365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2699: The stranger Shan Tingye (4)


  As soon as the car entered the parking lot, and before it stopped, Shan Tingye eagerly jumped out of the driver's seat and stepped towards the group building.

  When he walked to the entrance of the planning department, he looked at the invisible darkness inside, his whole heart was lifted, and he couldn't imagine how she would be frightened if Xiao Meimei were really locked in it.


  Shan Tingye swiped the door with the president’s magnetic card, walked in strode, almost without stopping, and walked straight to her office area.

  I caught a glimpse of the little one, the figure curled up on the window sill, Shan Tingye’s heart seemed to have been punched in pain, and he was out of breath!

   Hearing footsteps, it seemed to alarm the people on the windowsill. Before Shan Tingye stepped forward, he heard an uncertain voice, "Brother Tingye, is that you?"

  Her voice was very soft, and her petite body was still sitting on the window sill, even if she tried to suppress it, he still heard a tremor.

   "It's me, sorry, I'm late."

Shan Tingye strode forward, stretched out his hand to hug her into his arms, pressed her to his chest with strong arms, felt the cold temperature on her body, quickly took off his suit jacket, and wrapped her firmly. Get up, give a side hug, and leave the office.

   got in the car and turned on the lights. As soon as he looked up, he saw her small white face, and her slightly trembling body, and Zitong tightened.

  He stretched out his hand to hold her small face, "It's okay, Brother Tingye is here, nothing will happen."

  Xiao Meimei seemed to have just returned to her senses. She fixedly looked at his enchanting face, swallowed her saliva forcefully, and opened her mouth.

"I'm not afraid, I know you will find me, I climbed to the window sill, there is light there, I am not very afraid, but it is a bit cold..." Xiao Meimei spoke incoherently, and the little hand holding Shan Tingye's arm was particularly hard. , As if afraid that he would disappear as soon as he let go.

  She took a few deep breaths before pulling at the corners of her mouth, trying to make a smile.

  "Brother Tingye, don’t worry, I’m much better. Actually, I’m not that scared. If I visit again a few times, my phobia may be cured... Hmm!"

   Before she finished her words, her lips were blocked!

  Xiao Meimei was taken aback, her eyes widened immediately, she looked at the handsome face in front of her in shock, forgetting any reaction.

  Her obedience instantly stimulated Shan Tingye’s nerves.

  Since he knew that she was missing, his emotions have been in a state of extreme tension. He has never been so scared. As long as he thinks about what danger she might be in, he is almost crazy!

  When she looked at her obviously afraid, but didn't want him to worry, and pretended to comfort him as if nothing had happened, the string of reason in his mind was completely broken.

  He wants her, wants to incorporate her into his wings, wants to let her know that he likes her, he likes her for fifteen years!

  Shan Tingye turned around and pressed her to the rear seat. The tall body completely enveloped her petite body. He would hug her in his arms and kiss her harder.

  "Brother Tingye, you let me go..."

   Xiao Meimei was dull for a long time before she recovered from the shock. Looking at Shan Tingye with red eyes, she noticed the unusual temperature on his body, she got nervous, gritted her teeth, pushed him away, and sat up.

   shrank to the corner of the car for an instant, looking at him in fear.

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