When she put two dishes and one soup on the table, she walked back to the kitchen again, washed the dishes, and called Shan Tingye who was watching TV in the living room to eat.

  "I haven’t cooked Chinese food for a long time. I don’t know if it tastes good. If it doesn’t taste good, you should go back to the villa to eat. I’m afraid you won’t be full."

  Xiao Meimei took a bowl of rice and placed it in front of Shan Tingye.

  Hearing what she said, he didn't have any big reaction. He just took the job and ate quietly.

  His upbringing is very good. He barely speaks at the dinner table, eats elegantly, and picks up vegetables for her from time to time.

  Xiao Meimei has never been so nervous. When she saw him picking up her cooking and putting it in her mouth, she even held her breath, for fear that he would not feel good.

  But after waiting for a long time, he ate the food in his mouth, and he didn't mean to speak.

   did not scold her or praise her, just ate silently.

  Xiao Meimei didn't know whether she was lucky or lost, watching him, and learning how to cook rice silently.

  A meal, I ate silently.

  It wasn't until she was clearing the dishes and chopsticks that she discovered that she had eaten all the two dishes and one soup, and there was nothing left!

   Does this mean that he still thinks it tastes good?

  Is she a pass?

  Xiao Meimei's feeling of loss immediately became excited, and she happily packed the dishes and chopsticks, and put them in the sink.

  Thinking about it, took out the fruit from the refrigerator, washed it, cut it and put it on a plate, and brought it to the living room.

  After all this, she returned to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

  When she finished washing the dishes and went out of the living room, she saw the fruit that had been eaten up, and her eyebrows were really bent this time.

"why are you laughing?"


  Did she smile?

  Xiao Meimei was startled, she reached out her hand and touched her face, she seemed to be laughing.

  Be happy, smile when you are happy, is there a reason for this?

   "Come here, I will teach you how to look at the project plan." Shan Tingye finished eating and began to deal with work. Seeing Xiao Meimei coming out, he simply took a document in his hand and explained it directly to her as a lesson plan.

  Xiao Meimei is very smart, he explained it once, and she can learn to draw inferences about it.

   "This is enough, enough to meet Uncle Bai's request." After talking for half an hour, Shan Tingye closed the file in his hand and threw it aside, without letting her continue to read it.

His gaze fell on a cardboard box in the living room, "That's the medical technique that Uncle Fifth sent you. You can take it now. Uncle Fifth said, if you don’t understand it, You can ask him."


   Xiao Meimei followed his gaze and saw the box in the corner, her eyes dimmed and she bit her lip.

  Hesitated for a long time before speaking.

   "Brother Tingye, am I too self-willed like this?"

  She is the only daughter of the Bai family. If she does not take over the group, what will the Bai group do?

  If she really studies medicine, dad will definitely be disappointed.

  "Want to give up?"

  Shan Tingye stretched out his hand, held her small face, fixedly looked at her lonely small face, and smiled at the corners of her mouth.

"Inheriting the family business does not conflict with pursuing hobbies. What I teach you now is the ability that a qualified family heir should have. As for the Bai Group, you don’t have to manage it yourself in the future. Only you have basic business skills. Ability, you can hire a professional management team to operate for you, this is not a conflict."

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