4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 211: Flying over the rift

"...this feeling is not very stable."

Here is the area known as the dinosaur continent, flying over the vast rift of land, and an aircraft is slowly flying.

On the aircraft, there is a creature called a scholar.

Its sights pay attention to the rift below, and sometimes pay attention to its own aircraft, and its emotions have therefore been unable to calm down.

Because, its aircraft has some problems.

The aircraft is entirely made of wood. The whole looks like a wooden shelf. The top propeller is constantly spinning and often makes strange noises. It feels like it will fall apart at any time.

In fact, this aircraft is almost entirely wooden except for the engine.

And the one who put together it is the scholar.

The scholar previously found the entrance of 'Lin' in the jungle, which is a cave on the ground in the jungle. In the cave, the scholar did not see & No & False & Lin, but it found some special thing.

These things include some food, a pile of wood, and... an engine, and a 'drawing'.

This drawing, which scholars have seen before, is part of the research data from Xiaolong. They have plans to invent such an aircraft. In fact, Xiaolong has ever produced some kinds of aircraft, and they intend to make more complicated.

The aircraft looks old, like a harbinger-made aircraft called the Helmet, but this can only be used on a single trip, and the material is mostly wood and is flying with biological power.

And this drawing has some changes. Transforming the original biodynamics into using the engine as a driving force. And this kind of engine is very similar to the 'spiral creature'. Instead of using light energy, it uses a liquid from a fruit called 'confusing fruit' as a fuel.

Is this... Lin Lin?

Scholars are excited about it, but it also thinks of other possibilities, but most importantly, scholars have become interested in what has been painted. Scholars believe that this thing can fly, and there are materials already available. Why not try it?

then. According to the above description, the scholar made the aircraft, and the nearby wood was already made, so it was easy to piece together.

Because there are many fruits near the fuel, scholars can easily collect enough, although the collection process has been deceived by those who know how to use compassion.

Once again, it will continue to be fooled, which makes scholars can not help but sigh the power of those Maoyu.

After spending a few days and nights, the scholar assembled the aircraft and tested the performance of the aircraft and found that it did fly.

but. It’s not clear how long it will take, but at least it should be able to fly through the Rift Valley.

scholar. I’m doing it now, holding the joystick in both hands, listening to the sound of the ‘咔咔咔...’ that sounds on the aircraft, and looking at the dark rift below, it feels full of tension.

It seems that the aircraft can fall apart at any time and then fall.

However, scholars still believe in the solidity of this wood, it believes that it can go to the opposite side of the rift, as long as it does not meet...

“噶——!!!” A huge creature suddenly appeared in front of the scholar. The scholar quickly slammed the lever and the creature flew past the scholar’s ​​original position and flew to the other side of the rift...

"That is... Yalong?"

Scholars remember this creature, which was the creature that Emerald Dragon used to fight, but now Jade Dragon has not used this creature, but they still seem to live on this continent.

However, the longest seen on this continent is the pterosaurs.

"It’s finally!" The scholar’s ​​eyes sparkled with excitement. In front of it, the dark rift has reached its end, and a vast plain continent appears in its field of vision.

A large number of small pterosaurs are flying in the air, and the ground is also full of large dinosaurs. This is an environment-rich area and a place that scholars yearn for.

Scholars know that although these dinosaurs are local creatures here, they used to live in the northern continent during the glacial period and returned to this place after the glacial period.

Therefore, there are some creatures in this place, they are the appearance of Maoyu after evolution, and the resources of life with dinosaurs, but most of them are inland, not common here, and most of the dinosaurs are placed Around the mainland.

With the flying aircraft flying over the plains, the scholar's gaze has long been attracted by the following biological groups, but it is also paying attention to whether there are creatures rushing to it.

The scholar's aircraft seems to be very popular. When it flies through the sky, the creatures below and the flying pterosaurs will always look at it.

However, the scholar did not suffer any danger. It flew safely across the plains and came over a jungle.

There are more wonderful creatures in this jungle, but scholars have no chance to observe them.

Of course, scholars also want to enter the mainland, where it wants to see the wreckage of the legendary creature creator, and then go to see the settlements of the dragons and white dragons.

"It seems that the distribution of the wreckage is very fragmented, but the biggest one... seems to be near our initial aggression."

The scholar picked up the video device and looked at the map, which was acquired from the information that was originally seen in the institute. It marked the main ‘landscape’ across the mainland.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, there was a voice in front of the scholar's eyes. There was a ‘fuel record table’ next to the operating lever. The pointer above had moved to the left, which means the fuel is about to run out.

This pointer is a rare metal object on the aircraft, but its watch is made of wood.

"It seems that I have to add fuel."

This aircraft is like its wooden shelf-like appearance, and its load capacity is very low. So when the scholar started, he chose food between loading food and fuel, so scholars need to find 'confusing fruit' as fuel during the journey. supplement.

Soon, scholars saw several fruit trees that were confusing on the ground.

But these trees are not rooted on the ground, but move the roots of the bottom slowly on the ground, and even a group of plant animals that are still waving their trunks to drive nearby.

"that is……"

Seeing the trees in these activities, the scholar immediately pressed the operating lever of the aircraft and flew to the nearby ground. (To be continued...)

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