she breathed out.

   "Brother Tingye, what's wrong?"

   Xiao Meimei looked at his gloomy expression and shrank her shoulders in fright.

   "It's nothing, just look at you. The first day I went to Shan's Group, how did it feel to be able to handle it?" Shan Tingye let go and motioned for the secretary to bring his prepared lunch to the office.

   "I feel a lot of things that I don't understand, a lot of things to learn, and I found out that a department can be so complicated..."

  As soon as she talked about her work, Xiao Meimei immediately became very excited and chattered endlessly.

  Even seeing the secretary come in with lunch, she didn’t pay attention, and let Shan Tingye pick up food for her. She ate, and while eating, she told her about the things she had just touched at work.

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