4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 16: Centennial signal

What if a creature continues to grow?

That may be no end.

As long as the nuclear information allows, a creature can grow forever, but what if a creature that does not rely entirely on nuclear information?

From this starfish, Lynn can find quite a lot of things.

It is a heterogeneous creature, and it is better to use this name to refer to non-velvet creatures, which means that the starfish and the virtual creatures and the common pompon creatures have completely different body composition.

Lin recently put some micro-arms into the starfish's research room to observe. It also uses worms to prey. The worms break down the food they eat and break it into pure nutrients for the starfish to absorb.

This conversion process is quite complicated. The worms use a variety of special substances and methods to convert the substances that were originally familiar to them into completely different substances. So far, the transformation process has not been fully understood, if it is clear, Maybe it will get a lot of inspiration.

The starfish here is also like a jelly starfish. The body is a pile of jelly-like substances, but the difference is that it has a structure that can be called the core. This thing is like an olive, located in the center of the starfish.

It seems to be a complete seal. The micro-arms have not found a place to drill in, because it may have unpredictable consequences. Lin did not dig a hole and drilled it in.

Here, it seems to be the key to the start of the transfer.

According to the records of the virtual people, an unknown energy is released from the center of the starfish when the transmission is initiated, and then the transmitter begins to react and transmit.

There are two types of transmission. Send the conveyor to a fixed area. Or pull things back in the area.

The virtual people invented complex instruments to guide this transmission. At present, the targets of the transmission are fully controlled, and they also find a way to transmit the signals back near the transmitter, so that long-distance communication can be performed without starting the transmission.

However, it is more troublesome to start a large transmission. The virtual people should use some methods to stimulate the starfish and let it release the transmission.

Initially the starfish would occasionally transmit the transmitter to a distant location, but then the virtual public used something to predict in advance that it wanted to transmit and prevented its unauthorized transmission.

For this creature, plus the current understanding of the Void Bus. Lin can make some conclusions...

The Void Bus should be a multi-mixed creature, a body that has a part of a different composition from a pompon creature, and a composition similar to a pompon creature, but this state is not reflected in its pups.

The pup is obviously a complete 'different structure' and can only live in a low temperature environment. Although it is not suitable for the virtual ball, it is suitable for the sky. Its temperature is the same as the common temperature of the void. .

In the process of growing up slowly, its adaptation range will gradually increase, such as the one in the virtual mother ball. It is said that it is almost ready to adapt to normal temperature.

The imaginary people have always used temperature to control it and limit its range of activities. Or stimulate it, etc. If it adapts to normal temperature, it will be much more difficult to control.

It should have only a body size of more than ten meters at first, and it doesn't look like a starfish, but it grew more than three times after growing up in an environment where food is not lacking. It feels quite slow...

The growth of the Void Bus may be a very slow process, like a behemoth that grows to a diameter of 30 kilometers. I don't know how long it will take... and even a giant virtual bus has a much longer chance.

But obviously at a very young age, it seems to have the ability to transmit.

Recently, the virtual people also need more transmitters. Generally speaking, the transmitters are randomly generated, but the virtual people seem to want to stimulate the production in some ways.

For this, Lin feels a bit strange...

This conveyor, which is produced by it, seems to consume a lot of energy every time and makes it very tired. Why does it produce a conveyor?

However, the starfish in the jelly area, they will not produce a transmitter, and even the body does not have a 'core' for transmission, but they are indeed the same kind of creatures, except for transmission, other aspects can be said exactly the same.

So why? Is this starfish trying to produce a transmitter for virtual use?

Lin thinks it may be the opposite, it hates these virtual people...

Although I don't know why the starfish is a cub, why is it left here by the Void Bus, but it is obviously very uncomfortable with the current situation.

"Now it is time to clean, the novices to visit, don't cross the soldiers!"

Now, the spy is walking into the room where the starfish is located with a group of imaginary people. It is maintained in a very low temperature environment with various refrigeration equipment, so wear cold armor when coming in.

The imaginary people usually throw food from above, but sometimes they have to come in and clean up. This requires the protection of a group of imaginary soldiers who wear thicker armor and stand in a row with the ‘heat wave sprayer’.

When they came in, they turned on the sprinkler to shoot the starfish. When the starfish touched the hot air in the sprinkler, it squeaked and retreated. The cleaner immediately went up to clean the place where it was let go.

"Oh... great..." A few novices were stunned at the huge starfish, and Lin was thinking about the problem.

Starfish has been producing conveyors, perhaps for... ‘calling for help’?

Although the virtual people feed it to eat, but trap it in a narrow place, and at the same time start the transmission and do all kinds of things, it will stimulate it in many ways.

For these methods, it feels quite uncomfortable.

However, this is only the current speculation. Lin has not seen what it means to be intelligent, but it is not impossible, and in fact, intelligence and crying have nothing to do with it.

There are many plants that release odors when attacked by insects, attracting the natural enemies of the worms to prey on them.

So this starfish cub may be because the behavior of the virtual people has stimulated its ability to save, making it try to pass information to the void, attracting creatures that can save it...

The imaginary people seem to have never thought of this, and they are continuing to experiment with them.

However, it seems that the call for help in the past 100 years has not received any response.

Is it because the virtual people control its transmission? Or what other reason?

But for a hundred years, for the Void Bus, it was only a short moment, probably because it was wandering in the void.

Because the generals have recently built more warships, the virtual people intend to use new methods to stimulate the starfish to make more conveyors...

Lin feels that this may cause some problems. (To be continued.)

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