"There will be such a thing!"

It seems that the crystal owl also has the emotion of 'can't believe it'.

Here is the city of the crystal owl, Lin's spy returned to this place, and told the giggles and some of the crystal larvae here, about the situation there.

It includes the creatures that have encountered the metal heart... and their army is completely destroyed.

One of the interesting things about crystal bristles is that they don’t care how much they get surprised, they will first pass the message to their companions before they start to be surprised.

In this way, passing each other, and quickly made this thing all over the city, Lin found that all the crystal larks showed extreme surprise.

And the giggling is also one of these crystal larvae, they think that there is a huge thing happening.

But for now, Lin feels that nothing will happen, because Lin sees that the metal core creature has not made any special moves, it is just a defense there.

Moreover, after the resolution of the crystallized army, they will not chase the living crystal slugs, and will not attack the spies who have been there.

However, that creature seems to be quite dangerous in the legend of the crystal owl, and whenever it wakes up, a big event will happen...

However, this legend does not seem to have actually experienced any crystallizers. They are all heard, but where did you hear about it?

Like other creatures, the crystal larva also records its own history. Now, Lin wants to see it there, and it is estimated that the process of using and discovering energy by the crystal larva can also be found.

The cities of the crystal larvae generally do not record historical things. Their history is recorded in a major city, which can also be called the 'capital'.

That city. It is also the city where the largest amount of crystal larvae gather. Now Lin and Gig are going to that place. Because the giggles and a group of crystal owls are going to report things here, and Lin wants to see their history.

"So... let's go."

After passing the message and being surprised, the crystal reptiles immediately issued a decision to inform the capital's crystal larks about the metal heart creatures.

The giggle and Lin’s spy also joined the ‘notification team’, a group of 100 crystal pelicans, and at the same time launched the road to the capital.

There are tunnels to other cities throughout the city of Crystals. Lin and the giggling are now in the tunnel to the capital.

However, it is not going to go.

"You haven't seen this kind of thing? Isn't there a place in this place? We call this..."

In front of Lin and the giggling, there is a huge means of transportation, up to one meter, much like a virtual train of the virtual people, and Lin thinks this can also be called 'crystal train'.

Like a train, it is attached to a track like a line, but unlike a normal train, the train looks like a bunch of transparent spheres connected together, and under the sphere are mechanical parts and wheels attached to the track. . The crystal larvae quickly climbed onto the train and got into the sphere.

Simultaneously. Lin and the giggles also entered the sphere. There are many operating levers in the sphere. These levers are used to control the train. It seems to be able to match the control, but the car is currently automatic.

After all the crystals have boarded, it automatically starts up and goes to its target.

The train was quite fast. During the course of the operation, it was able to see the tunnels on both sides rushing backwards. The environment around the tunnel was basically full of dense metal piles, but occasionally some creatures were seen on the walls.

Most of these creatures are ‘vegetarians’ and there are no unexpected things on the way to the train.

Because the cluck tells Lin, the train is built in a very safe tunnel...

Really safe?

‘Bang...’ When Lin thought so, the train suddenly trembled a bit, and in front, there was a wonderful scenery...

Now the train has traveled to an open place. The vast metal fragments of the land are covered with a lot of twisted purple tentacles, and the train tracks are placed above the tentacles, only about ten centimeters higher.

When the train was driving over the tentacles, Lin found that the tentacles seemed to go crazy and kept twisting the body, trying to get up and grab the train.

Some tentacles will stretch the body and slam on the track of the train, which makes the train vibrate.

But fortunately the track is strong enough that they didn't break the track.

"Those are eating monsters." The giggles showed that these creatures were not safe with a quick shock, but it added: "But they used to eat cars for a long time."

"A long time ago... How long is that?"

"Unclear, it has been a long time..."

Looking at the tentacles like multi-celled creatures constantly trying to attack the train and the track, after dozens of seconds, the train finally left the place with trepidation, and the surrounding passages were restored to a narrow tunnel.

