4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 57: Cub selection

‘Hey! The door to the train opened. This article is by . . Starting

A cub that kept crying was dragged in.

This time, the gate did not close again.

Because the cone that pulled the cubs in, is still at the door, and there is more than one.

There are dozens of cones, standing at the gate of the train, they seem to be looking at it.

Lynn’s cub-type spy has been built, and the spy stays in the cubs and observes the situation outside.

These cones did not find spies. In fact, they did not come in and checked at all. They just dragged the cubs to the surface and occasionally climbed to the window to have a look.

Now, the number of pups has reached two hundred.

Although I don't know why I need this number of pups, it seems to be enough. When the number of pups is full, the pompons on the outside will find that all the cones in the cubs suddenly stop the current one. Work, as if all of them were suddenly fixed.

Then they all came over here.

In fact, this phenomenon has been seen several times before, but they only gathered in half, and then quickly went back to continue collecting cubs.

why? Because the baby is dead,

Before the two hundred, even if they reached the number of 199, they all worked constantly.

Because some of the cubs were injured too much when they dragged over, and finally died in the train, the dead cubs can't count, they will see which one died in the window, as long as the number of dead makes the total number of pups Below two hundred, they will return to work.

These crystal larks look the same. But Lynn felt that they were doing this after they were connected. It is not the same as the division of the divisional species.

In order to get the number up to two hundred. Lin treated several seriously injured pups, which is enough for two hundred pups.

And now they are planning to...do what?

A large number of cones gathered around them, and they climbed onto the train window with the 'legs' with barbs at the bottom, observed the situation inside for a while, and then dispersed.

Then, Lynn heard a small 嗡嗡 的 sound, only to see some cones riding a small vehicle to the train door.

This is... the car used to carry baggage goods here.

It turns out that they can even open this... Then, they will drag the cubs one by one to the car.

They can't lift the pups. However, there is a sloping plate next to the car that can be put down. In this way, after the cone fills the car with a small car, it will bring the next car and continue to put the baby.

Lin estimates that at this time a certain cub will die and they will stop working immediately.

However, Lynn has confirmed that there will not be such a thing.

After filling the two car cubs, the two cones came to Lin's spy. Lin's spy was specially made to be exactly the same as the surrounding cubs, with bruised scars on his body. And it looks weaker.

These cones also have no doubt about the spy.

They dragged the spy directly onto the third car. It seems that I have not found any strange places, and I have started to drag the other cubs again.

In this way, you should be able to mix them into it...

Lin watched them pile up the pups in the car. Two hundred cubs were filled with twenty cars, and the cars were lined up in a row, leaving the aerospace dome in a very orderly manner.

These carts carrying luggage were operated by small stereoscopic devices, and Lin found that the cones were operated with the 'legs' at the bottom and operated very well.

In the surrounding buildings, the imaginary people are squatting by the window and watching the situation here. The imaginary people who still have cubs are almost glad that they have not been found yet, and those who have already been taken away are imaginary. People, there are emotions of sadness, anger, and so on, and after seeing the misery of their companions, none of them dared to come back to retake the cubs.

The vehicles were driving on the road and heading for the giant egg belonging to the black metal.

It seems that it can be directly mixed in.

The car quickly approached the Dome, and Lin's spy was in the third car, followed by the car in front and drove into the Dome.

At the moment of entering, Lin's surroundings suddenly fell into a darkness. Only the lights on the car could illuminate a small range. Lin found that the walls on both sides had a metallic luster and many strange symbols on it.

Isn't that their text? But why should you draw the words on the wall?

However, the feeling here is really special...

This seems to be a passage. The cone-driven car is moving smoothly. Lin also finds that the symbols on the surrounding walls have changed a lot. Lin recorded these ‘texts’ and may be useful later.

At present, Lin's pompoms and the captured crystallizer exchanges have made some progress. It can understand a few simple meanings, and can see if it will communicate with these words.

On the other side of the cub, the surroundings are still completely dark. The car stopped after driving for hundreds of meters. The surrounding area suddenly fell into a silence. Here, only the cubs of the cubs echoed...

The cones that drove the car also jumped out, and after they ran out of the light range, their figure disappeared.

The spy looked around and Lin felt that it was a relatively wide place. It should be a room-like space, but where did the crystal slings go? Why are you throwing the pups here?

Only five cars were placed here, and the other cars seemed to be in other rooms.

After waiting for a thousand seconds, Lin found that there was no cone of crystallizer back, so Lin decided to check this place, but the spy cub remained in a state of immobility, and changed to release some tiny arms to explore.

This time, it can also be said that Lin is testing the cells of atmospheric biological forms.

The spy released some amoeba-sized arms at the fingertips. They are almost 0.1 millimeters in size. The shape is made by the essence of Slim. They have a pair of wings that can float and fly.

These units flew at the spy's fingertips, and with their own luminous power, they observed the completely dark environment.

However, in the air, nothing can be seen except the floating dust, so Lin let them fly to the ground.

this is……

At the moment of reaching the ground, Lin saw a very wonderful sight.

Within the scope of light illumination, countless 'things' are active in Lin's field of vision. Their structures look like metal and rock, and they are different in shape, some like spherical things on the ground. Rolling, while others are running fast, and some seem to be fighting each other.

Their size is below 0.1 mm. From a small field of view, there are mountains and canyons in this place. These creatures are active on all of them. Lin feels that this seems to be a wilderness of microbes. The creatures of the clear species live here.

'Boom! When 'Lin was looking at this ‘wild field’, a dazzling ray of light suddenly illuminates from the canyons in front, and the strong light illuminates the entire room.

Lin found that the ‘gorlands’ on the ground were actually the nicks on the ground. They were like the words on the wall, which filled the room.

The smudges in these nicks illuminate the place, and the spies in the car also see that the entire space is about a few tens of meters in diameter, whether it is the wall, the ground, the roof, it is engraved a trace of luminescence.

‘Hey! When Lin looked at the changes around him, the roof on the spy’s head suddenly opened, and a black metal claw stretched out from above.

This paw caught a cub next to Lin and then shrank back.

After more than ten seconds, it stretched out again and caught another cub and retracted.

It seems that they finally decided to do something for the cubs here.

After it caught several cubs, Lin found that the claw finally caught the spy. It grabbed the spy's head with the appropriate force and lifted the spy.

Lin found that this force seems to be maintained to a certain extent, which can cause damage to some youngsters, but some of the stronger pups can withstand.

Shouldn't they be picking stronger cubs? It's like putting a baby on a train before dying, maybe they want to pick out the strong ones who survived.

But Lynn feels that they are not doing well.

Anyway, look at what they want to do now.

The spy was caught by the claws and dragged into the top wall, which was a narrow but flat passageway. After a few turns, the paws stuffed the spy into a small space.

This space can only lay down three cubs, very narrow, surrounded by cracked walls, and the entrance to the space is closed after the paws are withdrawn.

Maybe other cubs are also stuffed into the same place.

Lin found that there are also many 'metal microbes' here, but they don't seem to like to get into the wound like the common microbes. Because the spy completely mimics the other pups, including the softness of the skin, it is in the process of bringing it. Some wounds, and these metal microbes seem to be more offensive to liquids, they will avoid the dripping blood.

These creatures... may represent the living environment of 'black metal', they...

‘Hey! When Lin was thinking about it, the wall of the spy’s head suddenly opened, and Linton felt a sharp thing piercing the spy’s head.

Lin felt a cold feeling and was pouring into the brain of the spy at a very fast speed.

This spy has the same brain as a normal baby, and they seem to be entering information into this brain... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

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