4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 257: Unknown place

'boom--! ! ! ’

In fact, this is no sound, because it is in the void.

However, Lin did see that a dozen kilometers of meteorites turned into powder in front of the eyes.

Here, in the meteorite area, which is not too far from the red tumbling, Lin has transformed this place into a green jungle with various kinds of plants on various meteorites, and radishes between the meteorites. Some wonderful creatures are jumping.

However, this is also a huge research institute, which has been studying something...

Lin just experimented with the research, just in the vicinity of the meteorite area, where there is nothing. For the sake of experimentation, Lin specially pulled a large meteorite.

This is the first test explosion, although Lynn feels unnecessary, because there is nothing wrong with it.

But I can also know that the specific power of this thing seems to be quite powerful. If it is used to throw a black metal warship, it feels very good. At the same time, Lin has to learn to see if there is any way to defend against this explosion.

Is there anything that can block such an explosion? Lin feels that it may be difficult to find at the moment.

The warships, including black metal, may not be able to withstand this power, but the warships obviously will not be treated like this stone. Not only will the troops cover it, but the warheads that launch the weapons also need special qualities so that it will not be discovered. Will not be intercepted.

So, while experimenting here, take a look at another place.

In the depths of the world of Atlan, Lynn found a wonderful place, this place. Jean Lin remembered the underground world of the former Northland.

"This is really... underground space?"

Brave. I have also arrived at this place.

Show it in front of it. It is a myriad of densely packed plants. They are like a jungle, full of the vision of the brave.

These plants are almost green, they are mainly gray and brown, although there are various shapes of the body, but almost no leaves, replaced by a sharp acupuncture.

It feels like a coniferous plant, but their thorns are hard.

"This place. I didn't want to go in when I saw it..." The brave stretched out and touched a plant, then looked at the top of his head. The top of the head was already a hundred meters above the ground, and there was some kind of large luminous object on it. It looks like a...small sun.

‘Hey! ’

What the brave cares about is the sound from this sharp forest. In the gap between the trees, the brave can see some creatures moving inside.

"What kind of creature is that?"

The brave took up his sword and watched the creatures in the jungle guard up. This creature looks as big as the brave. It has brown skin and no outer shell. There are no long hairs and there are two huge front teeth.

According to the Pompon Devil, this should be the kind of creature called ‘鼹’, and... it actually ran over here!

After seeing the brave man, the creature immediately ran in the woods. Its figure looked fat and awkward, but it did not hurt the surrounding thorns. In the blink of an eye, it rushed to the brave.

'clang! ’

‘鼹’ bite on the brave’s big sword and made a sound of metal. It felt that the target was very hard, and then immediately retreated back, but still turned around the brave, did not leave.

"It seems that you can't fight back..." The brave raised his sword to the creature's path: "The flame of the devil, burning my opponent!"

At the moment of speaking, the flames blazed on the blade, and a lot of small spots flying like a spark of fire flew from the sword and rushed to their goal - hehe.

I didn’t seem to notice the eccentricity of the light spot, and I didn’t do it, so a small spot touched its skin slightly...

'call! A raging fire suddenly slammed, and the burning sensation screamed. It quickly rolled on the ground. At the moment the flame went out, it immediately fled into the jungle.

'Snapped! ‘And the brave did not chase, but used the previous square to take a look.

"This weapon is quite useful." The brave looked at the sword in his hand and then walked into the jungle...

'Fire Bee', this is a creature living on the sword of the brave. It is accurate to say that this sword brought by the brave is not a sword, but a certain creature. There is a large number of 'fire bees' in the interior of the sword. The creatures are not afraid of the low temperatures here, and they are only a few millimeters in size. They can burn themselves, allowing a fire bee to fly to a bear, which can cause a raging fire.

And there is a special kind of voice that can direct the fire bee attack, that is the sentence before the brave, because the fire bee is also a kind of demon.

"The creature seems to be very easy to burn."

If it is on incombustibles, this fire bee has no power, because they will burn themselves when they ignite spontaneously, but it is obviously effective just now, because the skin of the cockroach may have some kind of flammable substance.

The brave walked into the depths of the jungle, followed the footsteps of the beggar, while patted the creatures around him.

Although the plants here are full of spikes, they look different in size and type, and the ground is covered with lichens, and a few gray plants without long thorns.

There are also many small biological activities in the inside, which makes the brave people look a little fascinated.

‘咔...’ The brave felt his armor rubbed around the thorns, although the thorn did not hurt his armor, but it felt very uncomfortable.

"This thorn..." Suddenly, the brave discovered that the ones that were removed by it would fall away on the lichens that fell on the ground, and would disappear as if they were rotten.

"What is going on?" The brave man reached out and touched the lichens and found that nothing seemed special.

But why is that thorn...

The brave then got rid of a few thorns, and the thorns fell to the ground and rotted at a visible speed.

At the same time, the brave also took this process.


Just as the brave did this, it heard the voices around again, and the previous cockroaches appeared again, and there was more than one.

"Is there a total of ten?"

Ten cockroaches appeared around the brave, and they quickly approached, as if they were ready to attack.

However, the brave is most concerned about one of these cockroaches, because it is wearing armor and it looks like it is made of surrounding plants, because the armor is exactly the same color as the plants, and it is covered with Spiked.

"This thing has to be photographed."

At the moment when the brave man pressed the square button, the cockroach suddenly rushed over! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster! u


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