Shan Tingye paused slightly with the pen in his hand, stretched out his hand and took the phone over, clicked it on, and Zitong tightened suddenly.

  Looking at the photo on the phone, the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously.

  Long fingers stroked the Xiao Meimei who was holding a bowl of porridge in the photo, and a smile reached the bottom of her eyes. She caught a glimpse of her wording on the photo and couldn't help but chuckle.

  【The porridge is delicious, it’s hard to eat! 】

  Little cat, is it really so delicious?

  Shan Tingye squinted his eyes, remembering her work diary yesterday, hesitated for a few seconds before editing a text message and returning to her.


  The office door rang suddenly.

  Yao walked in respectfully, "Master, before work hours, Master Jiang Nan is already waiting in the personnel department. It seems that he is serious."

  "You just need to deal with this matter, don't use it to ask me." Shan Tingye said lightly.

  The words fell, and the phone vibrated suddenly. He quickly took the phone, glanced at the reply above, and slowly opened his eyebrows, and raised his head.

  "Help me cancel the meal tonight, I have something else."

   "But Master, today you have an appointment with the CEO of Xinsheng Pharmaceutical to discuss the development of new drugs..." Yao was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Adjust to the day and leave me free at night. Don't arrange work for three months." Shan Tingye leaned back in his chair, tapping his long finger on the phone screen, and Jun's face smiled more and more. obvious.

   "...The subordinate understands." Yao glanced at him and stepped back respectfully.

  The morning time passed very quickly. As soon as the time came, the secretary came in respectfully and asked.

  "President, do you need to order food for you?"


  Shan Tingye was burying his head in processing the files. Hearing the secretary's words, he glanced at his watch, with a faint expression, but a picture of Xiao Meimei holding chicken congee saying she was overwhelmed flashed in her mind.

  He tick the corner of his mouth, “No, I’m going to the staff restaurant today to eat.”

   "What, what?"

  The secretary was taken aback, and was sluggish for a few seconds, but did not recover.

  Looking at Shan Tingye who stood up from his desk in shock, "President, there are more staff in the restaurant, you..."

   "No matter how many people there are, there won't be more than me." Shan Tingye reached out and took a coat, put a random set on him, and walked out of the office.

  The secretary quickly followed up.


  Planning Department.

  "It's almost time, everyone should go to dinner first." Wenmei walked out of her office and clapped her hands vigorously, reminding everyone to rest first.

  In the office, everyone stretched and got up from their seats.

   filed out of the office.

   "Director Wen, let's get together!" someone shouted.

   "No, you go first, I'll come slowly." Wen Mei said lightly, and her eyes fell on Xiao Meimei who was still sitting in her seat, "Yu Xin, you also go to dinner with your colleagues first."

   "No, I brought a sandwich, and I ate too much this morning, and I still have a little support." Xiao Meimei raised the sandwich in her hand, smiled at Wenmei, and immediately began to organize the files again.

  Wenmei looked at her, frowning, and immediately a colleague stepped forward and pulled Xiao Meimei in her seat up.

   "People are iron rice or steel. If you don't eat a meal and you panic, you will treat some of our colleagues as a face and go to dinner with Sister Li."

   "Yeah, let's go together. You, an intern, always stay in his seat and work overtime. People who don't know think we are bullying you." Someone agreed.

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