Chu Feng was holding a bamboo tube cup and drinking hot tea, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

After more than ten minutes, the three of them drank hot tea and rested, got up and got busy again.

Chu Feng then dug up the oil beans, and Liu Yimeng and Qi Weiting kept shaking the sand with their hands to clean up the oil beans.

Time passed slowly, and nearly two hours later, Chu Feng dug out all the oil beans he could see, and the ground was almost completely complete, as if it had been ploughed by a ploughing cow.

Chu Feng put down the sapper shovel and gasped, "I'll go for a sled." "

He dug non-stop for an hour, and even if his strength was amazing, he would feel tired.

"There must be four or five sleds in the warehouse." Liu Yimeng chuckled that every time he came out, he had to make a sled, and sooner or later the warehouse would be filled with sleds.

"No way, it's too troublesome to bring out of the shelter, it's better to make a convenient one." Chu Feng chuckled, bent down to take out the firewood knife from the bamboo basket, and turned around and walked towards the jungle on the side.

He expertly selected bushes, chopped the wood he needed with a firewood knife and made a sled.

More than half an hour later, the simple sled secured with rope was completed, about the same size as the last time, just enough to transport all the oil beans here.

Chu Feng put away the firewood knife, took out the rope from the bamboo basket, and used the rope to tie the root whiskers of the oil sand beans into bundles like last time, and then placed them on the sled, and then fixed them with the rope.

He stopped the movement in his hand and looked at the oil salsa beans that had been dug up and half of them had not been cleaned up. Quickly squatted down, helped shake out the oil beans in the clod, and then used a firewood knife to cut off the withered leaves and the main pole.

The three of them were busy living, time passed again, and after more than two hours, all the oil and beans were cleaned up, tied together with ropes, and fixed by Chu Feng on the sled, piling up the entire sled.

"Almost twice as many as last time." Liu Yimeng sighed that the sled was stacked very high, and if it were not for the design of a curved upward curve in the middle of the bottom, it is estimated that the sled would have been crushed into the snow.

"Gone, it's time to go back." Chu Feng said softly, reaching out to pull the drawstring of the sled, wrapping a few circles around his wrist to prevent his hand from slipping.

"I have to help pull it this time." Liu Yimeng said coquettishly, reaching out and pulling another rope, learning his appearance to wrap the rope around his wrist a few times.

Without saying a word, Qi Weiting picked up another rope and wrapped the rope around her wrist in the same way.

"Let's go." Chu Feng chuckled, the weight of the sled this time was indeed not light, and there was no way to pull it as fast as last time

"It's so heavy." Liu Yimeng bit her lower lip, blushing, the rope jumped straight, she walked forward, her feet stepped on the thick snow, but the sled did not move.

Qi Weiting also tensed her face, her arms were strained, and she still couldn't pull the sled in the slightest.

Starting is the hardest, as long as you pull and rely on inertia, it will be much easier.

Chu Feng chuckled, his arms were forced, the sled slid forward, and the rope in the hands of the two women loosened.

"Perverted!!" Liu Yimeng pouted speechlessly, and the rope in his hand loosened again.

Qi Weiting was also stunned, seeing Chu Feng's exaggerated strength for the first time.

Chu Feng walked forward step by step, leaving two slap-deep marks on the snow slashed through by the sleigh.

"It's a little bit lighter." Liu Yimeng did not admit defeat, turned around and walked backwards, and the rope straightened again.

She rhythmically shouted the slogan: "One-two-one, one-two-one..."

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, his body leaned forward slightly, and he walked forward in the direction of his coming.

After more than forty minutes, the three returned to the location of the eucalyptus forest and stopped at the location where the wolf's footprints were last found.

"Take a break." Chu Feng gasped, and the rope in his hand relaxed.

"I..... I'll make a fire and boil water. Liu Yimeng panted with her hands crossed at her waist, and her speech became choppy.

She rested for a while, then took flint and hay from the bamboo basket, turned around to pick up branches around her, and began to make a fire and boil water.

Qi Weiting was also panting, and couldn't help but ask sideways: "How do you practice your strength?" "

She was shocked in her heart, Chu Feng's strength was greater than those national weightlifters, how did he practice this? Is it really innate?

"Born." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth raised and said softly, after speaking, he picked up the horn bow and walked forward, where the footprints of the wolves were first found.

Qi Weiting pursed her mouth, her good-looking brows furrowed, she didn't quite believe in the so-called innate divine power.

Chu Feng stopped, his eyes carefully scanning the surroundings, while paying attention to the perception of danger.

"Is there something wrong here?" Qi Weiting asked puzzled.

"Beware of wolves." Chu Feng said softly.

"Wolves here?" Qi Weiting's face became serious.

The wolves appeared after she came to the wilderness, so she knew nothing about the wolves.

"Well, but it doesn't seem to appear today, don't be too nervous." Chu Feng chuckled.

"You all come and get some water." Liu Yimeng shouted not far away.

"Here it is." Chu Feng replied casually, his eyes scanned the eucalyptus forest in front of him again, and after not finding the danger, he turned around and walked back.

He took a few steps forward, and the sense of danger in the back of his head suddenly alerted, as if there were needles and needles.

Chu Feng's face changed, his brows furrowed and his eyes scanned the surroundings, the horn bow in his hand had been hitched with sharp arrows, and his fingers hooked the bowstring to pull the horn bow full.

"What's wrong?" Qi Weiting asked suspiciously.

Chu Feng did not respond, but shouted eagerly at Liu Yimeng: "Yimeng, lie down." "

He raised his horn bow at the same time, and the next moment he aimed in the direction of Liu Yimeng after achieving three draws.

"What?" Liu Yimeng was stunned for a moment, and then in the new position of Chu Feng, he subconsciously went towards the snow.


Chu Feng's fingers pulling the bowstring loosened, and the arrow flew out, grazing Liu Yimeng's back and shooting backwards.


Suddenly, a suppressed wolf howl sounded, and less than a meter behind Liu Yimeng, I don't know when a gray wolf appeared, and the sharp arrow shot by Chu Feng directly pierced through the neck and neck.

Liu Yimeng subconsciously turned her head to look, and the next moment her face turned pale, and she screamed: "Wolf!! "

"Stop barking, the wolf is dead." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth tugged, and the danger perception reminder in the back of his head also disappeared.

"Yimeng, are you all right?" Qi Weiting hurriedly ran over, with a look of fear on her face.

The sudden appearance of the wolf scared everyone.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Today the site is strictly checked, the author is changing the old text, alas ..."

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