Next to the small earthen slope, Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting sat around the fire, on which was set up a steel pot with mushrooms boiled inside.

"It should be able to eat, right?" asked Wu Qingyue softly, her stomach growling again.

After eating the pot of slippery mushrooms at noon today, the two continued to explore the surroundings, and did not return to the shelter until it was close to dark.

The result was obvious, it was difficult to find food on a snowy day, and the two ended up empty-handed.

"Wait a little longer, any food in the wild needs to be cooked a little bit. Qi Weiting said softly, stirring the slippery mushrooms in the steel pot with a wooden stick, this knowledge was also learned from Chu Feng's live broadcast room.

"Okay, then I'll bake some mushrooms to eat. Wu Qingyue pursed her lips, took the branch of the noon roasted mushroom, and put a few slippery mushrooms into the fire to roast.

A few minutes later, the aroma of roasted mushrooms came out, and she quickly pulled the branches out and blew out the lit branches.

"Sister Wei Ting, you eat one first. Wu Qingyue blew the hot air of the roasted mushrooms and handed it over after it was a little cold.

"Thank you. Qi Weiting opened her mouth and chewed the first mushroom into her mouth.

Wu Qingyue was full of roasted mushrooms, and in such a difficult situation in the wild, he was already very happy to eat these.

After a few minutes, the water inside the steel pot was constantly boiling, and the mushrooms inside were tumbling with the boiling water.

"Okay, it's time to eat. Qi Weiting carried the steel pot and put it on the snow to let it cool down quickly.

"Good. Wu Qingyue stuffed the last piece of grilled mushroom into her mouth, got up and took out the chopsticks from the shelter.


She picked up a piece of slippery mushroom and stuffed it into her mouth, just chewed a mouthful and exhaled, although the outside of the slippery mushroom is cold, the inside is still very hot.

"Slow down, there are a lot of them. Qi Weiting reminded softly.

Wu Qingyue opened her mouth, reached out and fanned the wind into her mouth, and answered indistinctly: "Good." "

There are not many slippery mushrooms in the steel pot, enough to relieve the hunger of the two and can last until tomorrow.

Wu Qingyue chewed mushrooms in her mouth and asked vaguely, "Sister Wei Ting, do we still have to explore tomorrow?"

"Well, the food is still not enough. Qi Weiting nodded lightly and ate the slippery mushroom in small bites.

"How about we go to the other side of the cliff? Wu Qingyue suggested.

The two of them just went to the front of the cliff today, and they haven't gone around to check it later, maybe there is something new there.

"Good. Qi Weiting thought about it and nodded and replied, it is better to find a goal than to wander aimlessly.

"Then it was decided. Wu Qingyue said with a smile, today is the second day to come to the wilderness, and there are still fourteen days to leave.

More than ten minutes later, the sliding mushrooms in the steel pot were eaten by the two, holding each other in the steel pot and drinking the mushroom soup.

In the live broadcast room, the audience brushed the barrage.

"It's the first time I've seen such a goddess of Qing, so down-to-earth." "

"Ah~~ The goddess Qing who drinks soup is as beautiful as ever. "

"Come on, Goddess Qing, you will definitely be able to last for fourteen days. "

"I think Wu Qingyue should last less than fourteen days before giving up. "

"I don't want you to think, as long as I feel and listen to me, I will last for fourteen days." "


The people floating in the barrage are all praising Wu Qingyue, and the charm of the national goddess is so great.

"My hair is a little itchy and I want to take a shower. Wu Qingyue, who was eating dinner, sat by the fire and reached out to gently button her scalp.

"Let's wash it tomorrow, the temperature difference between day and night is too big, and the hair will freeze before it is dry." Qi Weiting said softly, now the cooling water will start to freeze after a while, and washing your hair now is obviously not a good choice.

"Well, okay. Wu Qingyue pouted, her hair was very long, and it was difficult to dry quickly after washing her hair and sitting by the fire.


She blushed and bit her lower lip to look at Qi Weiting.

"Bad stomach?" asked Qi Weiting softly.

"Hmm. Wu Qingyue's face was blushing, and she glanced at the drone, and the clamps between her legs tightened.

Qi Weiting frowned and asked, "Does your stomach hurt?"

Stomachache in the wild is not a trivial matter, and several groups of competitors chose to quit because they ate bad stomachs, and finally couldn't bear the pain.

"It doesn't hurt, it's just wanted... feeling. Wu Qingyue leaned into Qi Weiting's ear and whispered.

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, reached out to control the button, let the drone standby, and then turned the camera into the shelter and said softly: "Okay, let's go." "

"It's too dark outside for me to dare. Wu Qingyue was a little embarrassed, outside the shelter, it was dark everywhere, as if something was hidden there.

"I'll go with you. Qi Weiting stood up with a firewood knife, and at the same time took out a half-burned log in the fire.

"Thank you. Wu Qingyue breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the jungle with small broken steps, but she didn't want the smell to drift to the shelter, otherwise she wouldn't have to sleep tonight.

"I'm waiting for you here, don't go far. Qi Weiting stopped and illuminated the surroundings with torches.

"Good. Wu Qingyue replied softly and squatted down next to a bush.

She blushed and bit her lower lip and said to herself, "This place can't come in the future." "

A few minutes later, Wu Qingyue's embarrassed voice sounded again: "Sister Wei Ting, okay, but what should I do..."

"Use the branches. The corner of Qi Weiting's mouth twitched and said softly, this is currently except for Chu Feng, the other contestants 'solve the aftermath' are all using this method.

"..." Wu Qingyue's body trembled, looked sideways at the bare bush, and reached out to break a branch fiercely.

Two or three minutes later, she got dressed, walked out from behind the bush with a twisted face, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Sister Wei Ting, let's go back." "

"Good. Qi Weiting glanced at the bush, then turned and walked towards the shelter.

After returning to the shelter, the two simply cleaned their teeth with charcoal, and then got into their sleeping bags one after another.

"Sister Wei Ting, don't worry, I sleep lightly in the middle of the night, and I will wake up often." Wu Qingyue said softly.

Qi Weiting raised her eyebrows slightly, this habit seems to be very good in the wild.


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