4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 56: Mini interception

'boom! ’

The violent explosion sounded loudly in the city.

A missile like a raindrop traversed the city and slammed into the giant egg in the city. The imaginary people who had been arguing over whether or not to hand over the cubs now feared to hide under the table and squat their heads. Only a few Dare to look up and see the situation.

However, contrary to them, those are the crystal-cleared cones on the ground.

When Lin grabbed a cone, all of them were as flustered as they were at the end of the day. Now, under the strong roar of the missiles, they are like nothing.

They didn't even pay attention to the missiles, and they didn't pay attention to the bombs being bombed. They still carried out the previous tasks - to find the virtual people to be young.

Although most of the imaginary people have already hugged their heads and are afraid to come out.

At this time, they will blast the door of the imaginary people, but they will not force the imaginary people to hand over the cubs. They will only wait outside the door and repeat the sentence: "Come on, otherwise die."

Lin looked at them like this, obviously, without guessing, they could know whether the attack by the virtual people had any effect.

The roar of the giant egg quickly stopped, and the assault team outside the city area had already fired all the missiles.


"How is this possible?" In the command room, including the generals, all the imaginary people were surprised to see the images in front of them. After being bombarded by the missiles, the black metal giant egg shell did not even have a crack.

"Report, the attack is invalid, the target damage level: 0%"

The report from the Raiders' unit sounded in the command room, and all the virtual people present were listening to the news. Their mood has become worse and worse.

"What material is that material made of? What is it that can't be blown?" "Sure enough, I still use the Type 78 bomb..." "Don't move it all day. Type 78. Do they use the last resort to invade us? And there. There are still many civilians!" "You can't sacrifice the whole world for a small group of civilians!"

The virtual people here are arguing. The general did not participate in it. It seemed to be in a slap in the face, and it did not move.

"General! Please give the order, what should we do next?" "General!"

"What?" The general suddenly seemed to wake up. He looked around and said: "First let the assault troops return here!"

'boom! At the moment when the general finished, the commander suddenly rang a loud noise, and the sight of the assaulter who had been displayed on the image disappeared.

"We are attacked!" from the perspective of other assaulters. I can see that the assaulter who disappeared from the field of vision has turned into a fire, and fell heavily on the ground...

"We were attacked!" The remaining assailors immediately flew away, and then came ‘Boom! There was another assaulter who fell from the sky...

"Let them retreat!" the general shouted: "Hurry up and retreat!"

Just as the general roared, all the assaulters’ vision disappeared from the image...

“The signal was strongly disturbed, general,” one operator said.

“What?” the general said: “Is it not even the latest ‘Connecting King’ system?”

"Yes, general." The operator said: "I think it should be caused by those things in the ruins of the surrounding city..."

"Ah!" The general suddenly shocked: "Does those who fall in the ruins also have an impact?"

... Although the general can't see it here, it is very clear on the side of Lin.

On the ruins of the city, the explosion is still echoing, and five assailors have crashed in the explosion. The remaining assailants evacuated the place at a very fast pace.

The reason they are disturbed is indeed what the generals thought. Not only are the spears that are inserted on the ground distracting, but the corals that fall in the ruins of the city have a spear inside, which seems to release interference.

However, the cause of the main crash of the assaults has nothing to do with the interference, they can't detect the attack even if the detection system is fully open.

As they began bombarding with missiles, some cones entered the ruins of the city and came under the assaulters who were shooting.

They shoot tiny spikes from the tip, only a few centimeters in length, and the current detection system of the virtual people can't detect them, and they hit the engine precisely so they can destroy one without them. Assaulter.

Moreover, they also use a similar method to defend against previous missiles.

The dome's outer shell is not hard enough to be hit by so many missiles and there is no damage, but they have a special interception method, which is to launch these tiny nails for interception.

When the pompom is close to the giant egg, you can see that there are some small traces on the surface of the giant egg. They are estimated to be shot from the nail.

When the missile approaches the giant egg, these nails will shoot the intercepting missile. Although the missile will still have an impact on the giant egg after the explosion, the power is already much smaller, which is not enough to cause damage.

The virtual people can't accept the information inside, because the interference range is quite large, and the machinery used by the virtual people to observe in the void is also affected, but the dust here is foggy, and in the void, it is not clear. .

Now, they can only observe the explosion through the sight of the outside assaulter who is not clear about the giant egg from a distance, so it looks like the missile hits successfully, but it does not cause harm.

Lin thinks that the general should first blast off the spears that interfered outside, but it wants to directly bombard the base, so it will be like this.

Black metal also seems to be very good at using such small, hard-to-detect things to destroy large targets, and Lin has a little understanding of them.

"General, the assaulter heard the news, a total of five crashes, and others have retreated." In the command room, the general has re-received the information of the assaulter from the interference zone.

"Exit the troops in the nearby base! Enclose them first, and never let any alien forces leave the area!"

"But the general..." "All the troops are dispatched!" "Yes..."

The general seemed to be thinking about something special, and under its command, the base’s troops were dispatched again.

In the image, a large number of imaginary soldiers boarded their chariots, and the square where the aircraft was parked slowly opened slowly, and a large warship like a warship slowly rose from it.

This time, it seems that there are more than one air force team. The troops that have been dispatched include ground troops and air units. Lin also saw many large air weapons.

The virtual people seem to be going to launch a full-scale attack on the target?

On this side, the crystallizer seems to be planning to take the next step, because Lynn found that the cubs they collected... seem to be in sufficient quantity. (To be continued.)

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