"Start testing now!"

Along with the explosion of roar, the small aircraft rushed to the sky.

But when it flew close to the sky, it suddenly slammed and turned and flew into the distant sea.

"The effect is not good, re-create." And Maya is observing all this.

It built a base called 'Void Journey' on the islands along the edge of the East Continent. The name is taken from a movie, where its troops are constantly building huge warships, and it feels speed because of it. Too slow, so I started to build some small battleships.

However, their flight test results are not very good...

Because the information does not teach small warships, only teach the big battleships, so Maya is reduced according to the big manufacturing method, used to make small.

Although it failed several times, there are also possibilities for success.

It seems that Maya concentrates on research and is no worse than the length of the teaching... Lin feels that if he continues to learn, he may be able to build his own fleet.

Lin is still trying to invade the vast world of dreams created by black metal.

A long time ago, Lin had invaded the creator's dream world, but the feeling at that time was different from the present. At that time, I couldn't do anything too excessive, otherwise it would be discovered by the creator, and it seems indifferent here.

Lin found that no matter how it is done here, it seems that there will be no problem.

Although it is currently impossible to change something with brain waves, the items here have exactly the same characteristics as the outside, so say...

'boom! A strong roar rang, and a house turned into crumbs in front of the pompons.

"Ah!" "What happened?" The scream of the virtual people came from outside. They rushed here to run here.

This house was blown up by Lin. Because Lin found that the equipment inside can make enough explosives. So... Lin used these things to make a lot of explosives and blow up the whole house...

If you do this, then there will be a 'Judge' coming here, which is much faster than waiting for thirty days and nights, and then being selected into the hinterland. When Lin came in, it was just the last time to pick it up. End.

Even so, the pompons were not found in black metal. Haven't been driven out of anything...

According to the attitude of their scanners, black metal should be the only intruder who will kill all the abnormalities. The only reason why the pompons have not been killed or driven out of the dream is that they have not found the pompoms.

In this case, mixing in this place should be quite easy.

Of course, Lin does not want to stay in this place where the virtual people live. Lin wants to go somewhere else, but according to the normal process, she may have to create a spy, not found in the middle, then join the black metal group and become the inside. The top floor finally entered here. Then wait a long time to be picked.

That's too much trouble, so. Lin intends to go straight. The explosion just now is mainly to test whether they will find pompoms, and at the same time attract the judge.

These are all known on the network here and when chatting with the virtual people who have already gone to the mainland.

Moreover, the judge is not a special thing, but a virtual people. At the same time, when it comes in, it will open the door on the wall that could not pass, and then it will go out...

"What is going on here? Why is this happening?" "No, the judge is coming!" "Don't worry, it will only judge the people who make this kind of thing..." "In short, we have to go Greet it."

The imaginary people around here spoke and dispersed, and Lin followed them. These imaginary people walked to the middle of the high wall at the end of the forest, and while they arrived, the wall also sent out. A burst of noise.

I saw a crack appearing on the wall and slowly retreating to both sides.

At the doorway that opened more and more, there was a figure of a imaginary person. It was tall and wearing an old-style commander's armor.

Behind it, there were three rows of imaginary people wearing soldier armor, which completely blocked the door.

"I received a report saying that the building here was destroyed." The judge said: "You should be very clear, here is absolutely not tolerant of violence."

"Not what we did!" said a virtual person: "The house doesn't know how it collapsed..."

“Is it?” the judge said: “Let's go check it out.”

Looking at their words, Lin has confirmed her own thoughts. This judge is actually an ordinary virtual people. Before, Lin learned in the dialogue with the virtual people that the judges were also selected by the virtual people here. .

It lives in a place outside the wall, and if something happens here, it comes to trial.

The judge is not yet qualified to enter the mainland, but it can be done for a while.

So... Lin feels that everything here is aimed at the virtual people, whether it is a trial or whether it can run out.

At the time of the trial, the imaginary people went to investigate, and the blockade was not so strict. Although it was impossible to get out before the door on the wall was opened, it was very simple after opening it...

Because the door on the wall is now so open, because standing in three rows of imaginary people wearing armor, it is impossible to live here without the weapons of the virtual people.

But this is only for the virtual people.

Lin's pompoms flew past them easily, because they were invisible and they didn't notice the pompoms.

Sure enough, it is such a simple matter.

The rules here are only for not leaving the virtual people. It is very simple for a creature like a pompon to sneak out.

After flying out of the door, Lin found that there was a completely dark world.

However, there are roads with fluorescence on the ground, and there are many ramps around the road that seem to extend to different places.

Looking back, I couldn't see the towering walls, I could only see an exit that glowed at the end of the road.

It seems that this is ‘official’ to enter this dream, but then I don’t know where to go.

However, the entrance to these ramps has a sign and is written in a virtual language.

Before the cashmere ticket went to these ramps, one brand went down.

"Judges." "Inland." "Neighbors." "Sea." "Don't fall." "There is no end here." "Prison." "You should go over there." "Don't come in here!"

... seems to be a very strange sign.

However, Lynn decided to go and have a look. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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