4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 15: Heterostructured organism

‘砰砰砰——! ! ’

At the moment the spy appeared, a large number of metal warheads flew over. The first attack was the captain...

However, these warheads all slammed on the ground and splashed countless sparks, and none of them successfully hit the spy.

"Is it running?" This time, the captain reacted very quickly. It slammed and the door suddenly closed.

The soldiers around are still worried, they did not expect the spies to be so fast.

"Fortunately, it didn't come in." The captain sighed and took out a box-like body: "Now all the notices, all the attention, try to find out the outsider! Be sure to catch it! Whether it is killing or You can catch it all! Hold all the exits and strictly check all the entrances and exits!"

After the announcement was issued, the captain regained his anger and walked to the center of the hall...

The spy is still behind it.

Because the spies were very close to the door, they thought the spies escaped without hitting them, but the spies actually ran in.

In this way, the spy can watch the wonderful creatures inside...

"How's it?" The spy followed the captain to the end of the room—the captain asked a researcher wearing a armor next to the huge transparent wall.

“It seems to have begun to adapt to the high temperature environment recently.” The researcher said: “The adaptation index is rising very fast, and it is estimated that the degree of icing will soon be passed, but it is difficult for us to limit its activity with high temperatures.”

"I think you also read the latest news." The captain's emotions were somewhat dissatisfied: "The colony meeting was passed recently, and they asked for a few more transmitters here..."

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. We haven't fully understood when it will produce a transmitter." The researcher looked at the creature behind the wall and said: "But its recent food requirements are very big. It may start to grow. So we It is necessary to increase the scope of the base."

When they talk about it. Lynn is also observing the other side - the lost star, also known as a creature on the jelly star.

They...the length is almost exactly the same, the difference is probably only the difference in body type.

Also in the shape of a starfish, it also has five tentacles, and the outer shell is also snow-colored, and they all eat with small worms.

The spy saw that a square opening was opened on the roof behind the wall. A piece of meat was thrown from above.

At the moment when the meat fell to the ground, many worms were suddenly drilled in the starfish's tentacles. They bit the meat and began to lick quickly.

Strange, are they eating meat? Lin felt that she should go in and have a look.

"...Do we have to raise this kind of thing?"

When Lin thought about it, the captain suddenly spoke.

"Don't our current technology understand how this thing works?"

“Yeah...” the researcher said: “Although the way of long-distance transmission has recently been discovered, there is no way to understand how it works. Even we don’t even know how it digests food.”

"Right. Does it eat meat?" The captain seemed to react, pointing to the things that the worms inside had eaten.

“It has recently liked to eat meat,” the researcher said. “But it’s basically not too picky. It eats everything, stone, metal, dirt, all kinds of substances, and occasionally excretes strange things like Sandy things."

"But studying excreta is impossible to draw conclusions." The researcher said: "Maybe it can be dissected to know what it is, but this is the only one. It is impossible to do that. If it is parthenogenesis, it may be studied in the future." Its cubs, but we don't know how long it grows."

"...It’s really troublesome." The captain said: "Forget it, first try to get it to get the transmitter."

The researcher said: "It just has enough to eat, it may not be possible for a period of time, yes, the captain, a few newcomers have recently come to the research room..." said the researcher walked over to the captain and quietly pointed at it. Said: "Your relatives are coming."

"I know..." The captain also whispered: "You can't let the manager know about it."

Although their voices are small, the spies have heard them completely.

... novice? The word is translated by Lin. The word can be used for many purposes, like a fresh hand, a new hand, but the meaning here seems to be the new virtual people who just joined here.

Speaking of it, it seems quite interesting to join here as their identity.

...so, the spy quickly found the newbies, and then tried to replace the identity of a newbie inside, so that the spies joined them again in a new identity...

When Lin mixed in, I found that these newcomers seemed to be very difficult to come here. After a lot of tests, they were asked to be at least ‘five scholars’.

The five scholars are a title, which represents the number of professional skills that the cubs have mastered after the end of the study period. The requirements for research here are at least five specializations related to biology and machinery.

Usually the pups will only have one or two specializations. Although they basically look at everything when they are studying, there are not many places where they can learn the finest. This kind of cub constitutes the largest group of the virtual people, that is, seeing outside. Those who arrived, kept on the streets and went back and forth to work to make a living.

Mastering three or more virtual people can usually become a manager, or a small leader, and of course they will be easier.

Mastering five or more virtual people is eligible to become a top role, like a researcher here.

They hold a lot of virtual coins, look at the wonderful scenery here, and do a relaxing job, which is something that all the virtual people are envious of.

It can be said that the future life of the imaginary people is all based on their ability to learn. Because there are no instructors, and all the materials in the world are available, everything that has been learned is executed by the imaginary people themselves, and the imaginary people use this. Ways to pick out the elite.

Of course, there are some exceptions. Among these novice researchers, there is only one kind of specialization in the study, but because it is the captain's relatives, with the help of the captain, it came in here with some methods.

This phenomenon is very common. Generally speaking, if the parents are more powerful, their cubs can be completely worry-free even if they play all day...

However, it seems that only a few imaginary people know the relatives of the captain and the novice. Most of the imaginary people do not know, including the general manager here. It is said that the general manager is a very serious virtual person and will never allow this to happen. .

So Lin intends to tell the general manager about this, which seems to be very interesting.

However, there should be something else to do before that.

"This is your device." The spy-playing novice was led to a room by an older-looking researcher, next to the ‘Comprehensive Institute’ that could observe the starfish.

"The rules here should already be known. If you forget, you can look at the images."

The researcher was not as enthusiastic as the previous leader, and he left after a few words.

There is a full range of equipment here, and there is a lot of information about it here, it seems that I can fully understand everything here.

Although, Lin has almost guessed it.

"This is what we call the starter." In the second day, a spy and a group of novices are standing watching the transparent walls of the starfish, a researcher is introducing the situation here.

The novices are very surprised to see the starfish look, because this is completely different from what the outside data can see.

“As you can see, it looks different from the propagator that is advertised outside,” the researcher said. “But it wasn’t like it at first. In the beginning, it’s exactly the same as the outside propaganda. It looks like a beach. Internal organs."

"But... these internal organs are not dead..."

The researcher introduced the situation here and what the novices should do.

Lin is comparing it with another starfish on a distant void.

At first, when they found the visceral object left by the Void Bus, the virtual people kept it.

And they quickly discovered that this thing will appear similar to decay in the normal temperature environment, so they intend to put it into the low temperature environment.

The general low temperature will continue to rot, so the virtual people began to turn the temperature lower and lower. Later, when they reached a certain level, they finally found that the object would not continue to rot, and even began to grow.

Later, the virtual people began to study this creature.

Initially, they only treated it as a normal creature and tried to feed it. They found that it could eat a wide variety of things, but the frequency of eating was not very high, sometimes even several years.

Recently, they found that this starfish likes to eat things with radiation dust.

Later, in the process of growing up, this creature produced 'something' something strange.

This strange thing is the transmitter.

This thing is also alive, and the imaginary people separate it for placement. Later, by chance, they found that this thing suddenly disappeared.

And when it is not seen, the starfish will emit glare, and it also detects strange energy.

This is the beginning of their discovery transmission.

However, the jelly starfish on the other side of the void, apparently Lin did not see what transmitter it produced, but their living habits seem to be very similar to here.

The jelly starfish also feeds on a variety of things, and recently it even ate one of the captain's hands.

However, no matter what they are, Lynn can be sure that the starfish is not left behind.

They should be... the cubs of the Void Bus. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ Sakura Snow ~ Yan Teng ~ monthly ticket ~

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