At night, the sea breeze blows through the jungle.

Inside the shelter, Chu Feng and Yun Xin sat together and chatted after eating their dinner, with two cups of pine needle tea on the table and coconut-flavored seaweed baked during the day.

"It's a lot more comfortable here than in the city." Yun Xin sighed softly, took the pottery cup and took a sip of pine needle tea, and with one hand squeezed a piece of seaweed and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

"We'll be better off in the future." Chu Feng also drank the tea ceremony.

There is expectation in the girl's beautiful eyes, it doesn't matter if the life is good or not, what matters is who she spends it with.

"Chu Feng, the pine needles are almost gone." Yun Xin looked at the pine needles floating inside the pottery cup.

"When the shelter is set up, let's go out." Chu Feng said softly, the two also used pine needles to wash their hair.

"Good." Yun Xin replied crisply. "Four Seven Seven"

She picked up the half-sewn deerskin coat on the side and continued to get busy, making a vest from the whole deerskin and using hemp rope at the joint.

There was not much thread removed from the trousers, and the girl spent most of the hour weaving hemp rope as thick as wool and using it to sew animal skin clothes.

The deerskin coat is still close to the last side has not been sealed, and it will be completed in the evening today.

Chu Feng also began to get busy, and he wanted to use bamboo as doors and windows, and when the time came, the shelter would be set up, and he could install it and use it.

He cut the bamboo into two sizes, one meter and half a meter, cut all into pieces of bamboo, and fixed it with rope in the form of a 'well'. Two ropes are then tied at one meter-wide end and used to attach to the window frame.

"Chu Feng, the clothes are ready." Yun Xin said happily, holding a sewn deerskin vest in his hand.

The girl's craftsmanship is very good, both sides of the animal skin vest are fixed with hemp rope, using the method of wearing shoelaces, and finally tying a bow underneath, so that it will be very convenient to put on and take off.

"Very good, very strong."

Chu Feng took the deerskin coat handed over by the girl, checked it, and chuckled, "You go and try it first." "

"Good." Yun Xin took the deerskin suit and entered the shelter.

After a while, the girl came out, wearing a freshly sewn animal skin coat, just the right size.

"How's it going, does it look good?" Yun Xin asked expectantly, pulled the hem of the beast skin clothes with his hand, and spun around in place.

"Good-looking, very suitable for you, this is like a wild man." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth quipped.

Yun Xin rolled her eyes and pouted, "That's also the most beautiful wild man." "

"Hahaha..." Chu Feng was amused.

Time passed slowly, and the two fought each other.

"Okay, let's go take a shower first, it's not early." Chu Feng said softly.

Yun Xin touched the long oily hair, her scalp was also itchy, and said softly: "Well, I need to wash my hair tonight." "

She picked up a steel pot and filled it with water from the water tank, hung it on a wooden hook and boiled it.

After a few minutes, the water in the pot began to boil, and the girl brought the wooden barrel, poured the heat into it, and added cold water to it to try the temperature.

"Crouch down." Chu Feng urged, holding a pottery bowl with soap in his hand.

"Huh? Good...... Good. Yun Xin was stunned for a moment, his long eyelashes blinked, and then reacted, and his face was slightly red and squatted.

"If it hurts, shout." Chu Feng picked up the bamboo tube, filled it with water and poured it on the girl's head, and buttoned a piece of soap with his index finger in the palm of his hand.

He spread the soap evenly on the girl's hair, his slender fingers scratching her scalp.

Yun Xin lowered her head, this time she used soap, which was much more comfortable than the last time she washed her hair, and the smoothness of the soap made her scalp no longer dry, and let the knotted hair slowly loosen.

Having soap to wash your hair is much better than using charcoal.

"I poured water and closed my eyes." Chu Feng reminded, picking up the bamboo tube to rinse the girl's long hair, and his fingers kept rubbing between the black hair.

Yun Xin's heart was full of joy, this was the second time Chu Feng helped him wash his hair. The technology has improved since the first time, and although it hurts a little, it is still very happy.

After Chu Feng helped the girl wash clean, he said, "Don't move, I'll help you dry your hair." "

He picked up the towel on the side and carefully wiped the girl's hair.

The careful and careful action made Yun Xin's eyes narrow, the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose, and he was in a very good mood.

"Okay." Chu Feng said gently, and his hand subconsciously flicked the towel.............

Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and she stood up and let out a sigh: "It's so comfortable, washing your hair with soap is much cleaner." "

She touched her hair and found it much smoother.

"Let's go take a shower." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Hmm." Yun Xin blushed and ran to get her clothes.

Half an hour later, the girl lay down in her sleeping bag after taking a bath.

She held her chin and looked at the fire, it was different to have a bed, no longer had to sleep on the floor, even if there were weeds, it was uncomfortable.

"Chu Feng, you should also quickly take a bath and sleep." Yun Xin shouted.

"You sleep first, I'll sharpen this short knife and sleep." Chu Feng held another boar fang in his hand, and was also ready to sharpen it into a short knife.

"Good." Yun Xin nodded obediently, lying on his side and staring at Chu Feng's figure.

After more than ten minutes like this, the girl's vision became hazy. Unconsciously, I slowly fell asleep.

Chu Feng turned his head to look over, shook his head with a chuckle, and got up to help the girl put the sleeping bag away.

He helped the girl tuck the quilt, put on a storm jacket and soap, and brought hot stones to take a bath.

Time passes slowly.

An hour later.


Chu Feng grinned, stood up and slowly stretched a lazy waist, after taking a bath, he sharpened his wild boar fangs for more than half an hour, and now 2.9 is a little sleepy.

"I don't know if it was after twelve."

The time of the night was difficult to grasp, and he tried to order in his head: "Sign in!" "

As the words fell, a virtual screen popped up in front of his eyes.

"Ding! Sign in for seven days and get a junior pack. "

A mechanized voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, immediately driving away the sleepy sleepiness, and immediately focused his attention in front of him, looking at the screen and seeing that the date of the 21st lit up.

It turned out that unconsciously, I stayed up late until the early hours of the morning, and when I was busy, I was as worthless as I left.


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Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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