365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2700: The stranger Shan Tingye (5)

   "Brother Tingye, are you drunk? I am Xiao Meimei..."

  Xiao Meimei's petite body shrank into a ball and looked at him nervously. The temperature on her lips reminded her of what had just happened.

  Brother Tingye kissed her, how could he kiss her?

  They are brothers and sisters, she must have hallucinated...

   But it’s not right. They are just nominal brothers and sisters, and they are not related at all.

  But those are brothers and sisters too!

  Xiao Meimei's mind was chaotic, and she was completely unable to think. Looking at the stranger Shan Tingye, she was more scared than she was locked in the office by herself.

  She subconsciously reached out to open the door, and as soon as she touched the doorknob, she was held down by a big hand.

  Xiao Meimei was taken aback, but she turned her head to look at him.

  Looking at her pale face, Shan Ting Ye Zitong shrank abruptly, grabbed her hand, unconsciously exerted force, and saw her frowning, only then did he recover and let go of his hand.

  What happened to him, he was out of control, she had just been frightened, how could he do such a thing to her at this time.

  Shan Tingye secretly gritted his teeth, wishing to punch himself twice.

   "I drank too much with the client today, did it scare you?" His low, slightly hoarse voice sounded slowly.

  He does not want to apologize, kiss her, he will not apologize.

   just scared her and made him feel bad.

  Shan Ting’s wild eyes flashed, he gathered the light from his eyes, and slowly sat upright, and stretched out his hand towards Xiao Meimei, "Sit down, I will send you back."

   "But you drank, can you drive?"

  Xiao Meimei looked at him with big, crystal-clear eyes. She actually wanted to say that she could take a taxi, but when she met his dark eyes, she swallowed back when she reached her mouth.

   "It's okay, I just drank a little red wine and I'm already sober." Shan Tingye spoke lightly, looking at her still scared face, pushed the door, stepped down, and walked around to the driver's seat.


  He said that he drank too much, and now he said he only drank a little, then how much did he drink?

  Xiao Meimei feels that her brain is not enough, and her whole person is dazed.

  Although Shan Tingye’s behavior scared her just now, he was still her most willful Tingye brother, so after a few seconds of hesitation, Xiao Meimei got up, sat in the back seat of the car obediently, and waited for him to drive.

Shan Tingye grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, did not urge her, but waited quietly. Seeing her from the rearview mirror, she quickly got up from the ground. When he sat down, he felt as if he was stuck With a hint of honey, Zitong tightened.

  Start the car and drive towards the apartment in the community.

   was frightened one after another, when the car arrived at the apartment, Xiao Meimei was already drowsy leaning against the car window.

  Shan Tingye picked her up straight, and stepped towards the apartment.

   "Brother Tingye, I can go by myself." Xiao Meimei was amazed, looking at Shan Tingye who was holding her, she became sober for a moment, and wanted to get off his arms.

  Shan Tingye didn't let go, instead he hugged tighter.

  From the moment he shot, there was no plan to give her a chance to escape.

  He gave her time to adapt, but would not let her push him away.

  Perhaps he still has blood as powerful as Shan Hanjie in his bones, and he will never let go if he is sure.

  He hugged her straight into the apartment, then put her on the sofa and turned around to pour hot water for her.

  "Drink the water in the cup, and then go take a hot bath."

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