At 7:50 a.m., the observers gathered in the studio and waited for the broadcast to start at 8 o'clock.

"Ahem, Qingyue and Wei Ting, take a look at this information. He Ming handed over the two pieces of information in his hand.

"Teacher He, what information?" asked Wu Qingyue curiously as she took the information.

"See for yourself, you may be interested. He Ming chuckled.

Qi Weiting raised her eyebrows slightly, looked down and opened the first page, saw that her face was a little surprised behind her, and then read it quietly.


Wu Qingyue's eyes widened after reading the entire information, and she said in surprise: "Observer Wilderness Experience Plan?"

"That's right, this is the director's team's follow-up plan, just now you read the plan, now ask for your opinion, are you willing to go to the wilderness to experience it?" He Ming chuckled with a gentle smile.

The so-called 'Observer Wilderness Experience Program' is to let two observers, Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting, go to Qianyue Island to participate in wilderness survival together, and the survival time is two weeks, that is, fourteen days.

"Then why didn't Teacher He and Teacher Wang participate?" asked Wu Qingyue with a side of her head and curiously.

"Mr. Wang is already an expert in wilderness survival, and he and I are going to stay in the live broadcast room to answer some questions from the audience. He Ming explained.

"This way..." Wu Qingyue held her chin with her hand, thinking about some questions.

Qi Weiting half-squinted, and there was a desire in her eyes.

"Teacher He, let me think about it and give you an answer tonight. Wu Qingyue looked at the time, it was already eight o'clock, and the live broadcast room should start.

"Okay, no problem. He Ming said with a gentle smile.

He just passed on the message for the director team, and the follow-up arrangement still required the two to dock with the director team.

"Sister Wei Ting, will you go?" asked Wu Qingyue with a low voice with a sideways head.

"It's interesting, why don't you go?" said Qi Weiting as she turned her head and said softly.

During this time, I learned a lot in the live broadcast room, and I can go to the field to practice.

"It seems to be..." Wu Qingyue frowned, feeling a little struggling in her heart.

"Okay, the live broadcast is about to start. He Ming reminded softly, the monitor in front of him was already counting down.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

Wu Qingyue quickly sat down, released her frowning brows, looked at the camera in front of her with a smile, and the day's live broadcast began again.


On Xianyue Island, in the shelter of Chu Feng and the others, the four of them sat around the wooden table and ate breakfast.

Liu Yimeng chewed the meat in her mouth and said indistinctly: "Chu Feng, can Tu Kang sleep tonight?"

"Okay, wait a little longer to warm up, you can go up to warm up." Chu Feng said softly, the earthen kang has been preheated for more than an hour, and the cold air inside has been consumed, and it will become warmer and warmer next.

"Chu Feng, should we also go to the kang to eat when we eat in the future?"

Yun Xin swallowed the meat in her mouth and asked curiously: "I watch TV, many northerners sit on the kang and eat. "

"Yes, I will make a small low table later, and I will eat on the kang later to experience the life of the northerners." Chu Feng chuckled.

More than twenty minutes later, the four of them finished breakfast, washed the pots and bowls, and gathered around the kang.

Chu Feng reached out and touched the kang noodles, the temperature was already very high, but it was not hot.

He took off his shoes and stood on the earthen kang, walked around it, and stepped on every corner to make sure that the kang noodles would not crack and leak smoke.

"You all come up and see how it goes. Chu Feng waved his hand.

"Good. Yun Xin took off his shoes with great interest, stepped on the stairs and walked up the earthen kang, carefully walking on it.

"I'm coming. Liu Yimeng quickly took off her shoes and climbed onto the earthen kang

"So warm. Liu Yiqiu also put on the earthen kang with bare feet, and the soles of her feet were warm, much more comfortable than wearing rabbit skin shoes.

"You all walk around and see if you can bear the weight of four people. Chu Feng squatted down and carefully observed the pit surface.

"Good. The three women began to circle around Chu Feng, walking around the kang mian.

Chu Feng looked down, the three pairs of jade feet in front of him moved back and forth, and quickly focused his attention on the cement kang noodles.

The three women walked for nearly ten minutes, and there were no cracks and instability on the surface of the pit.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and said softly: "Okay, don't turn around, be careful of dizziness." "

"If you don't shout anymore, I'm going to faint." Liu Yimeng pouted and reached out and pressed my temple, sitting on the kang noodles.

"I also have a little. Yun Xin covered her forehead and sat down slowly.

"Let you go, not let you go in circles. Chu Feng said with a wry smile, reached out and pressed the girl's temple, and gently rotated his index finger at a specific acupuncture point on the top of his head.

"Hey, I don't seem to be faint. Yun Xin was surprised, and the feeling of dizziness after being pressed a few times quickly receded.

"Chu Feng, you also press me. Liu Yimeng pouted and said aggrievedly.

"Good, good, good. Chu Feng chuckled, turned around and gently rubbed Liu Yimeng's temples according to the same method.

"It's comfortable. Liu Yimeng exhaled, the whole person was a little drowsy, and his body involuntarily leaned towards Chu Feng.

"Wake up, morning." Liu Yiqiu shouted angrily, reaching out and patting her sister's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh. Liu Yimeng pursed her lips and sat up straight a little embarrassed.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Chu Feng turned his head sideways and asked, "Help you press it too?"

Liu Yiqiu's face was slightly red, and she waved her hand and said, "I don't faint, no need." "

"Good. Chu Feng was not reluctant.

He got up and got off the kang, walked towards the fireplace, and used a sapper shovel to smash all the remaining half-terracotted clay on the wall of the hearth.

"Spread a layer of linen, and take off your shoes later." Yun Xin also came down from the kang, took out two or three pieces of sackcloth woven during this time from the wooden frame, and spread it out to cover the entire kang noodles.

"What about the two big beds?" asked Liu Yiqiu softly.

"Move it outside and leave it away, maybe you'll use it later." Chu Feng said softly, the space in the shelter is limited, and two large I beds will take up space without sleeping alone.

He put down the sapper shovel, and the semi-terracotted clay in the fireplace had all been knocked open.

After Chu Feng opened the wooden door, he pushed the big bed and moved it outside the shelter, and then stood up on its side and placed it under the eaves.

Seven or eight minutes later, both large beds were moved under the eaves, and the space inside the shelter was suddenly much empty.


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