4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 204: Fear maintainer

Core creature? Is that creature like a brain spirit?

In the new world, Lin looks at the surrounding environment...

The creator's fear has formed a new world. The gap between the world and the previous one does not look like the same. It is the sky of the night, and the ground is like a swampy mud.

However, there was no previous plant on the mud, and it was replaced by a strange creature.

This kind of creature... It's hard to say what it is. It looks like a piece of meat that is full of deformed limbs that move slowly on the moor.

These things... are also the things that the creators fear?

Although they look terrible from the perspective of the 'fool', the creators should not be afraid to be right.

The pompoms flew through the air, and they could see such things everywhere on the ground. They moved on the ground and attacked each other with deformed limbs, but the damage was very limited and almost injured.

Looking at the things that came and went, Lin slowly understood.

It turns out that the creators are not afraid of their appearance, but their 'abnormality'.

What the creators like should be a perfect environment with countless different, colorful and rich creatures, but these pieces of meat here seem to be the product of evolutionary failure. It feels like the normal developing creatures are gone, those deformities The individual has survived and slowly evolved into this way.

So what the creators fear is this, in this world, the creatures that should not appear in the perfect world that the creators think are...

However, this place is not dangerous. Because these creatures are all slow. No attack. Not like the world of the virtual people, full of dangerous creatures.

Because a large part of the fear of the virtual people is the fear of death, so this place will be filled with the creatures that want them.

The creator does not, although Lin is still not sure that the creator is afraid of death, but it is only rooted by the tentacles, so the world can only let the creators feel fear in a way other than death.

But where did the creators go?

and also. Where is the core creature?

The pompons fly slowly through the air, continue to send the sounds that the creators can hear, and fly to the center area.

Lin can now see a huge building in the center of the building. This building is like a tall tower. Even in such a dark night, a group of deformed meat pieces can be clearly seen crawling on it.

The meat on the tower is much larger than anywhere else. Each piece is about eight meters long. The ones on the ground are only one to two meters, so there may be something special there.

The pompoms speed up and quickly approached the tower.

And when it arrives near the tower. Lin found that there was a glowing thing at the top of the tower. Could it be that... is the core creature here?

The pompom flew quickly. And the glowing thing immediately turned around and flew in the other direction when the pompoms approached.

The pom-pom pursued the light group at a faster speed. It found that the distance was slowly pulled closer to the pompom, and immediately turned to fly down and into the swamp mud.

Although it is like a light, when it flies into the swamp, it will splash water. The pompom flies above the quagmire where the light group enters. There are also many deformed pieces of meat crawling up and down, and trying to drill into the water. Some of them are slamming each other, as if they are doing something meaningless.

This is also a place to let the creators fear, these things will not work hard for life, only do something meaningless.

But what exactly does the core creature do here? What do you want to do with the creators? Or……

‘咕噜. ’

A lot of bubbles suddenly appeared in the mud below, and Lynn saw something in the mud.

What is this? Is it the previous light group?

It doesn't shine, it's shaped like a one-meter-sized, soft object, because the surface is covered with mud, so you can't see what it is.

But it doesn't seem to fly, it only floats on the surface of the mud.

"You found the core creature, fluff!" Just as Lynn wanted to approach it and check it, there was a sudden sound coming from behind, and the creator's tentacles climbed from behind.

"This is... the core creature?" asked the pompom questioningly.

“Yes, it has recently blended into this world of my fears.” The creator was not very stable when he spoke, and Lynn found that it did have a strong aversion to the surrounding meat.

But it tried to keep itself out of it and continued to maintain a steady mood: "Now, it will feel fear!"

At the end of the moment, the creator rushed to the core creature in the quagmire.

It wraps around the body of the core creature, and the core creature begins to deform under the squeezing of the creator. This feeling is exactly the same as the core creature that Lin first encountered. When they first met them, the creator twisted them. .

But at that time, I couldn’t see the objects inside the light group. Did they look like this?

It feels like a piece of soft stuff, which gives Lin an idea that the core creatures may not be energy creatures like brain spirits, they may be solid creatures.

And their entities are somewhere in the void...

'Snapped! Suddenly, this soft core creature exploded under the squeezing of the creator, which looked like a transparent liquid spattered.

"It has been solved, fluff." The creator said: "You continue to look for other core creatures."

The pompon questioned: "How much is there?"

"Yes, they are very many." The creator said: "Recently they are constantly entering here, I have seen a lot, they are far more than..."

The creator's words suddenly stopped, and its tentacles stared tightly behind the pompoms.

Lin also noticed... behind the pompoms, a lot of light clusters suddenly appeared, and the light they radiated illumined the place...

Lynn paid attention to it. They have a total of nineteen. They all seem to be core creatures, not brain spirits.

"I know you will come back and will come back to find it."

Suddenly, a core creature flew to the pompom and made a sound...

"So, we are here waiting for you."

"Wait?" Pompon said some doubts.

"Don't communicate with them, fluff, just kill them!" Suddenly, the creator jumped from below and threw himself into a core creature, and the creature escaped the creator's attack, and the creator fell. It fell to the ground.

"You will always feel the fear here." The core creature said to the creator: "You can't escape this place, you will always be a prisoner."

"Fear, not eternal." Another core creature said to the creator: "You have too few things to fear, and you will not fear this thing very quickly, but we are here to ensure that fear becomes eternal."

"But if you come to help it, this prisoner may have a chance to get out." Saying, this core creature looked at the pompom and said: "We have been trying to unlock your secrets, we want to know that you are What creature, why... and this place will be exactly the same."

"We have never been clear." Another core creature said: "But we know that you are exactly the same as this place... exactly the same."

"What does it mean?"

'boom! ’

The pompoms had just been asked, and a strong explosion exploded between these core creatures. They were blown away and some fell to the ground.

The creators quickly climbed over and entangled a core creature before they flew up.

"Do you think I can't get rid of fear?" The creator is getting tighter and tighter. This core creature is like the one before, and the ‘啪’ sound bursts.

Then the creator rushed to the next core creature.

Lin found that these core creatures seem to know what Lin is, but the creators always interrupt Lin and communicate with them.

Although, Lin does not have a big relationship, but...

'boom! 'Another strong explosion exploded in front of Lynn's eyes. The creators used brainwave attacks here to seem very effective. This group of core creatures couldn't easily get together, but they were again blown up by the creators, and the creators immediately took them. The core creatures that fall to the ground are solved.

The core creatures don't seem to care much about the creators. Each time they are blown up, they will gather again and fly to the position where the pompoms are. They seem to be doing something about the pompoms.

"We already know what you are!" Suddenly, a core creature screamed in a sharp voice, but the pompoms flashed its attack easily, while the pompoms stretched out and pierced the light. The soft object inside.

They don't seem to be communicating, but they plan to attack the pompoms directly, and several core creatures rush over, and the pompons solve them easily again.

Next, the creator and pompom kill all the core creatures in battle... at least it looks like this.

“It’s done well, fluffy.” Looking at the wreckage left by the core creatures, the creator said: “After we won, we went looking for an exit.”

"But..." the pompon questioned: "What are they doing here?"

"They may have some way to keep me here," the creator said. "This should be their original purpose, but after you appear, their purpose has changed."

"Before you appeared, they kept hiding from me, but after you appeared, they gathered together like a fool and attacked you."

"Why? Fluff, you should have guessed it yourself." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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