4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 90: Small accident

“This is the place where the rewards are distributed. The chapter update is the fastest”

The pompons and the creators' tentacles came to a place called the basement.

In the basement, something is placed, just as the creator needs...

In this place, the residents of the virtual people will be selected every 30 days and nights and then qualified to enter the mainland.

The same is true for the judges. Among the multiple judges, one will be selected and then enter the mainland.

And when they enter the mainland, they will get something. In the creator's sense, it is something like a pass.

So the creator's purpose is to steal this passport from them and then enter the mainland.

Why do you want to enter the mainland? Lynn didn't ask too carefully, but the creator said that he wanted to solve the black metal in some way.

Lynn is very curious, can it do...

So the creator can't breed here and can't grow, so its threat will be much smaller than it is outside.

But it seems that the creator knows a lot because he has absorbed too much information.

For now, let's see what it will do...

‘Hey! The door to the basement was also opened by the creator, and a special place appeared in front of Lynn.

Most of the houses are wooden walls, wooden floors, and some old paintings, while the basement is completely different from the above.

It looks more like the interior of the building today, the walls of the metal and the ground, with weapons and armor on both sides.

It seems that these things are worn when they go to the 'trial'. However, there are very few people who make mistakes. It is estimated that it is quite leisurely in peacetime.

And at the end of the basement. There is something like a wardrobe, but this thing is up to ten meters and there are many small doors.

"When the time comes, it will appear, we hide and take it."

The creator's tentacles climbed up the closet and found a larger door to open it: "Fleece, go in. This is our hiding and plundering place."

The pompons and creators squeezed into this small space, though small, but still enough for the pompoms and creators to stuff them in.

"The next step is to wait, wait for the emergence of those fools, next night and night, their gifts will come, and we will get it."

"What kind of place is the mainland?" It’s been a long time since the next night, and the pompom is going to talk to it.

"The Path of Light. Connect all places and places together, any life that comes here. You can walk anywhere to go." The creator said: "But all the passages are gathered to one place, the center point ""

"There are their homes, there is a huge world, and it's different from the scattered settlements around me. I ended up...and so on, something came."

"Hahahaha, this is so delicious..." I saw a virtual person opening the door of the basement and staggering in.

There is a gap in the small door, so Lin and the creator can see the situation outside.

"We are here... live... so comfortable, why should we go... go to the mainland..." The imaginary man squatted on the ground, and it took out a small square: "This, simply, don't. ""

Said, it stuffed the small square into a small hole in the center of the basement.

‘Hey! Suddenly, a crack cracked in the center of the basement. The crack quickly opened, and a spherical object with a diameter of about one meter slowly rose inside.

"Oh." The virtual people touched gently, and the sphere suddenly opened into two halves, and a smaller sphere appeared inside.

"Why, we have to fight for this? Why do we... throw it away." It took the ball out and walked to the exit.

"Kill it!" At this moment, the creator suddenly slammed the door and rushed out, and then entangled the neck of the imaginary.

"Ah... can't..." The eyes of the imaginary people slammed the tentacles around the neck, but the power of the creator was obviously quite large, and it could not break free.

"Save... life... save..." After more than ten seconds, the virtual man fell to the ground, and the small ball in his hand fell to the side.

"The madman among the fools is affected by the substance in the liquid, and the spirit is already infected."

Seeing that the virtual people are no longer moving, the creators slowly loosen the virtual people.

It seems that the way to kill them here is the same as in reality.

The pompom also floated out from the inside, grabbing the small ball before the fluff: "Is this a pass?"

"Yes, put it back, it hasn't been triggered yet, we..."

‘Hey! The creator hadn't finished yet, the door to the basement suddenly opened, and a shout of voice rang again: "Hey! I didn't say drunk, don't go underground..."

Five imaginary people stood at the door, and they looked at one of the tentacles here, a imaginary man lying on the ground, and a pompom.

After watching the two seconds, a virtual person spoke up: "What is the situation here? These things are... ah! They are stealing our passports there!"

"Kill them!" Lynn heard two identical meanings.

A imaginary man quickly rushed to the weapon placed under the wall, and the creator bounced in the blink of an eye, entangled the neck of the virtual man as it picked up the weapon.

"Ah... save me..." At the moment when it made a difficult scream, another imaginary man rushed over immediately, and the creator quickly stalked the weapon of the imaginary hand with the tentacle tail. The second virtual person who came over...

'boom! ’

Under the roar of metal, the second virtual person fell into a pool of blood.

Among the three imaginary people standing at the entrance, one fled in horror, while the other two rushed to the corner of the other side with weapons.

'boom! The creator’s second metal bomb was also shot. Although the target was accurately hit, the metal bomb was flew out.

Because these two virtual people, wearing armor.

"Fleece, kill them!"

'boom! ''what! When the creator's meaning was passed, a roar of metal bullets and a scream also sounded.

The pompon appeared behind a virtual person, and the sharp fluff penetrated into the armor gap of his neck.

The other imaginary person took the weapon and fired a shot at the creator. At the same moment that the imaginary entangled murderer was killed, the penetrating warhead passed through the creator's body. A transparent liquid erupted from it...

"Ah!" In the next second, the pompom also penetrated the virtual people, and all the imaginary people present were on the ground. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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