4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 130: Dream painting

"It seems that the war has begun."

"So, what information do you want from me? Fluff?"

In the void, a fluffy object and a tentacle stayed together.

The time to find the core is longer than the creator had expected. Lin felt that it might not have been found, and the black metal would destroy the entire virtual world.

If there is no intervention.

“They investigated the fools from the information sent by the fools.” The creator said: “Now, ‘black metal’ may have doubts.”


"They are suspicious of you, fluff, what are you doing to them, they are trying to define this thing." The creator said: "But they will not give up fools because they are fools calling them."

"They want to destroy these fools. They told me that." The creator said: "When I still get the information, I know what they found."

“In the beginning, they tried to get close to these fools, and soon they found the easiest way.” The creator said, “What do you want to know? Fluff?”

"Starry sky." Pompon said: "They are the stars that they can see at the initial discovery point."

"I remember that starry sky." The creator said: "But those little things that shimmer like light can't be restored in this place."

"It doesn't matter." Pompon said: "Look at the starry sky at the time."

"No problem, fluff, but if you want to try to find it, it will be very difficult."

Said, the creator's tentacles were painted on the ground.

The location of the pompons and creators is still in the vast desert before, and the creator draws a starry sky on the gravel.

Lynn wants to know where they found the virtual people.

In general, Lin wants to find a base for black metal, where is the real headquarters.

If they rely on energy for travel, then they should be living near a route on a virtual bus. According to current findings, they can also gain energy when adult virtual buses are transmitted, without having to catch a virtual bus.

However, they should not be too far apart.

"This is the original starry sky?" Pompon found that the creator has already drawn.

In the sand, the creator did restore a starry sky.

But... look for it through this, but it seems impossible, but Lin still remembers it first and may be useful in the future.

The pompoms said to the creator: "So, then draw something else, like architecture, battleships."

The creator said: "It takes a long time, fluff, I will not do this meaningless move."

"So." Pompon said: "Draw a ship that you care about the most."

"I care most about fluff, I don't care about anything about them." The creator said: "I only care about the world, a world with an endless name."

"But... I can tell you that the most "obvious" among them."

Said, the creator continued to paint.

"Fleece, don't you think that the self-destruction of the fool is very interesting?" While painting on the sand, the creator said: "They can't guess even their own kind of thinking, but they have to guess what is different from their own. idea."

"Now, draw it."

In its paintings... Lynn saw a prismatic object.

"They, living in these places, fluff." When the creator said it, he also painted a lot of complicated traces on the prism.

For now, I don’t understand what these traces are.

“There is their home.” The creator pointed to the traces above: “They live in places where the foreign objects look extremely... weird, although they have built a world of environments in this world, but in In reality, they have almost no environment at all, they only have weapons, containers, and ... prisons."

"It's more difficult to destroy them in reality, but for you, fluff, it may be simpler, but in reality, they don't show their body shape, so don't try to find them in the real world." The person said: "But if you destroy their place of residence, they will disappear."

The pompom asked: "How big is this place?"

"I haven't seen the size of the real, fluff." The creator said: "There may be a world as big or not, but you remember, when you see it, it means you are very close to them. The core is in the real world."

"But they won't be easily revealed... It seems that the fools outside are now in distress, don't you help them? Fluff?"

The creator touched the finger on the body of the pompom, and the body of the pompom was changing color.

The color on the pom-pom represents the outside situation, as shown on the map of the virtual people, with a large red color on it slowly attacking a place...

"Fleece, now you should defeat them first, don't let them collapse... those who are treated as 'shields'."

"……makes sense."

After thinking about it for a moment, Lin woke up from the dream and turned to the outside world.

In this world, the sky is red and shrouded in scorching smoke.

However, the red sky has no special connection with the smoke. The color of the sky is because of the huge squares of black metal. They occasionally spray a smoke-like substance into the air, making the original gray sky of the virtual world become like blood. general.

Lin feels that they are doing this purely to make the virtual people feel fear.

When the virtual people look at the red sky, they feel more oppressive than watching the gray sky.

Coupled with the black army, even soldiers who are trained to not fear life and death will be unable to shake their hands.

So... they need help.

In the distant ocean, the huge creatures that have just been shaped are now swimming in the direction of the city.

In the void on the other side, another unit was basically shaped, including the ones transformed with the 'Wandering Number', and also aimed at the transmission point of the virtual people...

"According to the news of the devil! We are going to usher in the first war in this world!" "Let them come! Let them feel the anger in hell! We will crush them!"

In the distant red world, countless weapons stand up and aim in one direction, which is the direction in which the enemy can appear.

Well, it seems that everything is ready now, what are the shortcomings? R1152

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