4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 256: Within the pyramid

"What creature are you?"

The scholar, standing in front of an olive-shaped, soft body, this creature looks quite strange, and scholars have never seen it.

This question is not issued by scholars, but the question of this creature to scholars. Its questioning method is not a language, but a kind of information similar to brain-building.

"What creature are you?"

The creature asked again, and the scholar reacted and said, "I want to ask you what creature?"

"I have never seen a creature like you." The olive-type creature said: "So I have doubts about you, why you will be here, here is our place."


When the scholar just made this doubt, it suddenly saw a lot of creatures appearing in the fog around.

"This is... Chibucha!"

Around the scholars, a large number of odd cloths appeared, they gathered around the creature in front of the scholars, and some were watching scholars.

"What the **** is going on?" The scholars questioned these Chibbugs, but the Chibha worm seemed to be incomprehensible and looked at it doubtfully.

"They are the creatures that should appear here." The creature said to the scholar: "Why do you appear?"

"I... I know." The scholar said: "It's a fungal relationship, because there are fungal parasites, so I will dream about this scenery!"

"But..." The scholar hesitated again. Before that, he slept or stunned, but he never dreamed of a similar scene. Why? Is it related to those mushrooms?

"Fungi. Why do you have a fungus in this strange creature?" The creature seems to be very confused. It directly expresses the doubtful emotions to scholars.

"I don't know. I was made by them." The scholar pointed to the Qibucha worm and then said to the creature: "What are you? Is it their population?"

"I am nothing." The creature said: "I am only the will they formed. Your intelligence seems to be very high. You can understand the situation here and understand what is going on here..."

"You are a special creature..." said the creature: "I have never seen a creature like you, although I have seen it a bit like it, but... very special, very wonderful."

The creature is talking. It seems to show emotions that are of great interest to scholars.

"I am not a creature of this world." The scholar said: "But I have been studying here and studying the creatures here. I want to learn now, what are you?"

"I... If you go through some things, you know."

"what's up?"

"That is... to find..."


When the scholar just issued the question "Ah?", the scene in front of him suddenly began to change rapidly.

“Here is...” The fog around it slowly dissipated. Scholars found themselves in an underground environment. On both sides, a few meters high pyramids lined up in a row, while in the middle it was a cracked old Old stone road.

“This is where we want to live. You can come here first.”

After that, the scholar suddenly found a black spot...


"What happened?" After regaining consciousness. Scholars find themselves in the pyramids of the past, because the entrance is blocked, and now it seems that there is no danger.

There is also a mushroom on the ground that bites half of it.

"It seems that this time I woke up, but that dream..."

The scholar remembered the thing just now, and it immediately opened the video device to view it.

In the device, the scholar found information about the Qibucha worm. Although it has been seen before, it does not seem to look completely.

“Is it a complete division of species?”

In the data, scholars have found that this kind of creatures have more individuality. Although they can cooperate as a whole, they will also communicate with each other...

However, this is not the case with another Chibbug.

According to the data, the Chibucha worms seem to have become less individualized after being parasitized by fungi, and they become more like divisional species.

The reason is most likely caused by fungi, which can have some special effects on them.

“Does it affect me too?” The scholar was puzzled, but at present it seems to have no strange problems except for a strange dream.

However, scholars feel that the geeks that may be parasitized by fungi are 'connected' in some way, and the one in the dream is the thing that connects them.

"In short, let's move on now, eating so many mushrooms seems to be full... then... move on, but before that..."

Scholars have discovered that in addition to mushrooms, the ground has a wonderful thing. This layer is soft and tough. It seems to be a certain kind of plant, but it has dried up. You can pull a large piece with a single pull. .

"This is very useful." Thinking, the scholar pulled the plants down and covered them, and the scholars covered the light on them.

Scholars almost wrap their entire body, and then reveal their hands so that they can be illuminated by hand and can cover most of their bodies.

After it was done, the scholar pushed open the stone that blocked the door of the pyramid, walked out of the pyramid, and continued to walk deep into the cave.

In fact, it doesn't know where it is deep, but because the imaging device has a record map, it is not afraid to get lost.


"I don't know where to go..."

In the dark environment, scholars have gone for thousands of seconds. The environment here is relatively simple. Occasionally, you can see pyramid buildings or the ruins of pyramids. At the same time, you can see some kinds of creatures, such as fungi. There are many kinds of luminescent fungi, and scholars have found that their own radiance can hide well in luminescent fungi.

However, this fungus is not everywhere, and scholars quickly left them and entered the darkness.

Here, you can see another big creature, a special creature.

"This is..."

In front of scholars, there are a group of creatures that are only 30 centimeters tall. Their whole body is like a crystal full of red. This creature is also called ‘blood jade’.

Blood jade is a kind of hair jade. From the perspective of scholars, it looks like a group of red crystal clusters moving on the ground. Because this kind of jade will ‘plant' crystals on the back, it has such a name and appearance.

But they are not carnivores, and their eyes have degraded. They rely on 'crystal resonance' to communicate with their peers and observe the surrounding environment.

Because they are not aggressive, scholars can safely walk through these blood jade.

"here is……"

After a large group of blood jade, scholars found that it came to a familiar place.

"Is this the place in the dream?"

There is a broken road in front of the scholars, and the two sides are full of pyramids, exactly the same as the environment seen in the dream.

"That creature seems to want me to do something here, but what are you going to do?"

On the road between the pyramids, the scholar slowly walked forward, and it found that the pyramids on both sides were quite special because they all had graffiti.

"There are brains here..."

When the brain was found before, the scholar saw it. The thing written in the pyramid with the white dragon language was about the treasure. It was made by the brain.

The brains seem to understand the language of the white dragon... But why they graffiti on the pyramid is a mystery. These creatures often do things that are difficult to understand, but even if they do, they can live well.

Mainly because their brain waves are very powerful and can affect most creatures.

Scholars have found that it has reached the end of the road. There is a tall building with a pyramid that is ten meters high, much larger than others.

Moreover, in this pyramid, there is still a lot of crystals, and the scholar's own light can only see a part, but it is clear with the imaging device.

"There should be something inside."

Going to the entrance to the pyramid without a door, the scholar looks inside...

Through the dim light, scholars vaguely see the vast environment inside. In the empty hall, the most conspicuous thing is a moving thing.

"That is... flowering?"

Scholars know that creature, which is one of the active plant species, is said to be carnivorous, but its mobility is very weak, but its attack range is very broad, and it may be attacked when it enters the pyramid.

Moreover, this plant does not seem to be afraid of making brains because they are hardly affected by brain waves...

The scholar carefully looked at the other environment in the pyramid. It seems that there is nothing special inside. The scholar then turned and planned to leave...


At the moment when it turned around, the scholar found a creature standing behind it.

"Are you here to find treasure?"

A brain-building monster stood in the position about ten meters before the scholar and sent a message to it: "I know there are many treasures here, but there are also many predators. Are you a predator?"

"..." The scholar did not answer, but took a few steps back.

"Can't you understand?" At the same time as the question, the brain-hunting went a few steps forward.

"Ah!" The scholar suddenly yelled and slammed into the back of the brain-making monster. The brain-creating singer immediately turned and looked at it: "What happened there?"

"……ran away."

When the brains were turned back, it was discovered that the scholars had disappeared.

"I can't escape, I know where you are, don't run away, look for treasure."

The brain-creating genius also followed the direction in which the scholar left... the interior of the pyramid. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Dinnick Fair ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ lost and lost ~ monthly ticket ~


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