4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 91: Personally test

"Oh... come out..."

"Don't hide... fear and death are your ending..."

"Come out, meet your end."

This is a place called the Judiciary, which used to be a mansion.

Now, the breath of blood and fear envelopes... In the basement, the bodies of the four imaginary people are lying on the ground, and the fifth imaginary has escaped, but it has not escaped from this place.

It hid somewhere in the room, but it may not last long.

"Get out soon... I have already smelled your fear."

The creator made a low voice, licking the body under his body and radiating his thoughts to the surroundings.

"Are you scaring it?" The pompoms are floating in the house, but Lynn is not looking for it, but is concerned about other places.

There is a stereoscopic video device on the table in the hall of the house. Lin is watching the diary inside and there are some life records...

"Yes, these fools can't bear the fear." The creator said while eating: "But after finding it, don't kill it, only one left to activate."

Sure enough, the pass that Lin had seen before was not activated, and it will not be activated until the second day and night.

It can only be used to go to the mainland after being activated.

As can be seen in this diary, it seems that there are five virtual people living here. Some of them have already gone to the mainland, and these few also want to go out...

Only five? I remember that when I saw a lot of Lin, did you live in a different place?

Pompon looked at the creator who was eating, although the world could not grow and could not breed. However, you can make up your injured part of the body by ‘food’.

The tentacles of the former creator were wounded by the virtual people. It has almost recovered.

"Hurry up... I will make you feel..."

"Ah!" in the low voice of the creator. A violent scream rang and rushed out of a virtual crowd in a passage on the left side of the hall exit.

It seems that... the scream of the creator is really effective, but it seems a bit scary.

The imaginary opened the door of the hall and fled outside the house.

"Catch up with it! Fluff!" The creator immediately chased it out, and the pompom flew over...

"Ah!" The imaginary screamed and ran out of the house. It slammed the door and went to the Avenue of Light.

"Stop! You stupid object!" The creator sent its angry emotions to the virtual people, but this only led to the other party escaping faster.

The imaginary people screamed and ran. The creator has no legs, but the speed can catch up with this imaginary.

The imaginary people kept turning back and saw the tentacles on the ground getting closer and closer to themselves. It screamed again in horror and jumped forward desperately!

"No! You fool!"

"Ah-!" The virtual people jumped out of the path of light and fell into the endless darkness beside the road. In a flash, its figure disappeared completely...

"It seems that intimidation has caused the opposite effect." Pompon floated on the back and said.

"So that's it." The creator's tentacles turned and said: "We can only complete the test by us."

The pompon questioned: "We can... can we?"

"Yes, no matter what. As long as it moves, it can be achieved." The creator said: "But it fails. There is no second."


After that, the pompons and creators returned to the basement in the virtual home, and waited until the second day and night, the distance test began... now only thirty seconds left...

The judges of the imaginary people, like the imaginary people in their homes, need to pass the test to get a pass to enter the mainland, but what is the test?

"Questions, or actions, or battles, countless methods, countless kinds of tests."

The creator said so.

"Fleece, as long as you and I win, you only need to know enough about the fool, and the chance of winning is high."

It seems that as long as I know the virtual people very well, it is easy to win. So, this test should be aimed at the virtual people. Since this should be no difficulty.

‘Hey! When I was thinking about it, there was a voice in the room.

The ball that had previously placed the pass slowly rose from the ground, and a virtual voice sounded.

"Participants confirmed, two."

As it spoke, a circular hood was raised around the creator and the position of the pom-poms, covering the pompoms and the creators' tentacles.

It really doesn't distinguish between creatures, but if it's covered, it seems that the creator and the pompom can't see each other, and I don't know if the test will be the same.

"Hey!" Just then, a three-dimensional image of a female virtual person appeared in front of the pompom, and behind the image was a pile of words.

These words are in no order and look like they are casually placed.

