In the early morning, there was light snow outside the window and a cold wind.

Liu Yiqiu held up the closed window, looked at the white snow slowly falling outside the window, and sighed softly: "It's snowing again." "

"Fortunately, I finished the paper yesterday. Liu Yimeng sighed with hot tea in her hand.

The four of them had all woken up, and last night the women had taken a shower and played two games of chess before falling asleep.

"It won't snow for long. Chu Feng pushed open the door of the shelter and went out to observe the celestial phenomena.

"Hurry up and have breakfast. Yun Xin shouted softly, holding the clay pot in his hand and stepping on the stairs to place it steadily on the table of the earthen kang.

Today she was the first to wake up, breakfast was cooked early, and everyone was almost busy after washing.

"Good. Chu Feng replied softly and turned to the earthen kang.

"So fragrant. Liu Yimeng took a deep breath, smelled the smell of meat wafting from the clay pot, and picked up a bamboo spoon to serve the meat to everyone.

The four of them sat around and ate breakfast with clay bowls.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do today?" Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, and she said as she picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it.

"Go and pick the rest of the pecans." Chu Feng said softly, thinking about the pecans that had not yet been picked.

"Then I'll go with you. Liu Yimeng raised his hand.

"Good. Chu Feng nodded lightly.

"Remember to come back early and wear a few more clothes before going. Yun Xin instructed softly.

"Got it. Chu Feng responded seriously, taking the bamboo spoon and filling another large spoonful of meat for the girl.

More than twenty minutes later, the four of them finished breakfast.

Chu Feng put on the storm jacket handed over by the girl, and at the same time tightened the animal skin pants, and then wore an extra pair of linen pants.

"Well, you can't wear it anymore, or you won't be able to take a step on your feet." "

He smiled wryly, and the girl handed over another pair of linen pants.

"It should be warm enough. Yun Xin reached out and pulled Chu Feng's pants, dressed very thickly.

"Don't worry, I'm not going hunting. Chu Feng said softly, reaching out and pinching the girl's slightly red cheeks.

"Well, go ahead, come back early. Yun Xin pouted coquettishly, reaching out to pat away the dishonest hand.

"Good. Chu Feng chuckled, took up the bamboo basket and took the bow and arrow and firewood knife, turned around and pushed open the door of the shelter and went out.

"Sister, I'm leaving. Liu Yimeng shouted into the toilet I.

Liu Yiqiu put down the pot and bowl in his hand, probed out and instructed: "Pay attention to safety." "

"Good. Liu Yimeng answered casually, carrying a small bamboo basket and going out.


Rabbit skin shoes stepped on the snow and made strange noises.

"Today's sun, it shouldn't be snow blind, right?" asked Liu Yimeng with a sideways head.

"Well, the sun is not big, don't keep staring at the snow, it's okay, look more at the sky in the distance. Chu Feng said softly, the sun was much weaker on a snowy day.

"Good. Liu Yimeng replied softly.

The two walked for more than forty minutes, through the eucalyptus forest and through the sugar palm forest, to the place where they last encountered the little squirrel.

"There seems to be only a dog egg and a squirrel in this neighborhood. Chu Feng stopped and observed the bare trees around him, only to find a tree hole, which used to be where dog eggs lived.

"Are you trying to find a companion for the dog?" asked Liu Yimeng with a smile.

"It's best if there is. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, and he turned around and walked in the direction where the hickory tree was.

The two walked for nearly twenty minutes, the snow getting thicker and thicker, and walking became more difficult.

"It's finally here. Liu Yimeng shook the snow on the rabbit's leather shoes and came to the location of the hickory tree.

"Fortunately, there are no other animals to pick. Chu Feng raised his head and said softly, there are still many pecans on the tree, and last time he only picked the part that he could reach.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, and he quickly discovered his target and walked over with a firewood knife.

It was a bare little tree with a straight trunk, just right for a ladder.

Chu Feng brandished a firewood knife and effortlessly cut down several small trees and cut off the excess branches.

The ladder had already been made once, and it was cooked twice, so this time it took less than half an hour to build the new ladder.

"I'll go up and pick it up, and you'll pick it up below. Chu Feng said softly.

He put the ladder under the hickory tree, buried the four legs of the ladder with snow, and stepped on the snow with his feet, which can play the role of a stable ladder.

"Okay, you be careful. Liu Yimeng instructed, putting down the small bamboo basket she was carrying and waiting to pick up pecans.

"Hmm. Chu Feng replied softly, climbing up the ladder with his hands and feet until his hands could reach the pecans in the treetops.

He quickly picked pecans with both hands until he couldn't reach them, then came down to move the ladder and climbed up to continue picking.

There were more and more pecans in the bamboo basket, Liu Yimeng followed Chu Feng with a small bamboo basket, and when a pecan fell, he picked it up and threw it in the bamboo basket.

It took the two of them nearly an hour and a half to pick the pecans from the two trees, except for a few on the top of the trees, which they could not reach even at the top of the ladder.

"The little bamboo baskets are full. Liu Yimeng struggled to carry the small bamboo basket, and this time picked more pecans than last time.

"I'll carry it. Chu Feng said softly, took the small bamboo basket in Liu Yimeng's hand, and couldn't help but carry it behind him.

"Give me half of it. Liu Yimeng said quickly.

"No need. Chu Feng chuckled, this weight is nothing.

Liu Yimeng shook her hand helplessly and asked softly, "Then are we going back now?"

"Haven't been over there yet, go there. Chu Feng raised his finger to the back of the hickory tree, which was an unexplored area, and he wanted to see if he could find the materials needed to squeeze oil.

"Good. Liu Yimeng replied crisply, carrying Chu Feng's bamboo basket and walking towards the back of the hickory tree.

Chu Feng walked in front, paying attention to the perception of danger, although the danger on a snowy day was much less, he still had to be more careful just in case.

More than ten minutes later.

"It seems like there are still only bare bushes and big trees. Liu Yimeng held a wooden stick in her hand and poked the snow in front of her, but she didn't want to step on it and fall short.

"Go further and see. Chu Feng said softly, many unseen trees appeared around, and there should be new discoveries ahead.

The two walked forward for another ten minutes, leaving a string of winding footprints behind them, and at this time, there was no longer snow in the sky, and the vision was much clearer.

"I didn't find anything to eat, but there was a lot of dead grass. Liu Yimeng pouted and kicked the snow with her foot, revealing the buried leaves of dead grass.

Chu Feng squatted down and turned over the snow, his eyes lit up, and he chuckled: "Dead grass is sometimes a good thing. "


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