4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Secret information

In a small, dark, small place, the spy is looking at the stereo image in front of it, and there is something called ‘news’ playing.

"The general meeting of the generals will end, they will decide to lead new groups, build new warships to open up new colonies, and now have the generals speak."

In the image, a virtual person stood up, wearing a dress full of medals, full of pride in the tone.

This was the general who last greeted the soldiers who came back from the drift, and later it wanted to kill all the soldiers, including the spies.

"Now, we have confirmed a beautiful colony, where there is more land than us, fresh oxygen, is a very suitable place to live." The general said loudly on the podium: "That is our future, The future of the whole world!"

"But... there are some creatures that are holding us back." The general's voice is getting bigger and bigger: "So we have to have a stronger fleet to defeat those creatures. At the end of the meeting, the global federation has agreed to the new fleet." Construction, let us get together for the future! I will make our future perfect!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" A group of imaginary people cheered up.

It seems that they are going to go back and attack the pompoms.

But now I don't have to care very much. After all, building a fleet is a long process. Now, in order to shorten this process, the virtual people like to transform the former aircraft or marine vessels into battleships in the void.

But it still takes a long time, at least for a few years, if there are some small attacks on the construction site. They may never be good.

Thinking about it. Lynn turned off this ‘news’. Start to look at something else.

Information about this shelter... secret information...

Now Lin looks at the information of the working system here. It introduces the operation structure of this place in detail. The food here is basically from outside, and the food that is hunted inside will be transported to the outside.

The imaginary people here are some researchers. They are studying the creatures here all day, checking how the radiation affects them. They also seem to try to use radiation to make some organisms mutate. Let them adapt to the high pollution environment outside, allowing these creatures to breed outside.

It seems that the most successful at present is testing plants called 'full bacteria', which were originally resistant to pollution but slowly changed their resistance.

At the same time, the imaginary people often go outside to collect wild species, or collect what is lost in the city 100 years ago...

They also tried to study the resistance of spies, and of course they did not study anything.

It looks like a place to study radiation, but these are just surface studies.

They still have some secrets hidden in the depths of these bases...

The leader, as it said, does not know anything. Its mission is to lead new recruits.

So, there are questions about these. Lynn must check it out by herself.

Now, the spy is approaching a place called the central area.

Under all the shelters, there are a large number of passages that connect all the shelters around, but because the researchers are close to the entrance, there are few virtual people here.

'restricted area'.

In the entrance to the channel in front of the spy, there is such a word.

Lin also looked at the previous information. Except for a few emergency passages that can be quickly evacuated, the passage here is not given. It is illegal to enter the restricted area and can be disposed of directly.

So Lynn opened the door in front of her eyes.

Most of the virtual people use the authentication to switch, but this refuge is old, many of them are metal locks. Just put the object with the shape and open it with a single turn. Shape-conforming objects are generally referred to as 'keys', but spies are opened with fingers.

After entering, there was a long corridor behind, and the spy did not enter the place, but hid behind the door and entered a hidden state.

"Come on! Find it!" After a while, a group of guards rushed over.

Because the spy had just opened the door, it didn't block the monitor, and every place that was forbidden to have a monitor, so they quickly found out.

"It should be running not far!" The soldiers rushed in quickly, and several soldiers and former captains stood at the entrance...

"How did it open the door..." The captain looked carefully at the lock on the door; "It should have no key."

"This is really strange. The people who just watched said it was opened with fingers." Another soldier said: "Does it hide the keys in your fingers?"

"The problem is how it was stolen. If you let it go inside..." while the captain said, his nervous emotions continued to rise. He suddenly shouted: "No! Never let it go in." You are here!"

After that, the captain ran to the depths of the passage...

The spy saw it and immediately caught up with the rushing captain.

In the complicated passage, the captain did not hesitate to run in one direction at all, and the spy kept following it, but it did not notice it.

After running for hundreds of seconds, the captain ran to a gate, which was gently pressed by hand, and the door suddenly opened.

It seems that they have transformed the internal structure, the old lock is used outside, and the inside is brand new.

However, this is a matter of course.

Behind the gate, there is an open space, there are a lot of virtual people here, because the door is open, they all look at this side.

Lin’s attention is the wall behind, which is transparent, and behind the wall, there is a huge object.

This object... seems to be a creature, it looks like a huge starfish, the tentacles should be more than 30 meters in diameter.

And it seems to be raised by the imaginary people behind this transparent wall. Many imaginary people stand outside and observe its state. In addition to this creature, there are some small creatures crawling inside...

"What is that creature?" The spy appeared behind the captain and asked gently.

"That is the starter..." The captain subconsciously said the answer.

"Ah!" After a few seconds, it reacted and turned around quickly, only to see the spy standing behind it, and made a ‘smile’ expression. (To be continued.)

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