In the early morning, the first rays of sunlight shine on String Moon Island.

"Aha~~" Chu Feng was the first to open his eyes, covered his mouth and yawned.

He looked sideways at the girl who was sleeping on his stomach, carefully laid her flat, and climbed off the big I bed lightly.

Chu Feng put on his shoes and glanced sideways at the Liu family sisters, Liu Yimeng helped Liu Yiqiu do 'physical therapy' as always, and his arms and soles were exposed.

He reached out to help the two pull the quilt, and then lit the fire in the fireplace to gradually warm up the cold shelter.

Chu Feng stood up, came to the earthen kang in the corner of the wall, reached out and pressed the top of the kang, and said softly: "It's done quite quickly, then let's warm it up first." "

He returned to the fireplace, took out a sapper shovel, carefully leaned in from the position of the stove mouth, and then gently knocked on the wall of the furnace connecting the earthen kang heating port, breaking the thin semi-ceramic clay.

Chu Feng controlled his strength, and the half-pottered clay was only broken in half, which was to avoid letting too much hot smoke in.

The newly built earthen kang is full of cold air, and if too much hot smoke is poured at once, it is easy for the cement to crack.

The process of preheating is gradual, wait for a small part of the hot smoke to enter it, let the cold air gradually warm, by the way test the tightness and firmness of the earthen kang, to ensure that there is no problem before opening the heating opening, there is no need to bother so much in the future.

Chu Feng stood up and stood by the earthen kang to check the kang noodles to see if there was any smoke leakage.

He observed for more than ten minutes and was relieved to confirm that there were no cracks and smoke leakage.

"It's a little warmer. Chu Feng reached out and touched the kang noodles, there was no longer a cold texture, replaced by a warm hand feeling.

After observing for a while, he made sure that there was really no smoke leakage before leaving, pushing open the wooden door and coming to the courtyard.

"It seems that I did sleep a little early last night. Chu Feng whispered to himself, looked up at the sky, it was about six o'clock in the morning, and the genius was bright.

He stretched his waist in the yard and gave the order in his mind: "Sign in." "

A virtual screen pops up in front of me, showing that the date of the 19th lights up.

Sign in for seven days and get a gift pack. A mechanical synthesis prompt sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

He turned and walked towards the cultivation room, while giving the command in his mind: "Open the gift bag." "

"Ding! A prescription for hearing enhancement. (Elementary)"

"Ding! A gift pack of plant oil pressing technology. (Elementary)"

"Ding! A gift pack of carving experience. (Elementary)"

"Sure enough, it's an auditory enhancement potion. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, pushed open the wooden door of the cultivation room and walked in, lest something abnormal happen, specially closed the wooden door with his backhand, and shut the drones outside.

He added wood and hay to the extinguished fireplace and lit it again with flint.

"Use auditory enhancement agents. Chu Feng ordered.

"Ding! Vision-enhancing potion in use...".

The next moment, there was a crispy tingling sensation in his ears, followed by tinnitus, as if a swarm of bees whistled past his ears.

This feeling lasted for five or six minutes before gradually dissipating and replaced by an improvement in hearing.

"It's a good feeling. Chu Feng rubbed my ears and said softly.

After strengthening the sense of hearing. Many sounds that were previously inaudible, such as the muffled sound of the cold wind blowing the windows of the shelter, can now be heard in the cultivation room.

"Next time it won't be taste enhancement." Chu Feng said to himself, now the functions of the eyes, ears, and nose have been strengthened, and the mouth is not left.

He continued to give the command in his head: "Open the Botanical Oil Extraction Technology Pack." "

"Ding! Plant Oil Pressing Technology Gift Pack is in transit..."

A familiar feeling of soreness appeared in Chu Feng's head, which lasted for more than ten minutes before gradually dissipating, and his mind was filled with a large number of pictures and knowledge.

He closed his eyes and began to sort out and digest the newly acquired knowledge, and after a while, he opened his eyes and whispered to himself: "As long as you find a few plant fruits and the like, you can solve the problem of oil." "

There is not much boar left in the shelter, and it will run out after seven or eight days at most.

The plant oil pressing technology gift package contains a variety of plant oil pressing techniques, as well as pictures and text explanations, all of which are printed in Chu Feng's mind.

After Chu Feng sorted out the knowledge he had just obtained, he continued to give orders in his mind: "Open the last gift package." "

"Ding! The carving experience gift package is in transit..."

Once again, a large amount of knowledge and pictures poured into his mind, this time the feeling of soreness was extremely strong, and his head seemed to have been hit hard by someone with a pan, and he began to feel a little dizzy.

This feeling lasted for more than ten minutes before it gradually eased and dissipated, and Chu Feng's brain was already covered with cold sweat.

"Chu Feng, are you inside?"

Yun Xin's shouts came from outside the cultivation room.

She didn't see Chu Feng just after getting up, so she came out to look for it when she was a little worried, or she didn't see Chu Feng's figure, and she felt uneasy.

"I'm here to make a fire." Chu Feng quickly responded, reaching out to wipe the sweat off his forehead.


The wooden door was pushed open, the girl probe came in, and the drone flew in.

"Okay, then I'll go cook breakfast." Yun Xin was visibly relieved.

She closed the wooden door and stepped on the thick snow back to the shelter, ready to cook breakfast.

Chu Feng glanced at the drone suspended above his head, pursed his lips and squatted down to add wood to the fireplace, but his mind was quickly sorting out the knowledge he had just obtained.

"Carving experience packs, wood carvings, snow carvings, ice carvings... And sand sculptures?"

"Is this for him to develop in the direction of literature and art, but it's good to use it for playing time." "

Chu Feng chuckled helplessly, he couldn't do a lot of things on a snowy day, and it seemed to be quite good to play with wood carving snow carvings.

He got up and began to check the germination of the wild vegetable seeds, keeping an eye on the moisture content in the soil.

"In two days, it should be germinating. Chu Feng whispered to himself, the soil is still very wet, there is no need to water it today, otherwise the wild vegetable seeds should rot.

He checked the clay pot next to the fireplace again, and the mycelium growing in it had doubled.

"In two days, mushrooms will be able to grow. "Chu Feng re-covered the hay, this can also be regarded as accumulating experience in the future, this is a technique that can make a fortune.


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