Jiang Nan took the pillow, raised her back, and helped her sit up.

   "You fainted, this is the hospital..." Before Jiang Nan finished speaking, the door of the ward opened from the outside.

  The female doctor took the results of the examination and walked in strode, standing respectfully in front of Jiang Nan, seeing Xiao Meimei who was already sober, and she stopped talking.

  "You take a rest and call the nurse if you have something to do." Jiang Nan's eyes flashed, and she was about to help Xiao Meimei lie down, but Xiao Meimei grabbed his hand faster.

   "It's my condition, why are you hiding it from me?" Xiao Meimei raised her head and looked at the female doctor in front of her, "If you have anything, just say it here."


  The female doctor looked at Jiang Nan embarrassedly.

  Jiang Nan looked at Xiao Meimei with a firm expression, reached for the kettle, poured a glass of water for her, and said indifferently, “Let’s talk, it’s just anemia and fainting. It’s not a big deal, don’t deliberately hide it from her.”

  "Master, the reason why Miss Meimei fainted was not because of anemia, but because she was pregnant."


  The female doctor's words fell, Jiang Nan's water glass slipped from the palm of his palm and fell on the ground. The glass broke and water splashed on his trouser legs, but he seemed not to feel hot, and raised his head in shock.

   "What did you just say, tell me again?"

  "Master, Miss Meimei has nausea, retching and fainting, not because of anemia, but because she is pregnant." The female doctor repeated.

   "Nonsense, how long is this, even if it is really there, how could it be possible to check it out so quickly!" Jiang Nan stood up from the bed, stepped forward quickly, and reached out and grabbed the female doctor by the collar.

  His handsome face instantly turned green, revealing a terrifying evil.

   "If you dare to talk nonsense to me, I will kill you!"

  Xiao Meimei’s accident was only half a month old, and it was only 20 days before and after. She must have just ate the wrong thing, and it could not be a pregnancy!

  Quack doctors are a group of quack doctors!

  "The subordinates did not dare to talk nonsense. The results of the urine test and blood test confirmed that Miss Meimei was pregnant for about three weeks." The female doctor was so nervous that she did not dare to breathe, and handed the report to Jiang Nan.

  Three weeks...

   Jiang Nan's eyes sank, he reached out to accept the report, quickly turned to the last page, saw the final inspection result, tightened his hand suddenly, almost crushing the paper.

  "Can I see it?" A weak voice came from the hospital bed.

  Xiao Meimei slowly raised her head, staring at Jiang Nan in a daze, as if she had just been relieved from the news she heard.

  Her eyes stared straight at the report in Jiang Nan's hand, her face was already pale, even if she tried to hide it, there was still a trace of tremor in her voice.

  She is scared.

  "Brother Jiang Nan, can you let me see?" For a long time, seeing Jiang Nan didn't move, Xiao Meimei repeated it again.

  Jiang Nanzi's pupils tightened, stepped forward, and put the report in her hands.

  A photo fell out of the report.

   is a B-ultrasound photo.

  A piece of blur on the top, only the appearance of a uterus can be seen vaguely, and there is also a shadow the size of an apple core...

  Is this her child?

  A child who doesn’t know who his father is...

  A child who is like a nightmare...

   When she thought that as long as she forgets, everything could start again, she easily pushed her into the abyss.

  Xiao Meimei pinched the photo in her hand into a ball, her fingertips trembling.

  Holding his head in his hands, he fell heavily on the bed.


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