a wonderful creature...

Lin broke the crystal larvae bit by bit, and in her body, Lynn found a lot of interesting things.

Most of its internal organs are 'jelly', but it is also mixed with hard parts like metal. Most of these hard internal organs seem to be related to digestion.

Lin thinks that its usual food is basically something very hard.

Lin feels that the crystal larva may have to face a metal-like creature, so it needs to have a strong attack power. It can make a spear in the hole in the middle of the body, and then eject it, the power of the ejection is enough to run through the big Hard objects such as the most common metals, when viewed in the structure of the body, can basically calculate its living environment.

Although the structure is different, Lin feels that its lifestyle is similar to that of common creatures.

Lin believes that this creature should not belong to black metal. When did they join? Because Lin feels that its structure is more biased towards the 'wild' state...

But why does it join black metal?

Lynn feels that she can ask this crystalloin because...it should be able to communicate.

Lin originally wanted to completely break it down, but when it seemed to cause some damage, the crystal larva began to make some strange sounds.

Lin found that its voice was irregular, and some felt like the feeling of screaming, maybe it was crying for something in fear, or it was about communicating.

Because it screams for the first time, it will continue to sound some sound to the pompon, which seems to be what to say.

Therefore, it is still not completely decomposed, Lin decided to use the method of teaching starfish to communicate with it.

And the study of this crystallocer. I also let Lin understand that it is useless to use general intrusion methods. And what is their defense system for? Is there a similar invasive creature in the usual living environment?

Lynn has now made some new cells based on this. At the same time, Lynn is also thinking, can you make some very well-structured cells?

Just like the immune system of the crystal larva, make some cells made of metal.

Lin found that the cell structure of the cell can indeed be very hard, but the internal structure does not seem to be replaced too much, otherwise the cell will lose control.

Research must continue in this regard.

However, there is no need to change the internal structure to make cells that can deal with the crystal larvae. Lin checks the various structures of the crystal larvae. And studied which substances will play a role in dissolution and corrosion.

After finding a countermeasure, it is a good deal.

When Lin did all this, it seems that the virtual people have finally reacted.

The spy has been watching the news of the imaginary people. These news reports on the old news, and also play some speculations and things, which are of no use.

But now, Lin finally saw further news, it seems that the call for help before the pompon has an effect.

"Not long ago, we received a message for help, so we can prove that people who are still alive in the disaster area are asking us for help and describing them in the information. These alien creatures want them to hand over to the children, otherwise they will kill. they."

When the player said it, it also showed the information of the call for help. It was indeed sent out before the pom-pom.

The pompons also made some pictures, that is, the pictures of the cones of the crystal ducks dragging the cubs...

"What are the purposes of these terrible alien monsters? Even young children are not let go? Black metal group, do you believe in this horrible monster? The official here appeals to the people, do not believe or add any suspicious Group! They don't believe anything, no matter what they promise to you."

"The next is the official notice: I know that all the people are discussing why we have not made a decision, but the military is actually already acting." The player’s virtual person clap his hands and it shows an image behind him. .

"These alien monsters use the launcher to invade our world, but now the launcher has been strictly protected." The general said: "We have dispatched a large number of troops to ensure that the launcher will no longer be launched."

"Also, this group of aliens is actually planning to invade us from very early." It refers to the image behind the body. The image shows a metal sphere stuck in the vehicle: "A long time ago, They invaded our group and established a 'black metal group'. Members of the black metal group infiltrated the high-rises of various companies, especially factories, which placed the metal **** in the machinery made in the factory. They can control any of our machinery with metal balls!"

The player said: "The military claims that they have inspected all military machinery. At the same time, the military has developed a way to disassemble these spheres without harming the body." The image behind the player shows the building. Looks like: "Please ask all citizens to go to the nearest 'Demolition Center' for dismantling."

"Please ask all citizens to act quickly. Otherwise, all of this may be out of control. Those who do not act will be considered members of the Black Metal Group. The military has now begun a full-scale arrest."

