She rolled over and sat up, holding her head in her hands, trying to shake those images out of her mind, but she couldn't shake it away.

  "Do you know what it means to be with Jiang Nan?"

   "I'm the brother, isn't Jiang Nan your brother?"

  Shan Tingye’s roar seemed to ring in her ears again, and Xiao Meimei tugged her hair tightly, curled up into a ball uncomfortably.

  She was not with Jiang Nan’s brother, she didn’t know that the banquet was for a blind date, she didn’t know anything...

  Why did he treat her so fiercely.

  She hasn't seen him for a week, and when he saw her, he lost his temper at her.

  Xiao Meimei bit her lip, holding back the tears that would come out of her eyes.

  In my mind, I kept replaying the scenes from today’s banquet. When Uncle Zhong said he was going to introduce him to his girlfriend, when Zhong Qing appeared, when he lost his temper at her...

  A scene, like a movie, came to her mind.

   Seeing the back of him turning and leaving, her heart seemed to be torn apart...

  What happened to her?


   No sleep all night.

  The next day, Xiao Meimei woke up very early, cried with big eyes, and did not fall asleep for another night. Now she is completely swollen.

After applying   , some swelling disappeared.

  She made herself a glass of milk, and after drinking it, she went out to work normally.

  Colleagues in the planning department saw that her eyes were not right, and they all cared for a few words, and they all returned to their respective posts after making sure that she was okay.

  Xiao Meimei sat down and looked at the post-it note on the table saying that she was going to buy groceries after get off work. Zitong tightened.

  Brother Tingye hates her so much now, he will definitely not want to eat her cooking.

  She tore off the post-it notes, crumpled them up, and threw them into the trash can.

  She was too angry, and the strength of throwing was too much. The ball of paper was not thrown into the trash can, but fell out instead.

  Even the paper ball bullied her!

   Xiao Meimei bulged her cheeks, stood up from her seat, stepped forward, picked up the paper ball on the ground, and was about to throw it back into the trash can when she heard the voice of a colleague at the next table.

   "Have you heard that, there was a beautiful lady who came to see our President, early this morning, and I heard that she has a very good body!"


  A woman looking for Shan Tingye?

  In Xiao Meimei’s mind, there was a scene of women sticking to him at the dinner yesterday. Could someone find it?

  She was nervous, and leaned further to the side, wanting to hear more clearly.

   "What do you know, good figure is the next thing, I heard that she is still a famous daughter, she has a good temperament!" Someone echoed.

  "Who is it that is so amazing?" someone asked.

  Xiao Meimei blinked her big eyes and nodded subconsciously.

   Good question, she also wants to know who it is.

   "I heard from the receptionist that the registered name is Zhong Qing, which seems to be the granddaughter of Mr. Zhong."

  "Zhong Qing? You mean the strong woman who, like our president, started taking over the family business at a very young age?"

"I heard the news was spread like this, but I didn’t see it with my own eyes, and I don’t know if it’s true. You know, our President is usually without a woman by his side. Suddenly one came and everyone’s curiosity arose. There are too many, and I don't know if it is true or not." Someone analyzed it in a fair manner.

   "Our president has such a high-level vision, even if Zhong Qing wants to enter his office, I am afraid that he will be blasted out!"

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