365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2693: Let me tell you a good news (1)

   "You still have me. As long as I'm in one day, I won't watch the Bai's group have an accident." Shan Tingye's long finger stroked her cheek, his black eyes fixedly looked at her, every word.

  "...Brother Tingye."

  "Don't you still believe in my ability?" Shan Tingye's tone suddenly became relaxed, he gathered the emotions in his eyes, retracted his hand, and said jokingly.

   "Of course I believe it!"

   "Then don't think about anything, just follow your own heart if you want to do what you want." Shan Tingye raised his head and patted her little head dozingly.

   Xiao Meimei nodded her head obediently, and ran to the corner, flipping through the medical book sent to her by Fifth Chosen, her eyes gleaming unconsciously.

   Even if she doesn’t say anything, she can see her heart from her face, and she is full of medicine.


  Since that day has passed.

  The two people seem to have reached a certain tacit understanding. Xiao Meimei will go to get off work on time every day, and then go to the parking lot obediently, waiting for Shan Tingye to get off work together.

  Sometimes the planning department has to work overtime, and will suddenly receive a notice from the president’s office and leave work on time.

  Two people go home together, cook together, and then "work overtime" together.

  Shan Tingye worked overtime to process the documents, and then she went to see a doctor.

  Sometimes she fell asleep as she watched, and she didn't know what he left. When she woke up, she could always find herself lying comfortably on the bed, and there would be a pot of cooked chicken porridge in the kitchen.

  In this way, a week passed in harmony.

   "Yu Xin, you heard no. Today, our department will have a new colleague to report, but I heard that the person who came this time is a man and a department head."

   "Male department head?" Xiao Meimei was startled, "Where is the head Wen? Will she be transferred?"

   "Of course not. What do you think? Our planning department is under a lot of pressure. The increase in manpower this time should also be to relieve the pressure." The colleague patted her on the shoulder and left.

  Knowing that Wenmei would not leave, Xiao Meimei did not take the new supervisor's matter to heart.

  Take the work schedule and get busy.

  I just checked a document and was about to send it for photocopying. Suddenly, it was completely dark.

  Her eyes are blindfolded!

   "Let go of me!" Xiao Meimei was nervous, and instinctively hit her elbow towards the rear.

  She moved quickly. She was originally worried about hurting people, but the other party easily avoided her attack and changed her hand to cover her eyes.

  Now she was really a little panicked, and she opened her mouth to shout.

   "Xiao Meimei, it's me!"

  A familiar voice rang above her head, making her froze suddenly.

  Removed the hand that was blocking her eyes. When she saw the person in front of her clearly, her eyes widened in surprise, "Brother Jiang Nan!"


  Jiang Nan reached out for a bear hug, hugged her petite body into his arms, and happily hugged her in circles.

  In the office, many people began to look in their direction.

"Brother Jiang Nan, you let me down first." Xiao Meimei regained her consciousness, and quickly broke free from his arms, looking at him in surprise, "Why are you here? I haven't seen you for many days, and thought You went to Germany to find Youyou."

"You are here, I won't go anywhere, but today, I am here to tell you good news." Jiang Nan's handsome face, with a trace of pride, reached out and grabbed her shoulders, with long narrow peach eyes. Blinked at her.

   "I will be your new supervisor from now on. With me, you will never be bullied!"

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