4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 231: Under salt

"Ready to land! Ready to land!"

Among the voids with huge metal blocks floating, a large number of virtual people jumped on the metal.

Around the metal, there are ten ‘Hunter 10’ parked. These imaginary people are all from these aircraft. The imaginary people have gathered here now, and according to the command of the generals, they intend to thoroughly investigate the metal.

However, the possible dangers in the metal make them dare not move forward, but they are still trying to find out the environment inside. They have sent remote control machines, as well as remote control survey vehicles, automatic robots and other things to go inside and find out.

And these things have not responded after entering a certain degree, resulting in no way for the virtual people to go out and explore.

As a result, there have been more and more imaginary people entering the metal group, but this place full of weird creatures and no air has always made the virtual people unable to generate fear...

However, on the other side, a certain virtual person will always feel fear in places with oxygen and full of normal creatures.


"What is that sound!"

The scholar is in the cave deep underground. This cave is full of white, but it is not salty. The soft white sand is the main component of the ground, so it thinks it can find fresh water in these sands. Koike, and have a good time.

Now the scholar has not found the pool, but it thinks it is very close, but at the same time, it also pays attention to the surrounding environment.

Because of the need to save electricity, the light of the image device in the hands of scholars is dim and can only illuminate the area about two meters in front of it. It is difficult to see farther places.

The scholar just heard some voices in the darkness ahead. It quickly turned the light up. But nothing was seen except a bunch of white sand and footprints.

"Fortunately, it is not a carnivorous creature..." The scholar dropped his heart when he saw the shape of the footprints, but it quickly became nervous and ran quickly.

The scholar crouched down and touched the footprints on the ground: "This is wet... there is water nearby!"

The scholar immediately looked at the 'humidity detection' on the device, which found a significant increase in the moisture content of the air nearby, and the moisture was transmitted from one direction.

The scholar immediately ran in that direction, and now it feels that the throat is quite dry. I want to have a big mouth and have a good time!


Following the guidance of the device, the scholar came to a spacious place. The top of the cave had a hole that went straight to the ground. The flashing starry sky shone down, slightly brightening the brightness of the cave, plus the image device of the scholar's finger. Can see the environment of the entire cave.

In the center of the cave, there is a small pool about five meters in diameter. When the pool is seen, the excitement of the scholars has risen to the extreme.

But it is after seeing a creature in the center of the pool. Its mood has dropped to the extreme.

There is a salt jade in the pool.

Scholars have indeed heard that salt jade is a very 'bad' creature. They will find the fresh water pools in the salt and then bathe them inside, making the whole pool salty so that they can drink the water themselves.

However, this salt jade is currently not a threat to scholars.

“Hey?” Yan Yu also saw the scholar, which showed the look of fear and slightly retreated two.

Because after bathing in the water, the salt jade will wash away the salt shells on them, making them unprotected, so they expose themselves to danger.

The salt jade meat itself is not salty, very ‘delicious’, at this time it is the only time they will be attacked.

The scholar thought about it and took a step forward.

"Hey!" Yan Yu suddenly made a scream, jumped out of the pool and escaped into the depths of the cave.

"Sure enough." Seeing the salt jade that escaped, the scholar walked to the pool.

"But now..." The pool didn't look very turbid, but the outer shell of the salt jade was washed away. There should be a lot of salt mixed in it. I thought, the scholar tried to detect it with the imaging device. Salinity in water.

"Salt ratio: 25%, it is recommended not to take."

After hearing the sound of the image, the scholar gave up the idea of ​​trying it out, but another thought quickly came out.

Where does the water from the pool come from? Rain? This area obviously has little rain.

Therefore, it must have come out from the bottom of the earth!

The scholar immediately found a stone in the sand next to the pool, and the scholar walked into the pool and slammed it to the bottom of the pool.


After the scholar slammed a bit, there was a crack at the bottom of the pool, and some bubbling came up.

Sure enough, there should be water below!

The scholar immediately slammed the bottom of the pool again, and the rift suddenly expanded a lot of times and spread the entire pool...

Scholars rushed from the pool to the shore, and the cracks in the pool were still spreading rapidly...

'boom! With a burst of noise, a huge fountain spewed out of the pool!

This is... water!

The gushing spring once again aroused the scholar's emotions. It quickly rushed his head and put it on the fountain to drink.

This is very pure water, there is a faint sweetness when it comes to drinking, and the scholar suddenly feels full of a clear feeling.

After drinking, the scholar breathed a sigh of relief and then gathered up and drank again.

The scholar remembered the water that he used to drink on the 'Wandering Number'. The water there looks clean, but it is reused by the circulation of urine and many waste water. Many people do not know that they are actually excreting. Things, but traveling in the void, water is a very 'luxury' thing, so even scholars know nothing.

However, in the mother ball of the virtual people, the common drinking water is almost the same thing. It is filtered by the waste and polluted water. Scholars think that it may be the first time in the whole race that it has been drinking pure water for hundreds of years. 'The virtual people.

Then, after drinking the water, the next thing is food.

The scholar suddenly thought of the salt jade that had escaped before. The salt jade had no outer shell and looked quite fragile.

The salt jade shell not only makes the predator feel salty, but its hardness can also resist most attacks, but if there is no shell...

Then, the scholar looked at the ground around him.

There are many grotesque stones on the ground, some of which are pointed and very light and can be used as weapons.

The scholar picked up a suitable stone.

"So, let's try hunting now." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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