After washing the pots and bowls, the girl came to the kiln and saw several cracks in the kiln.

"Make up with clay." Yun Xin muttered in her mouth and turned to find the clay.

After a while, the girl came back with a large ball of clay, and she used her hand to evenly spread the clay on the crack, filling all the cracks.

"Warm up the fire first." Yun Xin muttered, got up and took a pile of firewood, lit ~ and began to preheat the kiln.

She got up and went back to the shelter and took out the bamboo basket containing the seaweed.

Yun Xin tore the seaweed while chanting the steps in his mouth: "Chu Feng said to tear the seaweed first..."

She looked at the seaweed that had been filled with half a pot in the steel pot, hesitated and did not continue to tear it, and the rest was ready to be eaten later.

"Oil and salt, a little of it." Yun Xin got up and scooped a little wild boar oil with a bamboo spoon, poured it evenly on the seaweed, and then sprinkled a little salt.

She stirs the seaweed with a bamboo spatula so that the oil and salt are evenly attached to the seaweed.

"Put some coconut meat, it should taste good." Yun Xin got up and grabbed a handful of coconut meat from the clay pot.

Yesterday she had dried the coconut meat and sealed it in a clay pot.

Yun Xin took a short knife sharpened by wild boar fangs, shredded the coconut meat, and then poured it into the pot and mixed it evenly with seaweed.

The short knife was sharpened by Chu Feng yesterday, and it was left for the girl to use as a kitchen knife, which would be better than the wood knife.

The girl came to the kiln with a steel pot, gently touched the wall of the kiln with her hand, and found that it was already a little hot.

"The temperature should be enough." Yun Xin hesitated.

She roasted seaweed for the first time, picked out the still burning wood with a wooden stick, carefully stuffed the steel pot into the kiln, and then sealed the furnace.

"I'll come back later." Yun Xin clapped his hands, got up and left to sew the deerskin clothes, and had been busy with other things for the past two days.

It took nearly ten minutes before she returned to the kiln.

"It should be okay." Yun Xin was a little unsure, squatted down and carefully opened the lid of the kiln with a wooden stick.

She picked up the steel pot with a wooden stick and put it aside, and the heat of the kiln made her hands a little soupy.

"It looks okay, let Chu Feng taste it first." The corners of Yun Xin's mouth raised slightly, looking at the sea moss that had turned dark green.

If she is allowed to try it herself, needless to say, it must be not bad, after all, people who are not picky eaters, many things are evaluated as okay, not bad...

Yun Xin carefully carried the steel pot into the shelter, ready to put it in a pottery plate to let the heat of the seaweed dissipate.

Nori contains a special pigment protein of 'phycoerythrin', which will decompose after preheating, so that it will fade its original purple color, so seaweed will be green after making seaweed soup and seaweed.

Chu Feng was stepping on the table and building a wall, when the girl came over with a clay plate containing roasted seaweed.

"Chu Feng, the seaweed is ready, you taste it." Yun Xin said with a smile.

"Then I'll go wash my hands first." Chu Feng rubbed the clay on his hands and said with a smile.

"I'll feed you." Yun Xin's cheeks were slightly red, and he picked up a piece of seaweed with chopsticks and handed it to Chu Feng's mouth.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly, looking at the seaweed on the chopsticks in front of him, it was already a little scorched, and he opened his mouth to eat the seaweed into his mouth.

The mouth is first crisp with seaweed, followed by a faint coconut aroma in the mouth, accompanied by a salty taste, and the aroma of lard.

"Is it delicious?"

Yun Xinmei was full of expectation, and said crisply: "I put a little dried coconut meat, will the taste be strange?"

"It's very good, I think it's much more delicious than the seaweed I bought in the supermarket." Chu Feng praised softly, opening his mouth to signal the girl to take another mouthful.

"Then you eat more." Yun Xin smiled and bent his eyes, and took another large piece of seaweed and stuffed it into Chu Feng's mouth.

She made half of the seaweed she brought back the day before yesterday into nori seaweed, which can be used as a snack. The remaining seaweed dried and put into a clay pot and kept for later soup.

Chu Feng chewed the seaweed in his mouth and said softly: "You also eat it, otherwise it won't be so delicious if it's soft." "

"Okay, I'll try."

Yun Xin took a piece of seaweed and chewed it, her eyes lit up, and she teased: "I think I have the talent to be a chef." "

"You've always been my chef." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly.

After the two came out of the orphanage, as long as there was a girl, she was cooking many times.

"Really... It's another heartwarming remark. Yun Xin blushed and whispered, chewing seaweed in her mouth and lowering her head slightly.

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, then lowered his head slightly and approached the girl, and asked softly: "Yunxin, what did you just say?" "

"No, nothing, I'll go put things down and come help you." Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and she snorted softly, turned around and trotted away.

"Hahaha..." Chu Feng laughed loudly.

The girl's body trembled slightly, and she ran faster.

"It seems that someone has chosen the meal in this life." Chu Feng said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, turned around and continued to build the wall.

After a while, Yun Xin walked over with small broken steps.

"Chu Feng, let me help you hand over the stone, you don't have to climb up and down." Yun Xin bent down, picked up a stone and handed it over.

······· Ask for flowers...

"Good." Chu Feng stopped the action of getting off the wooden table, took the stone handed over by the girl and continued to get busy.

Time passed quietly in the busyness of the two.

In the afternoon, the sun slowly tilts to the west, and the poisonous sun gradually milpens.

With the help of the girl, Chu Feng's speed of building the wall was much faster, and by the afternoon, the second wall and toilet had been built, and the gate was not yet capped.

"Chu Feng, how do you get it above this gate?" Yun Xin looked at the semicircular gate passage.

She feared that the stone would be too heavy and would crush the semicircular stone door and the entire wall would collapse.

"Just make a T-shaped support frame and put it in the stone door as a support." Chu Feng pondered for a while, and got off the wooden table to prepare.

He found a thigh-thick piece of wood, measured it at the height of the stone door, cut the wood with a firewood knife, and cut one end into a 'convex' shape.


Pick up another piece of wood, measure it according to the width of the apex of the stone gate, cut it with a wood knife, and cut a 'V' slot in the middle.

The two logs are combined together, and the 'convex' position is connected to the V groove, and the gap at the interface is filled with small wood chips to prevent loosening and falling.

After such a 'T' shaped bracket was made, Chu Feng then tied a semi-circular arc with bamboo on the crossbar, so that the stone would be stressed when the round arch was made.

"That's fine." Chu Feng held the 'T' shaped bracket and stuffed it into the stone gate, and the top just pressed against the top stone of the stone gate, so that if he continued to pile up stones, he was not afraid that it would collapse.

What he did was the stone arch principle, where one stone pressed another stone into a semi-arc, and finally the top was capped, and the force would be dispersed by the stones on both sides.

The two continued to work until it was almost dark and the two fixed the last stone.

"It's so big." Yun Xin rubbed the clay in her hand and looked at the three walls that had been completed, and her eyes were full of amazement.

The new shelter is more than seven meters long and wide, and reaches a height of about two meters, which is larger than the rental house the two live in the city.

"After the wall is burned to half pottery tomorrow, you can start building the roof."

Chu Feng chuckled and sighed, "The roof can be built in about a day, and then we can move." "

He plans to start looking for dry wood tomorrow, burn all three walls and the ground with fire, burn them into a semi-ceramic shape, and then continue to build the remaining doors, windows and roofs.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for customization, ask for support workers. "_

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