365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2677: If I was deceived again, would I die of anger (5)

  Until the meal was over, she suddenly remembered.

  "Brother Tingye, where is Brother Jiang Nan? Has he gone?"

  Shan Tingye paused with the tissue in his hand, and after only a second, he returned to normal, wiped the corners of her mouth, and then replied, “He and Yao went to work in the inspection department, and he should be back soon.”

   "Oh." Xiao Meimei took the tissue in his hand, put it aside with a smile, and took two more sips of soup before patted her belly.

   "I'm full and I'm going back to work in the department."

   "Let's take a little more rest, lunch time is not so fast, and half an hour before work." Shan Tingye glanced at the luxury watch on his wrist and raised his eyebrows.

   "But I'm a newcomer, so I have to be more diligent." Xiao Meimei was full and ready to leave the president's office.

When    walked to the door, he stopped and turned around, “Brother Tingye, I don’t need to prepare my lunch tomorrow. I’d better go to the staff restaurant, otherwise I’ll be seen. I’m afraid everyone will misunderstand me.”


  Shan Ting Yezi pupil tightened, before he could say anything, she waved away and left.

   Full of vitality, like a little sun.

   Shan Ting's eyes converged, "Where is Master Jiang Nan?"

   "Back to the president, Master Jiang Nan went to the planning department and didn't see Ms. Meimei. At this time, I should have gone to the staff restaurant." The secretary replied respectfully.

  The president of their family is getting darker and darker. At this time, he will leave Young Master Jiang Nan. If Young Master Jiang Nan knows that the person he wants to find has just left on his front foot, he will come to the president’s office on the back foot.


   "Master, it's time to get off work." Yao walked to Shan Tingye punctually, reminding respectfully.

   "How about the planning department?"

   Shan Ting's wild eyes flashed, he turned the pen in his hand and opened his lips faintly.

  "Still working overtime." Yao hesitated for a moment, and told the truth.


  The entire planning department is still working overtime, so Xiao Meimei may be able to leave work on time.

   Shan Tingye frowned, and his voice became cold.

   "Why does the planning department of the group work a lot?"

"Recently, the group has just signed a lot of large cooperation projects, and the specific cooperation matters need to be planned by the planning department..." Yao explained halfway, and suddenly regained his senses at Shangdan Tingyesen's cold eyes. Leaned over.

   "In fact, the cooperation case is not so urgent, so the subordinates will inform you that the planning department is not allowed to work overtime from today."

Seeing that Shan Tingye didn't speak any more, Yao turned around in a hurry, and went down to deliver new news.

  After a while, Yaocai returned to the office.

  "Master, the secretariat has passed the news, and the employees of the planning department have left work on time."

   "Go drive."

  Shan Tingye left a sentence, put down the pen in his hand, got up from the chair, and paced out of the office.

  When Xiao Meimei just walked out of the office building of Shan's Group, she saw a familiar car parked on the side of the road, with the windows slightly open, revealing a perfect outline, hidden in the dim light.

  Far away, she can still recognize who is in the car at a glance.

  Xiao Meimei's face was happy, she just wanted to run up, and saw that she was surrounded by colleagues who had just left work, some of whom were from their department, and she was stunned.

  Will she be discovered like this?

  She raised her head and looked at the car close at hand, but in the end she moved forward slowly like a snail.

  I just walked a few steps, and I saw the door of the car opened!

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