4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 232: History of development

Here is... the cold void.

The huge stars radiate dazzling brilliance in the distance, but they cannot bring warmth to the area.

In this ethereal void, some objects - metal fragments - float.

These pieces vary in size, but they are basically no more than a metre in size. They are slowly floating around a star far away from the star...

Why are these pieces here? No creature knows how they came from.

However, there are some creatures that have lived in this place for a long time. They live on icy metal blocks. Some creatures feed on the energy of stars, while some creatures capture other creatures on them.

Among these creatures, there is a tiny creature...the crystal scorpion.

From their ancestors, they lived in this wonderful place, they have not seen the tumbling, and have not seen more than one meter.

(No - but they have survived.

These creatures are scattered on small pieces by small communities. The original crystal larvae are very fragile...they are small and have no ability to leave their own pieces.

If you accidentally get out of the debris, you may drift in the void forever, so the crystalloid has strong claws to grasp the 'ground' under your feet.

However, they also have to solve a problem - food.

Crystals do not have the ability to use light to produce energy, but these creatures can't leave their own fragments, so they can only wait.

In fact, the creatures living here are like this, they only wait for the fragments to collide with each other. In order to get in touch with other creatures.

The crystal owl was also a waiting life. When not hitting other pieces. They go into a state of sleep, and they only wake up when they wait for other pieces to collide with their own pieces.

Then, embark on another piece to hunt the creatures there. Sometimes the crystal larvae are too large, and at this time they will be divided into two communities, some of which will remain in the original pieces, and some will embark on new pieces.

This kind of life seems to last for a long time.

The random rate of this kind of life is very large. Because they don't know what the creatures of the debris are like after they hit another piece of debris. If they are too strong, they will be hunted.

Even they don't know if there is any creature in another piece.

This era should be regarded as the ‘original era’ of the crystal larks. They live very hard, but they also have different places from the various creatures here...

The crystallizer has a higher intelligence.

Slowly, they started to think of ways because there were many smaller pieces on the pieces. The crystallizer began to use these pieces to piece together something.

They make weapons, traps and other objects. Raise the chances of their victory in the face of another unknown creature.

These crystals initially produced only a few simple things, but then their technology became more powerful and could make something more useful.

However, the manufacturing capacity is stronger and they cannot leave their small pieces.

What made the crystallary really usher in the turning point of life is... some changes in this space.

The fragments that originally floated in the void were monolithic, with only occasional small debris, but... at some point, these fragments changed.

They started to gather together.

Many of the scattered metal blocks no longer disperse after colliding with each other, but gather together as if they were stuck.

The crystallizer noticed this wonderful change, and soon they began to plan to approach these massively gathered metal fragments...

But strangely enough, these clusters of metal rarely smash into the debris that the crystal owls are waiting for, and they often fly close to where they are.

So the crystal larva also adopts the most direct method, they jump directly from their own fragments to the metal clusters that are gathered.

This method is dangerous, but many of the crystal larvae have successfully landed on the metal cluster.

These metal clusters are very special, they attract a lot of debris around them, but some specific fragments are not attracted, and the small communities of the crystal larvae are usually on those pieces that are not attracted.

Although the crystal owls didn't know what was going on, they arrived in new places in a jumping way, and in the metal group they started a new life.

These metal clusters usually have many other creatures besides the crystallized larvae, which gives the crystal larvae enough food and they begin to develop rapidly.

However, during the development process, the crystal larva found that some metal clusters will not continue to increase after increasing to a certain size, and some metal clusters will continue to grow larger.

As a result, the crystal larvae began to move to the larger metal clusters, and some metal clusters will continue to increase. The crystal larva usually sees which one is big and moves to where.

In this era, the crystal reptiles became the 'migration era', and they waited from the beginning and became active and moved around.

At the same time, the crystal larvae slowly departed from the previous 'original' stage in this process, because there are a large number of small parts on each metal group, and the crystal gems are combined with these parts to become more and more complicated. thing.

