4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 255: Deep underground

"Is this... a new parasite?"

In the dark tunnel, the scholar is looking at the image that he has just photographed. It finds that the back of the wound is covered with a soft gray material. ()

What exactly is this, it is completely unfeelable, but for now, it should be something that is good.

There is no way to do this. The scholars then look at the surrounding: "So, what should I do next? Continue to this place?"

The scholar hesitated.

Because the scholar received a message when he took the picture, this is obviously sent by the Master. The words written on it are also very simple: "Death is really dead."

Looking at these words, scholars decided not to explore in too dangerous places, but what is the special danger in this underground world? It seems that only the ribs are a large creature.

Li Yi is no longer here, and scholars will now look at the biological data before the action. As long as they are familiar with the habits of various creatures, they should be able to travel all over the world with only one imaging device!

Thinking, the scholars took the courage to continue walking underground.

Now it basically relies on the illuminating illumination of its own body, and in the dark, scholars have found that its vision is slowly adapting to the place where it can be seen far away, which can greatly save the power of the imaging device, so that the image can be taken The energy of the device is placed on a variety of other functions.

Moreover, there should be no dangerous creatures here. If you encounter ribs, just take a quick look at it and there will be no danger. It should be safe to explore here.

When scholars just thought about it. It stopped.

There is a pyramid in front of it. The pyramid is smaller than the previous one, only two meters high, and under the pyramid, there is a small creature.

"A treasure, two treasures, a treasure, ten treasures..."

This creature is swaying under the pyramid because it is against the scholar. Scholars don't know what it is doing, but scholars can hear it.

However, this is not a language, but a message that it exudes, a message that scholars can understand.

Because, this creature is - making brains.

After the scholar saw the creature, it hurried back and forth quietly. It seems that the brain-building blame has not yet found it.

"I know you are there." However, the information of the brains made the scholar stop: "Don't move around, I want to ask you. Are you coming to get my treasure?"

The scholar hesitated for a while and then said: "No."

"Then I have to bite you." Said. The brain-hunting turned over and looked at the scholar.

"Ah?" The scholar sneaked and said quickly: "I came to get the treasure."

"Then I can't stop biting you." After the message was finished, the brain-creating screamed and rushed over, but the scholar was ready. It immediately picked up the video device and pointed at the rushing brains... ...

'Snapped! ’

Under a strong flash, the figure of the brain-creating stopped, and the scholar immediately ran back.

"I will bite you!"

In the back, the strong information of the brain-raising came over, but what was not in line with the information was that the brain-making monster did not seem to catch up, and the scholar did not hear the footsteps at all.

The scholar did not care so much, it kept moving forward until it thought that he had reached the place where the brains could not catch it, and the scholar stopped.

"Call... I almost forgot the creature with this danger."

The scholar gasped, and looked behind him... Nothing was seen. It didn't feel like a brain-hunting when chasing it.

Well, it should be safe... But where is this place?

It seems that when I ran away, I ran to a strange place. The scholar looked around and found that there were some small pyramids, only a few meters high, and a lot.

Why are there so many pyramids?

Scholars walked cautiously among these pyramids. It is now able to illuminate. Although it saves electricity for the device, it exposes it, so scholars must always be prepared.

However, at least hiding in the pyramid will not be exposed.

The scholars have come under a pyramid. These pyramids have a doorway. The doorway is blocked with a stone. It is easy to push open. The pyramid is usually empty, but sometimes it can be seen inside.

Let's say this.

"Great, it was the kind of mushroom before!"

The scholar walked into a pyramid. The pyramid grew a lot of ‘delicious mushrooms’ that it had eaten before. After the scholars had eaten nothing, it always wanted to eat again.

Looking at the mushrooms in front of him, the scholar immediately walked into the pyramid, and then pulled all the mushrooms on the ground and put them to the lips.

"It's so delicious, these things..."

Scholars have eaten a lot of synthetic foods before, but they never felt so ‘happy’, but unfortunately, after eating this mushroom, they almost never leave a feeling of “aftertaste”.

However, as long as you eat it continuously, the taste will continue...


However, after eating a few, the scholar suddenly felt a very sleepy feeling, which made the scholar sleepy...

"Don't eat too much... can't be in this place..."

When scholars realize their problems, it finds that it is too late. This feeling makes it more and more difficult for scholars to operate the body, and its eyes are increasingly trying to close up...

"at least……"

Before falling asleep completely, the scholar moved hard to the entrance of the pyramid and blocked the stone at the entrance.

Then, its thoughts are in complete darkness...


"where is this place?"

Suddenly, the scholar found that it stood in a strange place, surrounded by strong fog, and could not see anything.

“Is this a dream? Why did you suddenly come here?”

Scholars look around, and it thinks that it is obviously not a cave, but something strange.

"It really is a dream."

After the scholar made this conclusion, he immediately wanted to raise his hand and knock on his head, but before that, it stopped.

Because, it found a ... creature in front of it?

This creature is like a white olive. It looks very soft and floats in the air.

Scholars look at this creature and can't help but have the idea of ​​trying to touch it.

"What creature are you?"

When the scholar approached it, he suddenly ‘listen’ to this thing and made a sound... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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