He turned around, reached out and held her shoulders and pressed her to the wall, locking her between his arms, "Yes, I am drunk."

  He lowered his head and pressed her lips.

  As soon as she touched her lips, Xiao Meimei turned her head in fear, avoiding his touch.

  Shan Ting Yezi pupil tightened and bit her neck suddenly.


Xiao Meimei's petite body was imprisoned in his arms, her neck shrank in fear, her eyes were red with grievance, and tears fell to Shang Shan Tingye's angry eyes, and she cried out. sound.

   "Don't cry!"

  Shan Tingye raised his head, looked at the tears on her face, and made fists with both hands.

  She hates his touch so much, must she push him away in this way?

  Good, good, Yu Xin, you succeeded! I fulfill you!

  Shan Tingye let go abruptly, took a step back, watched her petite body slide down from the wall, held back the hand that wanted to help her, turned her back.

   "I will never touch you again. Whoever you want to be with has nothing to do with me."


  Xiao Meimei raised her head in shock, looking at his resolutely leaving back, her heart tightened suddenly, and she wanted to call him, but she opened her mouth, but her tears fell even more aggrieved.

  Hold her knees with her hands, helplessly like a child.


   "Xiao Meimei, where are you?"

  I don’t know how long it took, Jiang Nan’s worried voice sounded outside the door.

  Xiao Meimei still maintained her original posture, sitting on the ground, her big crystal eyes, after crying fiercely, they were swollen like walnuts.

  Hearing Jiang Nan's voice, she realized that they were at the Zhong's banquet. With so many people outside, she has been hiding in the bathroom and not going out. I am afraid that some people will think that something has happened to her.

  Xiao Meimei regained her consciousness, and quickly got up from the ground, stretched out her hand to wash her face with water, and then opened the door.

   "Brother Jiang Nan, I am here."

   "Why did you stay in the bathroom for so long, I thought you were missing and you were about to let someone turn the manor over... Are you crying?"

  Jiang Nan didn’t finish her words of concern, she sensitively noticed her swollen walnut-like eyes, and immediately became nervous.

   "What's wrong? Is it something uncomfortable? I'll take you to the hospital..."

   "I'm fine." Xiao Meimei held his hand and shook her head, "Brother Jiang Nan, I want to go home."

   "Okay, I'll take you back."

  Jiang Nan took her hand, took her and walked out.

  When she passed the restaurant, she saw that Shan Ting Yeye was gone, and even Zhong Qing was not in the table. Did he go? Did he leave alone, or bring Zhong Qing with him...

   greeted Zhong Nianhua, and Jiang Nan took her out of the manor.

  Getting in the car, Xiao Meimei didn't speak any more, she was like an eggplant beaten by frost, leaning against the back seat.

   Jiang Nan wanted to send her to the hospital several times, but she said that she was okay, and in the end he could only send her back to the apartment.

   "I'm just a little uncomfortable, a good night's sleep will be fine." Xiao Meimei stood downstairs in the apartment and waved to Jiang Nan.

  "Drink plenty of hot water, call me if you have something to do, don't take it hard." Jiang Nan patted her little head before turning to leave.

  Back home, Xiao Meimei fell asleep.

  It’s okay, you’ll be fine when you wake up.

  But she tossed over and over again, but couldn't fall asleep.

  In his mind, Shan Tingye’s face kept popping out, his disappointed eyes at her, and the eyes looking at Zhong Qing...

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