Have they been preparing these things before? Lin also thought that the general had already dealt with the metal **** in the military machinery, and it was too slow to wait until the invasion.

The announcement of the speed of the citizens themselves is not slow, Lin asked the pompoms floating in the surrounding cities to pay attention, and found that there are many 'demolition sites', but these are not new buildings, but the original repairs A place like a car factory has changed to a new sign.

"The military is also ready to face the invaders, and now it is transferred to the general."

As the saying goes, the picture of the news has changed. I saw that the general is now standing on a high platform. Lin found that it should be a city near the city of Coronation. It did not run far.

"We will definitely fight back!" The general raised his hand and said with excitement: "Now, our Air Force is ready, we will attack directly and bomb the main base of the aggressor! Then, the ground forces will rescue all the trapped people!"

"I will personally direct the troops, and soon we will announce the battle."

The general said it was very short. After the story was finished, the picture was blacked out, but Lynn had found it. After playing it, Lin let the nearest pompom fly to the position of the general. It is now near the city of Coronation. On the square of a city, behind it is an army base...

The cities around them seem to have many military bases. I don't know why, but it also facilitates the troops to move at any time.

The pompoms flew through the air and saw that the imaginary forces in the base were moving fast, and a large number of imaginary people boarded the aircraft parked in the base square.

These aircrafts, Lin had seen the information before, it is the air force commonly used by the virtual people, known as the '100 type assaulter', the civilian and carrier aircraft of the virtual people are mostly square or olive-shaped, while the military seems to be It is this streamlined body with metal wings.

The general, from the outside square into the base, the pompom immediately flew down, has been behind it.

The general went to the tallest building in the base, which is called the 'command tower', and there are a large number of imaging devices around it that can display all aspects of information.

The general went to the position of the commander, and a virtual person on the side said: "The general, the assault troops are ready."

"Good." The general said: "So... start."

On the image, Lin saw the ‘the assaulters’ parked in the plaza flying over the sky and then rushing to the edge of the sky...

Their direction is where the disaster area is located.

Soon after, the pompoms at the edge of the disaster area saw these aircraft.

This is an air combat squad consisting of 22 aircraft. They are arranged in a 'v' shape. With the roar of the air, they flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed and flew to the center of the disaster area.

"It is close to the target." "The preparation of the refinery missile."

In the command room, you can see the angle of view of each aircraft. The intact urban area in the center of the disaster area is getting closer and closer, and the assaulters did not fly directly. When they approached, they suddenly turned and turned around the central area. A circle is coming.

Lynn found that the team of the assaulters seemed to be watching the situation inside.

“I didn’t find any new alien buildings.” An operator said: “The only building is the giant egg behind the aerospace giant...”

The general suddenly said: "Very good, just stop here."

Under the command of the general, the strikers stopped in the air, and the position of the position where they were located just happened to be able to see the giant eggs in the city.

This thing looks like it is hidden in a tall building complex. If it is not directly flying to the top of it, it is very difficult to hit it, but Lin knows that the virtual people have a way to hit it.

The general said: "Use a custom missile to attack!"

‘Hey! After the general’s voice fell, the missiles around an assaulter were also ejected at the same time.

In the command room, the missile's field of vision can also be seen. These missiles flew into the urban area, and the vision of all missiles disappeared at the moment of flying over the huge spears that were inserted on the ground...

"The information with the missile was interrupted, the general."

"There is a function of shielding signals." The general did not care. From the perspective of the striker, the missiles flying into the city would bypass the surrounding buildings and rush to the dome in the center of the city.

'boom! The missile crossed the complex building directly and hit the giant egg in the center of the city.

After the glory of the explosion, the shell of the giant egg did not seem to have any damage, but the virtual people here became excited.

Including the general, it said with excitement: "Very good, that's it! All assaulters, attack with all firepower!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Hubble Telescope ~ Million Awards ~ Infinite Prairie ~ There is only a monthly ticket ~

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