The destination seems to be quite close.

"This is the 'Capital'."

In the tunnel ahead, the dazzling light illuminates, and the moment the train gets into the light, a huge city is also displayed in front of Lin.

The city is much bigger than the city that lived before.

Looking around, there are densely-structured buildings everywhere. They are not as 'up' as in the previous cities, but have any orientation, any shape, some buildings are shaped like virtual people, and there are also like Dragons, or plants, etc... Crystallars clearly have no 'unity' to the structure of the building, and are more imaginative, and some buildings are floating in the air.

A large number of crystal snails climbed between these buildings and buildings. Some tall buildings exude light and illuminate the surrounding environment. There are also many crystal eateres riding a variety of small machines. Fly away.

The train traveled to a square in the city, where other trains were parked. It felt like a parking lot. The crystallizers on the train climbed out immediately after parking and touched the nearby capital. Crystal larvae transmit information to them with vibration.

The same is true, but before it leaves, Lynn asks about it.

The capital city, with a record of the history of the crystal larvae, giggles to tell the spy where the building is, and the spy is then separated from the giggling and heading to the building.

Lin has already learned a lot about those energies, but Lin wants to see how they invented the process of using this energy. It is like the invention of the energy of the invention, the invention of the 'fusion' and other energy processes. Lin believes that the crystal worm also has a record. How do they invent this energy, and at the same time, look at the history of the crystallizer.

It’s here...

In front of Lin, there was a huge building with a diameter of about one meter. It was a disc-shaped building.

According to the cluck, this is a small number of buildings that will not be deformed, and in it, there is a record of the crystal larvae.

It can be said that it is a place similar to a library, but there is no book in this place... It is better to say that the record hall is better.

After entering, you can see a spacious hall. Although it is vast, you can only see a few crystal snails, and there are several huge things in the hall.

These things also look like discs, but there are many entrances around the disc.

Each entrance allows a crystallizer to enter, and Lynn's spy enters the entrance around a disc.

In the space inside the disc, you can see a lot of **** protruding on the wall.

These are the things that record the history of the crystal larvae, just as the crystal singers usually use vibration communication, and these records are also expressed in vibration.

This disc is also a special kind of creature. They are also creatures that use vibration to communicate, and can record some information for quite a long time.

The crystal larva discovered the creatures and then reared them to record information for themselves.

However, because one can record a lot of information, there are not many ones. In this ‘record hall, there are only a few.

These discs have these small **** that can vibrate in the body. As long as they touch and tell it 'age', it will react and explain what happened in that era. Each ball records some things of the age. And the ball of the entire disc may have recorded the things of the virtual people for hundreds of years.

The time units of the crystal larvae are also records of common organisms, which observe changes in the surroundings and the way in which the metal mass operates.

It is unclear why these creatures have these characteristics, but according to the clucks, these disc creatures are 'not eaten' and they have many mysteries that have not yet been clarified.

Now, let's take a look at the history of the crystal squid. The era of inventing energy should be...

Thinking, the spy touched a small ball. Under the shock of the spy, it immediately responded to another shock...

These vibrations can be fully understood in the language of the crystallized...

So, did this happen at that time?

When the ball vibrates, Lynn also receives a lot of information, and the information keeps going... Let Lin know more about how they use this energy.

The process of discovery at the time, and the process of how it was used, were recorded in detail. The initial energy was discovered during the hunting of a group of crystal larvae, from the initial contact to the time of complete use. Not very long, they really use these things quite a bit, and Lynn also found some problems inside, but can improve...

After fully understanding, Lynn felt it necessary to create a new unit to carry out some tests... for example, a new type of warship using this energy. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ book worm ~ 588~

Thanks ~ book friend 1502031...~ the reward ~

Thanks ~ want to fly all the way ~ don't talk nonsense Oh ~ waste Kara ~ swing brother A Fei ~ you humans ~ the monthly ticket ~


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