4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 85: Alien neighbor

In the dark world.

Only the light under the body guides Lin forward...

Here is the road to the 'neighbors'.

Although Lin wanted to split the pompoms and go to every place to see, but now I decided to go one by one.

Although it can't breed here, it's okay to split a big one into a lot, but it will lose some ability after splitting, so go to a place alone.

After I went there, I went to another place, but Lynn still didn't know how big each place was, and I didn't know what was there.

Following the glowing road, the pompoms have been flying for hundreds of seconds, and nothing has been seen along the way. Only the pompons are here.

that is……

Lin suddenly found that the road ahead had become spacious, and there were a lot of forks on both sides...

Why is there a point here? If you have so many roads, you don’t know where to go, but there seems to be a brand.

The pompom flies to the fork road at the front. There are also the same road signs at the intersection, but it is not written in the virtual language, but some symbols that cannot be understood at all. Is this the text?

Is this the same as... where the virtual people live?

Lin suddenly thought of a point, but to confirm it, the pompom floated to look at each intersection, Lin found that most of the roads are very long, but one is very short, where you can directly see the end .

At the end is a square stone about two meters high, and there is a pull ring on it, and the pompom flies to the front of the stone. Gently pull the tab with the fluff.

‘Boom...’ The stone suddenly made a sound and retreated to one side. The moment the stone opens. The pom-pom suddenly felt a rush of wind with a lot of debris...

What appears in front of the pompon is a desert.

The wind and sand whistling with the wind, and in the middle of a yellow sand, there were some wonderful stones.

These stones are more than ten meters high, and there are one or two caves with a diameter of about two meters. Lin also sees some creatures crawling out of the cave.

Sure enough, this is the home of another group of creatures.

Just like the places where the imaginary people lived before, this is another place where creatures live. They may also be creatures that believe in black metal. And I don't know which creature is on the tumbling.

However, according to the previous point of view, those virtual people live in places that they think are paradise and extremely comfortable, and the desert here should be an extremely comfortable paradise for the creatures living here.

These creatures look familiar, because the sand is too big, so be close to some to see clearly...

Lin is hesitant, although I want to go in and see, but I don’t know if the door here will be automatically locked up. If it is closed, it may be like being in the virtual people.

Still so good.

The pompon split a small pompon with a diameter of about ten centimeters, and the small pompom flew into the world full of sand. It slowly progressed through the intense airflow, approaching the nearest biological cave.

This is the creature that knows...

This creature is like a stone stick with five limbs. And I didn't see any organs on the surface, I couldn't even know which side it was.

This is the creature that Lynn has seen on the Lost Star.

Will it be found here?

Speaking of it, on the lost star, Lynn barely saw this creature again, but found it in this 'black metal dream world'.

Do they look like wildlife and can they believe in black metal? However, Lin did not have a detailed study of them, so many of them did not know...

But... Lin confirmed the previous thoughts, this space may be living in some creatures in the void.

And these creatures should be creatures that were previously invaded by black metal? Some of the creatures that believe in black metal are placed here by black metal, while most others are destroyed.

Lost Star... It may have been a place with many creatures, and then invaded by black metal to cause destruction?

Although it is said that there is no surface on the surface that has been attacked, or there are traces of large-scale biomes.

This may also explain why the previous battleship was forcibly transmitted outside the transfer area to the Lost Star.

Maybe because black metal was also transmitted there before, so will it have some impact?

Seeing this, I can really guess a lot of questions... but it’s just speculation.

In the Lost Star, perhaps some search should be strengthened. At the same time, Lynn feels that she should continue to study and look at the things here.

In this way, after two days and nights.

These two days and nights are pompoms, because Lynn found that this place has no day and night, but a climate like a lost star.

The entire area can be divided into two parts: the night area and the chalk area.

The part that whizzes the dust is the continuous whiteness, and the place where the creatures live, while the other part continues to be dark.

It's quite cold inside, but it's exactly the same as the environment on the Lost Star, and it feels wonderful.

And the creatures here are like stone creatures. They do have a lot of intelligence. They communicate in a way and they are portrayed on rocks, but the content is hard to understand...

Lin didn't stay here until she continued to study them. Later, Lin let the small pompoms that came in and probed back and returned to the pompoms.

Although they are interested in them, Lin feels that they have to explore more places.

Since there are creatures of lost stars here, there may be creatures from other regions. This place is indeed quite huge.

Outside the home of the Lost Star, there are roads and road signs leading to other areas, just like the virtual people, but the road signs here should be written in the language of 'lost creatures'.

The road sign with the virtual people is the same as the virtual language.

If this is a ‘neighbor’ of the imaginary, then who is the next neighbor?

Lin didn't even know which channel was leading to the neighbors, and other channels wanted to see it... So, Lin did not go to any of the passages, but returned to the virtual people along the original passage.

Still continue to investigate the channel here, after all, the road signs here can be understood.

Although there are a few that can be understood and understood, there is no difference.

This time, Lin decided to go to the 'prison' to see if the neighbors of the virtual people are another group of creatures living in the distant tumbling, what kind of creatures are in the prison?

In general, black metal gives a comfortable life to worship their creatures, but not worship can be directly killed, why do you need a prison? Anyone who can enter here, except for Lin, should be firmly controlled. Why do you need a place like a prison...

Therefore, the pompom flew to the road leading to the prison.

The roads here... seem to be exactly the same, surrounded by complete darkness, with only a glowing road.

If there are huge creatures here, is the road also huge?

Just thinking about it... the pompom has come to the 'prison'.

It is closer to the 'neighbors', there is a hundred seconds or so, and now in front of the pompon is a black wall.

The wide open wall of this wall seems to extend into the endless darkness.

It looks like it is on the virtual ball, the wall around the black metal city, and it seems that there is no entrance.

If you fly in from above, it is estimated that it will not work. So where do you go in?


Just as Lin thought about it, suddenly a mouth opened on the black wall in front, and a cloud of light floated out from it.

That is... brain spirit?

And after it came out, the back mouth slowly closed.

It seems that we must seize the opportunity!

Thinking of it, the pompoms rushed past the fastest speed. The brain spirit saw something rushing and quickly escaping to the side, and the pompoms rushed into the back opening.

After entering the opening, Lin found that there was a wide hall inside the black wall. The walls around the hall were covered with passages. The pompoms found a passage to hide in, while fluffing to observe the situation in the hall.

After a few seconds, the brain flew in. It seemed to be turning around and looking around.

It will not be found? It feels weird... It seems that even the brain can't do anything in this space, and... it doesn't seem to be able to contact the space manager.

After it turned there for a while, it ran to other passages. It seems that it seems that there is no way to find the pompom directly through the brainwaves.

Although Lin does not know whether there is a brainwave in the brain, or maybe it is not a brain, but something else, but since it can enter and exit here, it means that it is very free.

The current situation should mean that this space is a very ‘strict’ ​​place, unlike anything like a normal dream, and Lynn feels that there may be no manager in this place...

That is to say, this dream may not be made by the brain of a certain creature, so there is no omnipotent creature in it. It may be a space that connects all creatures.

As for how to connect, it is still not clear, but it also means that it should be like the real world. If they want to find pompoms, they must grasp them directly like real ones...

In this case, Lin has many opportunities.

So, what is in this prison?

The pompoms flew deep into the passageway where they were.... Soon, Lin saw that there were some structures on both sides of the passage that looked like ‘cells’. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~lxlyandccc~ bamboo uncle ~ monthly ticket~

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