4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 212: Battleship built

"The total length is more than 500 meters and the width is more than 100 meters. All the weapons on the body are the latest models. The whole body has a total of 50 melon-type cannons! The storm-class missile radiator, the shell made of the new i-type alloy, and the function. The powerful 'Light Interceptor 300' can specifically block the 'plasma' attack of alien monsters! At the same time, there are more than one hundred empty carrier aircraft... 'Monster Hunter Type 1-22!'

Under the gray sky, on the broad stage, a six-limb creature named the virtual man holds a cylindrical object in his hand and whispers a large cylindrical battleship behind him.

"Now, all of this is united as one! Become a warship that is invincible - the shuttle number!"

With a wave of his hands, the battleship behind it stopped making a huge roar, and the entire ship slowly rose.

"Now, it will go to crusade the alien monsters that invaded us!" The virtual people on the stage shouted: "It will be our pioneer! Have you heard it? The roar from the battleship reactor, that means Our future is endless void!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

As the warships started, the imaginary people gathered in the square made a loud cheer.

For the imaginary people, this is a time to celebrate, because the construction of the warships has been completed, and under the joint efforts of various countries, a ship with the latest type of giant warships has been built.

When these huge warships rose to the void, it was also the time when civilians who had never seen the void gained the opportunity to take off.

Therefore, they are particularly loud and cheering.

"Now, please speak to General Gua Gua."

After the battleship rose to a certain height. Then stopped in the air and no longer moved. At the same time, the virtual people on the stage will recede. A person wearing a special dummy stood up.

The imaginary man wore shiny armor and a large number of medals on his chest.

Although the civilians do not understand what the medals do, they all know that it is definitely amazing if they are dressed like this.

Of course, the general's face is more familiar to the virtual people than those medals.

"We have now completed all the warships, including the space station in the void." The general said on the stage: "It was assembled from the waste materials of the space station that was originally intended to be manufactured."

The virtual people originally wanted to build a lot of space stations in the void, instead of the current three, but because of various problems, there were only three in the end.

Most of the remaining materials are kept in the space station 'Nonova'. The general is now using the materials again.

“But although it is a waste material, I can guarantee the quality of this space station. Now, all refugees have the opportunity to live there and face a new life.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" The people below heard a burst of cheers again after hearing it.

"be quiet."

The general’s next sentence stopped their cheers.

"But now we still have some problems to face. Recently, the alien monsters have signs of activity again. If you want to live in the new space station, you must do the work there. Make a part for our race. Force, now. People with 'refugee certificates' can already start registering at nearby boarding points."

After the generals finished speaking, the imaginary people in the square quickly dispersed. They did not seem to care too much about the work that the generals said, but rushed to report to the newspaper office.

The general, after that, flew to the battleship on a small spaceship.

In the new command room, it began to communicate with the pompoms.

"Now, it is ready to start." The general sent the information out.

When the imaginary people are preparing to move to the space station, the general is already preparing another thing.

Send a large number of warships to the void, including its own.

'boom--! ’

Thinking of it, the general felt a sense of vibration around him. The warship began to fly to the sky and flew straight to the void.

Not long ago, the general received the signal of the pompom. The pompom told the general that the transmission of the 'coordinates' of the black metal had been discovered, allowing the general to attack the black metal.

"I don't know what's on the coordinates. They may gather a lot on the other side of the transfer point. I'm ready to attack your cue ball again. I want you to explore first, go or not, you decide. ""

The pompon is said in the letter.

It seems that the general is free to choose, but the general feels... they have no choice.

Because the generals found that they were completely controlled.

The only creature that can be transported in a distant research institute, the recent general received a report saying that it was completely uncontrolled, and forcing it would only lead to great danger.

However, it will calm down in the presence of a floating puck nearby.

The general can guess what is going on, the ice hockey except the shell is like ice, everything else is like a pompom.

Pompon has controlled ... their future, so the message is not a request, but a command.

The general thinks this way. Now, with only a common threat, it will unite with the virtual people.

But what will it do after that? The general has been trying to figure out this question... What do you want to do with the pompom? After that, does it destroy the virtual people like black metal?

I don't know, and no one knows about this...

Only the generals know it, so only it can make decisions.

"Let's go, let's go to the new area to explore."

Finally, the general still issued this decision.

The warship quickly flew into the void and flew to its destination, the new space station 'Pioneer's Land'.

The Pioneer's Land is a huge square space station that is still in an unfinished phase. In only half of the space station structure, many small aircraft are back and forth around.

Using the waste materials left by other space stations, they created this place, but there are also a lot of new materials. This is... the largest space station ever built by the virtual people. After all, it has to accommodate several cities.

But because the space structure is well utilized, it is not too big.

Because this place was originally reserved for civilians, there is no need to finish it too soon. They now allow the refugees to move in. The purpose of the refugees is to let the civilians build the space station themselves and let them do it with their own strength.

Of course, working in the void is not so casual, but civilians are usually working inside.

This will make the civilians no longer noisy to rebuild the city, and the main force of the virtual troops is still on their warships.

During the construction of the space station, the virtual people also built their warships... A total of ten new warships of up to 500 meters were built under the efforts of various countries.

These warships are specially equipped with weapons specifically designed to deal with black metal, especially a cannon that intercepts the 'plasma bombardment' of black metal.

"Although I haven't confirmed whether it is a plasma weapon, it must be a very powerful thing, but our new type of cannons will definitely intercept them!"

After seeing the report on weapons, the general was not at ease with this, but it had no way, because almost none of the black metal left useful things for them to study.

And like a metal shell of black metal, because there is no manufacturing material, it has no use.

For the study of the black horned dragon, there has been a lot of progress. The imaginary people have understood some information and life structure of the black horned dragon, but it has no meaning to the technological progress of the imaginary people themselves.

And now... they haven’t studied it anymore.

The time of departure has arrived.

Ten warships appeared in front of the generals. The general’s own ship was the eleventh. As an additional command ship, he did not participate in the battle but commanded behind.

The ten warships are the main force of the battle.

However, they are not going to fight now, but to explore. According to the information of the pompon, the coordinates of the black metal have been found. These warships will go to the coordinates to explore the place.

The danger is not dangerous in that place, no one knows, but they will explore.

Of course, they won't start to explore all the warships, and some of the squads will be sent to the area to detect and report the information they find at any time.

However, if you find an enemy, you must dispatch the main battleship and attack.

"So... get started." The general sent a confirmation order, and soon all the ships responded to the ‘ready’ message.

"That...transfer." Then the general sent the message to the pompom.

Now, people other than the generals don't know that the creatures of the institute have been controlled by pompoms. They think that the institute is still functioning properly, because only the generals can communicate in that place, so they will not have any doubts about the transmission.

'Snapped! ’

These warships were equipped with transmitters. After the flashing light, these warships disappeared into the void, and then appeared in another space.

"We have arrived."

Ten well-arranged warships appeared in the boundless void, here they are the transfer point to the pompom, but here, you can also reach the field of black metal.

"The transmission coordinates found by the institute are this position." The general sent the coordinates of the black metal to other warships, but in fact, these were all detected by Lin.

"Received, now dispatched to explore the troops."

After the other warships received the information, a small aircraft was dispatched from the bottom of the ship. A total of ten aircraft flew to the coordinates and sent a confirmation message to the general.

"Confirm the transfer."

After waiting for the general’s order to reply, these warships disappeared into the void instantly...to be continued...

:Thanks to He Tian lost in the city's windy monthly ticket


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