"Now, the test begins, your test type is: problem test." The image of the virtual people said: "Please arrange the words on the screen to be the words that best praise the gods."

"...God... is it the black metal?"

The pompons stick out of the fluff and remove the words on the screen, leaving only two words: stupid.

"Answer...wrong." The image of the imaginary man shook a bit, then it continued: "Please answer the next question."

It seems that... the reaction is flatter than Lin’s thought. Lin just wants to try this and they will react. As for the question of whether or not to enter the mainland, Lin feels that there is no need to worry.

Since there is no interesting translation, I still answered it seriously... Soon the second question popped up again.

This question... It feels very difficult for the virtual people.

Lin saw that the screen was covered with dense insects, which was a common creature on the virtual mother ball, and the title was: "Please tell the number of bugs above, for ten seconds."

Although it is very simple for Lin, it is almost impossible for the virtual people to achieve.

Thinking, Lin wrote the numbers on the screen.

“The answer is correct.” The image of the virtual people said: “Please answer the next question. Are you satisfied with your current life? Choose the answer: Very satisfied, very satisfied, most satisfied, very satisfied.”

This question seems to be used to test the virtual people? Because in addition to choosing the answer, the picture can still be written into the answer, so Lin wrote ‘unsatisfied. ’

"So, your ** is not yet full, you are looking forward to living in the mainland." The video said: "When you arrive in the mainland, what do you want? What do you want to have? Please watch the next video to answer the answer."

"Unlike life here, you have to work hard to get..."

At this moment, the whole picture suddenly turned black, and in the darkness, the appearance of a tumbler was revealed.

That is... the mother ball of the virtual people?

The picture was instantly zoomed in, entered the mother ball of the virtual people, entered the city, and countless virtual people walked busy on the streets. While watching them, the sound of the film also sounded.

"The countless creatures are always so busy, silent, and always in the same thing."

"You, as one of the few who stand out from the crowd, feel very honored, but is your ability enough to qualify for it?"

As he spoke, the images in the images changed rapidly, becoming the ruins of a city, and all the imaginary people walking on the streets disappeared.

Instead, a large number of imaginary soldiers wearing armor.

"This is your army, a total of five hundred people, they wear '8 latest armor', and wear 'nail stab' battlefield assault rifle, each citizen has ten clips, treatment kits, common field tools This is all your equipment."

"There are soldiers who are faithful to you, traitors who have a bad heart, and newcomers who come here to eat and die. Every citizen's personality, strength, and ability are different. Some are useless, some are extremely powerful, you have to know How to distinguish them, allocate their tasks reasonably, and find out all the people who want to harm you."

"Your mission is to defeat all the enemy forces around them. Some of them are powerful alien creatures, some are mutant monsters that make people fear, and some are equipped with the same army as you. Their numbers and abilities are all Mystery, but definitely more than your troops, you have to use all possible methods to defeat them, whether it is to challenge them to fight each other, or to get their equipment, the limit period is ten days and nights, the winner can Pass this test."

After the introduction, the pompon found himself in the ruins of a city, and surrounded by 500 soldiers of the virtual people...

This is the real test of ability. What were the tests used in the past?

However, this test does have a test of the ability of those who are imaginary. Only a few powerful virtual people can estimate the problem here.

Don't know if the creators will have the same test? Or is it a different kind of test?

this is……

Suddenly, the pompoms saw a pair of armor and weapons underneath.

It turned out that this should have been prepared for the virtual people, but now the pompoms came in directly, so this armor and weapons could not be put on the floor with the pompoms.

"Commander!" A virtual soldier next to him suddenly said directly to the pom-pom: "The enemy forces around us have surrounded us. What should we do?"

It seems that these virtual people are used for testing and do not have a strange reaction to the appearance of the pompon.

In this case, the pompom should be able to win in some other way.

Thinking, the pompoms said to the surrounding virtual people: "Go to the edge of the city." (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 流颜~ 风碎流云~'s reward~

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