4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 131: Great army

'boom! ’

The explosion swelled under the **** sky. =


Fireworks, also drifting with the sound of crazy shooting.

Before the endless black army, a group of creatures who had set their lives and deaths kept pressing the button of the fire to dump all the barrage.

The storm-like barrage tore the air with the roar of the cannon and rushed to the black army above the horizon.

When the first metal metal slammed, several countless warheads followed.

The dazzling sparks sparked in the black metal army, the endless warheads madly hit the outer layer of the army, and the black horned dragons continued to move forward with this crazy barrage, their steel skin along with The sparks of the collision turned into debris, but they did not seem to feel pain, and they were still moving at full speed.

'boom! The huge roar, which sounded in the army of the Blackhorn Dragon, their huge body was instantly shaken to the sky.

'boom! 'The explosion continued to wreak havoc in the Black-horned Dragon army. Countless black-horned dragons were blown up to the sky, and then fell heavily on the ground. Above the walls built by the virtual people, the weapons named 7-type self-propelled guns kept on The ground bombarded the troops of the black horned dragon.

The fire of the explosion drowned the front line, and countless black-horned dragons fell to the ground during the bombardment.

"We managed to block them!" A imaginary person cheered up.

‘Hey! But in the next second, a sharp spear was inserted into its chest.

The black-horned dragon in the distance began to raise a spear or pull up the bow and arrow, ‘oh! With the sound of the air being penetrated, countless spears and arrows flew out of the smoke. They rush to their targets like raindrops. Extremely fast speeds them into the wall. The body of the virtual people, or the self-propelled gun on the wall.

"Fast shot!" In the face of the opponent's attack, the virtual people did not kneel down, but aimed at the hand of the black-horned dragon.

'boom! Under the dumping of ammunition, the black-horned dragons had not had time to throw out their weapons, and their hands were instantly interrupted.

Under the suppression of firepower, the arrows and spears flying over have become less and less, but...

'Boom! ‘A huge figure. Appeared in the army of the black horned dragon.

"It's that square!" The voice of the screams suddenly sounded in the virtual people.

The huge square of up to a dozen meters moves in the group of the black-horned dragon, and it has a dangerous light shining on it, and the virtual people are very clear about the power of this thing.

"Fast! It's now!"

Therefore, they are able to respond calmly, and the missile stations set up on the building are now aimed at the square...

'boom! At this moment, dozens of missiles were ejected with fiery tail smoke and hit the surface of the square.

The blast of fire shrouded the squares while the flames were dissipating. The cracked squares swayed to the ground.

"Oh oh! We won!"

Seeing this scene, the moral people suddenly rose morale. And when they cheered, the squares lit up again.

‘Hey! ’

The dazzling flash hit a missile station on the building.

'boom--! ! In the blink of an eye, the missiles on the missile platform were all turned into smoke, and the violent explosion smashed the roof at the same time. Countless stones splashed down and smashed into the troops of the imaginary people.

'Boom! Some of the imaginary people were crushed by mudstones, and some screamed to escape the splashing stones, but as they looked up, the sky was covered by meteor-like light spots.

"Do not……"

Looking at the light in the sky, some of the virtual people fell into despair.

However, they are not completely desperate.

‘Hey! 'When the flash of the sky appeared, some weapons installed on the wall were started. They shot a silver bullet on the light spot. When the warhead collided with the light spot, the sky was like a fireworks. A dazzling explosion.

"It's a new type of defense system!" Some of the virtual people saw a cheer.

There are many different ways of attacking a block, but there are basically two types, one is a very fast fixed-point hit, which is almost impossible to intercept, and the other is a wide range of spot scattering. .

This spot speed was slower, so the generals came up with a way to intercept these spots.

The automatic defense system shoots a special warhead, and the momentary explosion of the contact point causes the light spot to disappear, lifting the threat of the virtual people.

Because it was modified with the original things, the virtual people can create such things before the urgent war.

At the moment when the light in the sky became a fireworks, in those buildings that were still intact, the missile station fired several missiles on the square again.

'boom! In the fire of the explosion, the surface of the huge square has already rotted a part, and it is no longer able to shine again when it is swaying. It falls to the ground and no longer moves.

"Oh oh! We broke it!"

The high morale of the imaginary people makes the barrage they shoot more crazy.

