4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 205: Exit fear

"The sad things of those cores have disappeared... The changes in this world have also stopped."

The pompons and the creators' tentacles are now in the depths of the world of fear.

"Those stupid creatures have left me a clue." The creators said: "They seem to have made a change in the world through some method. The previous fear change is what they get."

In front of the creator, a huge mass of meat is slowly crawling, and the creator looks at the thing and says, "Now, I have no fear of this kind of thing, just disgust."

"Soon, I will ignore them, they will not affect me a bit."

Before, the world will change constantly, because it will be affected by the creator's fear. When the creator is slowly less afraid of the current world of fear, it will immediately become another world. The creator's fear of the world.

But this process seems to have been interrupted.

After killing the core creatures, it seems that the world will not continue to change, but the world that has covered the deformed meat has been maintained.

It turns out that the core creature said that the continuation of the captivity creator refers to this matter.

However, Lin is more concerned about other things that the core creatures say...

‘Lin is very similar to this world’... This is what the core creatures said, and they actually said it when they first saw them.

This question, let Lin think of some things.

Because the world can connect creatures that are far away, and it seems that there is no need to transmit signals. This feature... is indeed similar to Lin.

and. There are many things hidden in this world. It has a lot of information. Let the brain spirit develop, this place is really strange...

It seems that we must go to the 'core' to confirm... However, not the core here, but the core of the real, Lin must find it.

That thing is definitely much older than black metal, and there are quite a few secrets.

The action here is only the first step.

"We are here. Fluffy."

Now, Lin and the creator have reached the edge of the fear zone, with a rift at the edge called ‘absolutely impossible to cross’.

This name is from the creator.

This rift seems to be there to prevent the creators from reaching farther areas. It looks like a rift in the dinosaur continent. It doesn't look opposite, but it can't fly here.

If you fly over, you will be pulled to the bottom by the gravitational pull. The creators say so, but the creators believe that the export of the feared world is at the other end of the rift.

So what should I do?

"Fleece, kill me." The creator said so.

"After killing me. The world will change. This huge rift will also collapse and shorten. Fluff, you must reach the other side when it is in the process of collapse."

The pompon said: "...you are not saying, what will happen after you are not sure?"

"Yes... I can only perceive the tentacles here." The creator said: "But now it is only the way to do it."

"Fleece, if your speed is not fast enough, fear will affect you, here will be the world you fear...you can't leave here." The creator said: "There may be more core creatures coming in, they The entry caused some kind of influence, which made me unable to find the rift of the symbolic edge."

"So, this is our last chance to leave this fearful world through this edge. As long as you reach the inside, it should not generate fear any more. I will come in later."

"Is it?" Pompon said: "That's it."

At the end of the game, the pompom twisted the tentacle into a ball, stabbing the creator's tentacles.

‘Boom...’ At the moment when the creator was stabbed, there was a vibrating sound around him. Lin saw that the pieces of meat lying around on the ground were disappearing rapidly, and it seemed that the world was beginning to change.

However, the pompom did not fly, but swollen quickly.

'boom! At the moment of expansion to the limit, the pompoms blasted, the pompons and the creators, and died in the world.

In this case, Lin also lost contact with this place of fear, but Lin did not leave the world of dreams.

Because there are ten pompons in the dream world, one has been blown up before, and there are still nine left.

And these nine, now in a special position - before the huge wall of the prison.

The creator just wanted Lin to kill it and then quickly enter the marginal area, but in fact it could not confirm the possibility of success.

If it is unsuccessful, the world will become the world that Lynn fears. Then I don't know what will happen. Although Lin believes that she will not be trapped in the world of fear, she does not want to take this risk.

Therefore, the pompom also quickly commits suicide, so that there is no creature in the world. It will become a 'standby' state without any fear, waiting for the next creature to enter, becoming the fear of that creature. world.

In this case, you only need to put some creatures that are 'thought-minded'. The world formed by such creatures will not be very big. It will be much simpler to go in and explore again.

And those creatures with simple thoughts should be looking for them here. At the same time, Lin can also carry out some special actions here.

‘Hey! Suddenly, a sound came from the walls of the prison, and a glowing creature flew out of it.

That should be a jailer. After it left, the wall was opened for a while, and the three pompoms flew past and entered the prison.

This place... Still the same as before, there are roads everywhere, and the two sides of the road are full of prisons.

Look around the pompoms, then find the way I have been to fly past.

The first thing Lynn has to find is the creator, it may...

Is this its tentacles?

Lynn suddenly saw a creator's tentacle in a prison next to him... Did they shut the creator's tentacles?

Because, after entering the world of fear, the creator also said that it could not perceive the previous body and tentacles. It seemed that many tentacles were outside the prison, but because it was trapped by fear, these tentacles were in a state of immobility. May be caught back.

But Lynn’s strange thing is why they are not put back in the original place of the creator, but are separated and released...

No matter how much, what Lynn has to do is to release them... and all the creatures in the prison. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to 588~ of ~wwtdzyds~

Thanks to the root of the second carnival ~ ☆ soul の ode ☆ ~ reward ~

Thanks ~ low-key ┌ ~ wsxr ~ the more you play the more ok ~ like the water flow year ~~~~ small small shrimp ~ the monthly ticket ~

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