
  Xiao Meimei leaned on the sink, her face turned pale, she stretched out her hand to hold her chest, and vomited all the milk, she retched all the time.

   "What's the matter, why don't you say it if you are uncomfortable." Jiang Nan walked in, helped her up, looked at her pale face, and twisted his brows.


  Xiao Meimei opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but she leaned against the sink uncomfortably before she could say it.

  When she raised her head again to talk to Jiang Nan, her eyes were already black and she was dizzy in his arms.

   "Come on, call the doctor!"

  Jiang Nan was nervous, beat the person sideways, and quickly rushed out of the bathroom.


  "Master, don’t worry, Miss Meimei is only feeling depressed during this period, coupled with anemia, so she has fainting. I have injected her with glucose, and people should wake up soon."

  The female doctor took off the stethoscope and responded respectfully.

"It's just because of anemia?" Jiang Nan turned around, stepped forward, sat on the side of the bed, looked at Xiao Meimei who was pale and raised her eyebrows, "Then what's wrong with her nausea and retching? Could it be a mistake? What's up?"

   "What did Miss Meimei ate this morning?" The female doctor was startled and asked immediately.

   "There is no time to eat anything. I only took a sip of milk and vomited." Jiang Nan thought of the scene just now, and his expression sank.

   Xiao Meimei’s reaction is definitely not an ordinary anemia.


  The female doctor saw that Jiang Nan's complexion was not good, so she took the stethoscope and went to check again.

  When she finally felt the pulse of Xiao Meimei, her eyes changed slightly.

  I tried several times, but couldn't be sure, so I had to stand up.

  "Master, there is no equipment here. If you want to determine Miss Meimei’s condition, I’m afraid you need to find a hospital. It’s best to have a blood test. It’s safer."

   "What are you doing standing there? Go to the hospital!" Jiang Nan bent over to hug Xiao Meimei, and walked out.

  In order to prevent Ye Zhanxing from receiving the news, Jiang Nan deliberately avoided the hospital invested by Ye Zhanxing and found a large private hospital.

  The inspection was done for a long time. Jiang Nan had been standing at the door. The assistant persuaded him to wait in the VIP room several times, but he remained motionless.

  Watching the lights in the examination room kept on, walking around the door anxiously.

  He couldn’t understand how he fainted. People who were okay in the morning fainted.

  "Master, Ms. Meimei has already transferred to the VIP ward, and the examination results have to wait a while..." Before the nurse had finished speaking, Jiang Nan turned his head and walked towards the ward.

  The waiting time is always extremely long.

  Xiao Meimei is still asleep, quiet, just like she has always felt.


  The small face with big palms and the exquisite facial features combine all the advantages of Yu Xiuzun and Ye Mingmei. The pretty and charming make people reluctant to remove their eyes.

  The crystal clear skin can not find a trace of blemishes, but it is pale without a trace of blood.

  Jiang Nan looked at her quietly, his hands clenched into fists tightly.


  Xiaomei's eyebrows wrinkled, her long curly eyelashes were like trembling butterfly wings, moving gently, and then she opened her big crystal eyes and saw the white surroundings, she looked at Jiang Nan blankly.

   "You're awake." Jiang Nan walked to her and put a hand on her forehead to test it, "The temperature is normal, do you feel uncomfortable?"

   "What's wrong with me? Where is this place?" Xiao Meimei stared at Jiang Nan blankly, and then she subconsciously propped herself up and wanted to sit up.

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