The endless stream of rain is constantly blocking the army of the black-horned dragon, and the imaginary people drive the power of the cannon to the maximum, so that all the close enemy forces will be broken.

Behind the imaginary people, the remote-controlled machines that automatically transport ammunition give them an endless stream of ammunition. The capital of the generals has support from all over the world, and they do not shoot bullets.

In the course of the battle, the black horned dragons have already rushed to a fairly close distance, and when they are close to the target, they find that a huge river channel blocks their roads.

Without hesitation, the black-horned dragon that reached the riverside immediately jumped into the water.

"They jumped into the water! Open that!"

The voice of the commander suddenly rang. In the few seconds after the sound, the gray river in the river suddenly accelerated and became a flood like a flood.

The powerful water makes it difficult for the black-horned dragon to move, and some black-horned dragons are even washed out directly.

“It feels like an ancient war... but... it works! We can completely block them!”

Virtual people are generally used to attacking targets at very long distances. They are not very used to such battles.

However, they do feel that they are approaching victory now...

'boom! ’

When the imaginary people were cheering, a strong explosion made them excited and interrupted instantly.

A ramp on the bank of the river suddenly exploded, and a large amount of debris suddenly fell into the river. Although it did not cause a flow, it made the river flow much slower.

"That is...large!"

In the distance, a swaying giant shadow causes intense fear to flow into the minds of the imaginary people. A square with a radius of 50 meters appears in the group of black horned dragons.

Beside it, there are two small squares of about ten meters, just like its cubs, like its subordinates, the three squares flash together with dazzling brilliance...


The missile rigs on the building took the first step. These drum-like devices have the ability to automatically change missiles. With the sound of mechanical activities, it has changed from the original 'Stinger' to a power of more than five times. 'Peace Terminator'.

It not only has the name that makes the virtual people fear, but its power is also recognized by the virtual people. When the flames at the end are lit up, the 'Peace Terminator' is flying like a meteor, rushing to the biggest goal. .

‘Boom--! ! ’

The violent explosion made the imaginary people on the wall feel a strong shock.

But... after the explosion of smoke, you can still see the flashing square object.

It has no damage at all...

But this is not because the shell of the square is too hard, the missile exploded before hitting it.

There seems to be a layer of air-like wall that is in front of the square.

"I was intercepted... I just had nothing to do, can it be said that it will be intercepted if it is more than one kilometer away?"

Without long-range bombing, it is basically for this reason that the missile will be intercepted if it is too far away from the bombing target.

So far, they haven't figured out what the reason is, but usually it is considered that some kind of transparent object is used as a 'floating shield' to block the missile that has been shot.

In general, too close a distance will not be intercepted, but now it seems that the situation is a little different, and just when the commander did not have time to make up his mind, the flash on the far square disappeared.

It turned into a ray of light and shot at the location of the imaginary.

'boom! ’

At the same time, a building behind the wall of the virtual people sounded a roaring sound. The buildings that were hit were turned into smoke in the eyes of the imaginary people. The strong flash also shrouded the vision of the virtual people...

The stone, once again falling like a raindrop, squats on the wall of the virtual people.

'Boom! At the time of the flash burst, a large number of black-horned horns had ran out of the river. They rushed up the **** along the ramp and slammed into the wall, and the whole wall began to shake.

"Hurry up!"

The voice of the commander sounded, and the imaginary people immediately took out a large number of round objects and threw them under the wall.

‘Hey! The sound of the explosion sounded one after another under the wall, and the black-horned dragons were shocked back into the water.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a screamer screamed, and it was caught by a huge flying creature and taken to the sky.

"The flying monsters are here too!" "Is the Air Force not holding them?"

I saw countless flying shadows in the air. The iron bats spread the wings of steel and rushed to the virtual people on the wall.

The imaginary people on the ground immediately fired at the sky, but at this time...

'boom! Another explosion was heard. Another building behind the virtual people was hit. The building remained basically intact, but the middle floor was completely broken. The skewed building fell directly in the direction of the wall.

"Get away!"

All the imaginary people rushed to the two sides. The collapsed building instantly crushed the imaginary people who had not had time to escape and the walls, and the black horned dragons climbed up the debris of the building.

And the square in the distance, once again lit up. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ past tense, ~ 588~

Thanks to ~Yanyan~'s reward~

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