
  There was a lot of discussion in her ears, and Xiao Meimei's body squatting on the ground became a little bit stiff.

   Holding the paper ball hand, when he heard Zhong Qing's name, he squeezed tightly.

  Zhong Qing is here, did he let her come?

  He really wants to listen to Uncle Zhong, has he found a girlfriend?

  But why, she is not happy at all...

   "Yu Xin, what are you doing here?" Xiao Fang came back holding the file, saw her, and asked suspiciously.

  Xiao Meimei regained her consciousness, she immediately stood up from the ground and raised the paper ball in her hand, "I throw the trash and didn't go in, come and pick it up."

  She threw the ball of paper into the trash can, clapped her hands, squeezed a smile that was worse than crying at Xiaofang, and walked back to her seat.

  Looking at the densely packed projects, she could not even enter a word.

  Zhong Qing came to him. Everyone said that he never let women get close. It is still working hours. Will he let Zhong Qing come into his office?

   "Hey, the latest news, the secretarial department just reported that the beauty who came to the president, the president has invited in, and ordered coffee and desserts. It seems that something is happening!"

  A colleague walked in, without deliberately lowering the voice, it spread to the planning department instantly.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true. I just sent a report to the secretariat. I saw it with my own eyes. Can it be fake?" The colleague said, but couldn't help but praised, "That beauty not only looks good, but also has a temperament. They are all rare and noble, and even a man can't refuse. No wonder our president is tempted."

   "Only you are the most superficial!"

Director Wen walked out of the office, glanced at the gossiping crowd, and made his face cold.

   "It's working time now, and all the work on hand is done? Are all the tea parties here?"

  Boom, everyone immediately did bird and beast dispersal, and the smoke disappeared.

  In the office, the serious atmosphere was restored. Everyone was joking and joking. Once they started working, they became more rigorous.

  Only Xiao Meimei was sitting at the table blankly, unable to enter more than a word. Her mind was completely messed up.

  She saw Zhong Qing with her own eyes yesterday, and of course she knows how beautiful she is, how good her temperament is, and she is also a good business man. Like Tingye's brother, she has become famous as a teenager.

  If they are together and cooperate, they will definitely be even better.

  The most important thing is that she saw with her own eyes that Shan Tingye was different to her.

  In his heart, Zhong Qing should be a different existence from others, right?

  He never talks about personal matters during office hours, let alone ask the Secretariat to prepare so many things.

  When she thought that those things were prepared for Zhong Qing, her heart seemed to be blocked, and she couldn't breathe uncomfortably.

  "Xiao Meimei, what are you in a daze, have you checked all the documents I want?" Sister Li knocked on her table, and got no response for a while, frowning at her.

   "Huh?" Xiao Meimei was taken aback, then opened the drawer separately and took out the files, "I was right yesterday, no problem."

   "Give it to me, I'll send it back for a while." Sister Li took the file and was about to leave.

  Xiao Meimei remembered something and pulled her abruptly.

   "Sister Li, are there any documents that need to be sent today? I mean, are there any documents that need to be sent to Secretary Lin?"

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