Xiao Meimei was startled, and shook her head quickly, "I didn't mean that."

   "We know, let's go and eat!" Sister Li dragged her out and strode out of the planning department.


  The staff canteen of the Shan’s Group is very large. Because of the large number of departments, the dining area is also divided.

  "President, do you want to eat Chinese food or Western food, and which restaurant do you want to eat?" The secretary followed Shan Tingye and watched him walking forward. He didn't mean to stop, so he couldn't help but ask.

  Shan Ting stopped wildly, and looked back at her, "The employees in the group have other restaurants to eat besides here?"

   "Back to the president, there is only this large restaurant in the group. If everyone is tired of eating, some employees will choose to eat out. There are many restaurants on the opposite side of the office building."


  Xiao Meimei was not in the restaurant because she went out to eat?

  Shan Tingye stood there, his eyes curled slightly, his tall figure revealed a hint of indifference.

  The noble breath makes him stand out from the crowd.

  From the moment he stepped into the restaurant, people kept looking in his direction, as if they were guessing, but couldn't believe that the president of their group really came to eat in the staff restaurant!

  "Quickly pinch me, how come I feel that my eyes seem to have a problem, I saw the president..."

   "The president is really handsome! I can't believe it, I can actually see him with my own eyes, he is so close to me!"

   "He's really handsome! Really handsome! Really handsome!" The important thing is said three times!


  There was constant discussion around.

  Because of Shan Tingye’s sudden appearance, the entire staff restaurant was boiling, and people kept rushing in the direction where he appeared.

  In a corner.

   "What's the matter, why are so many people around over there, what are they talking about?" At the dining table, Sister Li moved the rice grains on the plate and asked curiously.

  The few people on the same table were also curious and kept going there, only Xiao Meimei had been eating absent-mindedly, looking at the rice in front of her, she had been thinking about the chicken porridge she drank in the morning.

  Brother Tingye’s porridge is much better than the one in the restaurant.

  Thinking so, she looked at the meal in front of her, and she lost her appetite.

   "Have you heard that the president has come to the staff restaurant. It seems that he is here to inspect." Someone at the next table came over with a dinner plate and said with excitement.

  "Really? Is it a young new president? I heard he is a genius, handsomer than an international male model!"

   "Of course it is true. People are standing in front. If there are not too many people, I would like to squeeze over to see."


  New president?

  The current president of Shan's Group, isn’t Tingye brother?

   Xiao Meimei was startled listening to the discussion in her ear, and immediately got up from her seat.

  Before she found Shan Tingye's figure, she saw a colleague from the planning department running towards them, breathless, and put the dinner plate on the table.

   "Sister Li, I said you guys are too calm, right? I heard that the president came to the staff restaurant and almost ran over without even serving food. You can still sit down!"

   "Xiao Fang, what did you say? The president really came to the staff canteen?" Sister Li stood up from the chair, suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, looking at him in shock.

   "If people are standing there, can there be fakes?" Xiao Fang snorted in the direction where the crowd was concentrated, his face still full of excitement.

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