The manufacture of crystal larvae is progressing very fast. From the simple tools at the beginning to the complicated machinery behind, it has not been how long it took, probably hundreds of years of virtual time.

The life of the crystal larvae is slowly changing in their development.

These metal clusters get bigger and bigger, and the structures inside them become more and more complicated, not only crystal slugs, but also many kinds of creatures are attracted to the metal clusters.

As a result, the crystal larvae found that they no longer had to move around, and some of the crystallage groups chose to live in the inner layers of huge metal clusters and began to build their own cities inside.

At this time, through the mechanical technology they invented themselves, the crystallizer set up a rather large country, but because the size of the crystal scorpion is small, their country is no bigger, and it will not occupy too many positions.

Within the entire metal group, there is still a lot of space for other creatures to live, and the crystal larva also feeds those creatures for a living.

At this stage, if according to the civilization of the imaginary people, the crystal larks have completely separated from the ‘primitive’ stage and entered the ‘medieval’ that belongs to them.

There are many groups of crystal larvae, which are clustered on different metal clusters. When they develop rapidly, the metal cluster itself is also developing.

Many metal clusters were originally more than ten meters in diameter, but after years of accumulation, they slowly grew to hundreds of meters, even several kilometers, and tens of kilometers.

This is a huge and complex world for crystallasers, and they live quite comfortably inside.

But these giant metal clusters are not many. According to the crystal owls, there are only a few, and each has a crystal larvae living in it.

However, because the distance is too far, there is no interaction between the communities, they do not even know that there is a similarity on the other metal group.

Until some time...

Crystal larks are generally living in the outer layers of metal clusters, but they also often enter deep explorations...

The crystalloid was discovered by chance, and the deep areas showed a change. The metal inside seemed to become more and more dense. Even a small creature like a crystal owl could not find a place to go.

However, the crystal gems did not give up exploring, they were as curious as all the individual creatures, and never cared about the consequences of curiosity.

The crystallizer called this a sealing layer. The original sealing layer was something that could not be invaded, but the crystallizers were always trying to find a way. They finally dug up some passages in the sealing layer and went inside.

They found that they were completely different from the outside. The weird little pipes were all over the place. There was no such thing as a large amount of metal fragments outside, and it was replaced by a neat structure...

Moreover, when the crystal larks move here, they feel strange... They feel that something transparent exists in this blockade, which makes the crystal worms inflexible when they act, and they find When I want to jump to where I want to jump to the target, I will slowly stop in the air because of the obstruction of this transparent object.

The crystal owl refers to this object as '嘎达' and can be translated into air.

Because they have never seen the air, the crystal larva thinks that the air is a very 'evil' thing. They are invisible and everywhere. They will constantly block the crystal larvae. Occasionally, the corrosive substances in the air will make the crystal stalks Injured.

However, even with the evil air blocking, the crystal ducks did not give up the exploration in the blockade area, where they saw many strange creatures that have never been seen before.

The crystal larvae tried to bring some creatures to the city, but after leaving the blockade, these creatures soon died, and the crystal larva discovered that the evil air would have creatures dependent on it.

At the same time, the crystal larva also found something wonderful in this place... energy.

Initially, just a crystalloid was curious about the bubbles in the floating water.

What is a bubble?

This crystalloid produced this idea, and after its thoughts were passed on, the crystallizer began to study these floating liquids.

During the research, they discovered something that would change their lives... energy.

With the support of this wonderful energy, the life of the crystal larvae has changed again, and their techniques have once again risen. They have created machines that can be deformed, new weapons, and tools that can fly in the void.

Using this tool, they reached other metal clusters, contacted other crystallizers, and shared their techniques.

If it used to be ‘medieval’, then the crystal squid would be ‘modern’. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~ Fish Jumping Dragon ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ to be patient and long-lived ~ Lonely Ridge ~ Yangfu Tower f ~ fake face gunner ~ monthly ticket ~


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