
  Xiao Meimei was still shaking her mind, hearing his words suddenly, subconsciously answered, "President."

  "You call me the president?" Shan Tingye got up from the chair, walked around the desk, walked to her, looked at her condescendingly, "You call me again?"


  He made it clear that he was angry, and even his face was darkened. If she really screamed again, would he strangle her to death?

  Should not be so cruel, right?

  Xiao Meimei's big eyes slipped, and she smiled and said, "Brother Tingye, your porridge is so delicious. When did you learn to cook, I don't even know, otherwise I will definitely worship you as a teacher."

  Look, she sucked, she almost gave herself a thumbs up!

  "Apprentice let me teach you to make chicken porridge?" Shan Tingye curled his lips coldly, and glanced at her flattering face, "You have found the wrong person. The person you should worship is my mother."

   "Is the porridge taught by your aunt?" Xiao Meimei just asked casually, but now she is really interested.

"I don't want to be a doctor, I want to be a chef? What's your expression." Shan Tingye reached out and pinched her small face. With a little effort, he saw that her pink skin didn't turn red from him, and he was annoyed. Let go.

"I can only cook shredded chicken porridge. I have no chance to learn cooking for my teacher, but I can learn other things." Shan Tingye turned around, walked back to the desk, and picked up what she had just delivered. , Put aside the file, raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

   "I have been in the planning department for two days. Tell me what you feel."


  She has only had an internship for two days, and the assessment is about to begin. Will it be too soon?

  Xiao Meimei bit her lip, not knowing how to answer.

  "Have you learned how to look at the project case?" Shan Tingye asked lightly.

"a little bit."

  "Do you know how to calculate the budget of the project?" His voice was very soft, but it still made people feel pressured.

  "I will do this." Xiao Meimei answered quickly this time.

  "How to judge the feasibility of a project?" Shan Tingye asked again.

   "I'm not sure about this." Xiao Meimei lowered her head, and responded.

  She is just an intern. Although Baizheng has taught her a lot of things before, she really doesn’t know how to practice it.

   "Let you intern at the grassroots level for three months, and you can't learn these skills, what are you going to do?" Shan Tingye said.

What Bai Zheng wants is not to let her experience life in the Shan Group. What he wants is to be in the most ordinary position and let her truly fall in love with business.

   Let her ability have a qualitative leap.

   "I can teach you until you can." Shan Tingye looked at her, her pitch-black pupil, like a gem, shone with a heart-puzzling light.

   "From today, you will wait for me in the parking lot after get off work. I will take you home. You will be in charge of my dinner. I will teach you the working process of the planning department. Do you have any comments?"


  Xiao Meimei was sluggish for a few seconds, met his sinking gaze, and shook her head.

  "What are you doing standing there?" Shan Tingye walked up to her, took her hand and walked out.

   "I'm hungry, go back and cook."


  In the apartment complex.


  Xiao Meimei wears a scarf, cuts the meat swiftly, frowning, looking back suspiciously.

  Confirmed that the handsome figure on the sofa in the living room was not her illusion, she narrowed her big crystal eyes, turned her head, and continued to cut the meat.

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