Wu Qingyue put down the bowl and chopsticks, touched her full stomach and said, "I want to go too." "

"Your fever and cold are not good yet, so don't run around." Chu Feng said softly, this physical condition also went out to dig oil beans, I was afraid that if I came back, I would fall ill on the bed.

"I'll go." Qi Weiting thought for a while and said softly, her little cold has completely healed, since she lives in someone else's shelter, then she still needs to help.

"Yes." Chu Feng nodded gently, Qi Weiting's physique was much better than Wu Qingyue's.

"Then you guys go back quickly, I'll go prepare something." Yun Xin said softly, rolled over and got off the earthen kang, took out the bamboo basket next to the wooden frame, and then began to pack the necessities for travel.

"Yunxin, aren't you in pain?" Chu Feng asked softly.

"Much better, it won't hurt very much." Yun Xin waved his hand, yesterday's most painful time has passed, and now there are only occasional pains, but it will not affect daily walking.

"Then don't just walk around." Chu Feng instructed softly, turning over and getting off the earthen kang to pack up his things.

"Got it." Yun Xin said with a smile, it feels really good to be cared for.

Half an hour later, Chu Feng picked up the bamboo basket on his back, holding a horn bow in his hand, and prepared to go out to dig oil beans.

"Sister, I'm leaving." Liu Yimeng walked ahead, pushed open the door of the shelter and left the camp.

"Stay safe." Liu Yiqiu instructed softly.

"Sister Wei Ting, you all have to pay attention to safety." Wu Qingyue waved her hand and instructed, her face was helpless, she was still very disappointed that she couldn't follow her out this time.

"Well, you have a good rest." Qi Weiting nodded lightly, picked up the small bamboo basket and followed the two out of the shelter and walked north.

Along the way, the three of them talked and laughed, but basically Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng were talking.

Qi Weiting's personality is silent, and she will occasionally chat a little.

"Sister Wei Ting, you are a national martial arts champion, can you teach me some simple self-defense techniques when you have time?" Liu Yimeng asked with adoration in her eyes.

According to the TV news, she learned that Qi Weiting had completed the battle of Fusang and Hanbao a few months ago, and was a well-deserved national martial arts champion.

"Yes." Qi Weiting said softly.

She glanced sideways at Chu Feng, her eyes were eager to try, and she really wanted to compete with Chu Feng, which would be called 'innate divine power'.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, understanding the provocation in Qi Weiting's eyes.

"When I get back to school, those nasty people dare to surround me and run away." Liu Yimeng gestured.

It is rare for twins to be so beautiful, so she and her sister have a certain reputation in school, which also leads to some people taking the trouble to come up, and even some bad behavior.

"Do many people at school bully you?" Chu Feng asked suspiciously.

"That's not it, just a few people behind us who are backing us up and then harassing us constantly." Liu Yimeng gritted her teeth and muttered, her teeth itching with anger at the thought of those nasty people at school.

Qi Weiting's good-looking brows furrowed, and she asked softly with her head sideways: "Is there someone behind her?" Who are they? "

She despises this kind of person the most, bullying people with identity and background, especially bullying women.

"Well, I don't know much." Liu Yimeng said angrily.

"I see." Qi Weiting's eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked up at the drone hovering overhead.

In the live broadcast room of the observer, He Ming and Wang Lin both looked cold.

"It seems that when Wei Ting comes back, some people will be unlucky." He Ming lowered his voice and whispered, but there was still an official smile on his face.

"Some people should be cleaned up." Wang Lin also lowered his voice and said, he also knew a little about the people behind Qi Weiting, which was an existence that few people could not provoke.

"But many people don't know her identity." He Ming said softly.

"I don't know that, I can't touch that level." Wang Lin pursed his lips.


An hour later, Chu Feng and the others came to the place where the oil and beans were buried, and the clearing that had been cleaned up was covered by snow.

"This is it, dig." Chu Feng put down the bamboo basket he was carrying, took out a sapper shovel from it, bent down and began to clear the snow.

"Howler." Liu Yimeng avoided the area she had dug last time and crouched down to gouge the snow.

Qi Weiting watched for a while and squatted beside her to help.

Nearly half an hour later, the surrounding snow was cleared, revealing the sandy ground below.

"I'll dig it, and you'll clean up the oily beans." Chu Feng said softly, looking at the dead branches of oil and beans everywhere, these were all dug out and squeezed into oil, which was enough for four people to use for a year.

"Good." Liu Yimeng quickly nodded and replied.

Chu Feng did not stop, every time he shoveled, he would dig out the oil sand beans together with the rhizome.

Liu Yimeng and Qi Weiting squatted aside, carefully shaking off the sand on the roots and whiskers of the oil and beans, and then using the saber to cut off the dry branches.

The simply treated oil beans are packed in a bamboo basket.

Time passed little by little, and many clods of earth had accumulated in front of the two, all of which were oily beans.

"Chu Feng, you dig slowly." Liu Yimeng pouted.

She and Qi Weiting's hands did not stop, but the accumulation of soil in front of them was increasing, and the speed of cleaning the sand could not keep up with the speed of Chu Feng's digging of oil and beans.

"Then let's rest for a while." Chu Feng stopped the movement in his hand and stopped against the tree trunk on the side.

"I'll go boil some water to drink." Liu Yimeng got up and turned out a handful of hay from the bamboo basket, then picked up some branches around and took out the flint to start a fire.

A few minutes later, she raised the fire, filled the steel pot she brought with clean snow and set it up on the fire to cook.

As the fire gets bigger and bigger, the snow in the steel pot begins to melt, gradually boils and then slowly stops.

Liu Yimeng carried a steel pot on the snow to cool down, turned around and turned to find a bamboo tube cup from the bamboo basket.

"Yun Xin is really thoughtful."

She couldn't help but praise that there were pine needles in the bamboo cup, and she could drink pine needle tea by pouring hot water directly into it.

"Here, have some tea and rest before continuing." Liu Yimeng held the bamboo tube cup and handed it to Chu Feng and Qi Weiting.

"Thank you." Qi Weiting thanked softly, holding the bamboo cup in both hands and sipping hot tea, and her body suddenly warmed up a lot.


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